悦榕庄品牌故事 The Banyan Tree Stories 了解我们的历史传承与文化 Discover Our Heritage and CultureIn days gone by, the Banyan tree provided shelter to weary travellers. Symbolising the relief and comfort provided by nature, we adopted the name for our special group of hotels that stretch across the globe and offer rest and relaxation to the world-weary. 过去,大榕树为身心疲惫的旅人提供荫庇。“悦榕”象征着大自然所赋予的放松与舒适,我们以此命名我们遍布全球的独特酒店,为厌倦俗世的人们提供休憩及放松的场所。With attentive yet discreet service and associates representing more than 50 nationalities, Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts provide naturally-luxurious, ecological, culturally-sensitive experiences.悦榕庄以体贴入微的服务和来自 50 多个国家/地区的员工,为宾客提供贴近自然的奢华、关注生态、富有文化特色的体验。Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts has grown into one of the world's leading international operators in the hospitality and spa industry that manages more than 30 resorts and hotels, 70 spas, 90 retail galleries and three championship golf courses in 28 countries. The company has created hotels and resorts to suit your needs and lifestyle built on a foundation of sustainability.悦榕酒店及度假村集团已发展成为酒店和 Spa 行业世界领先的跨国经营商之一,旗下管理有超过 30 家度假村及酒店、70 家 Spa、90 家零售商店及三个锦标赛高尔夫球场,物业遍布 28 个国家。 公司以可持续性为基石打造酒店及度假村,以切合您的需求及生活方式。Banyan Tree Hangzhou杭州西溪悦榕庄Discover priceless tranquility in Banyan Tree Hangzhou; Let the splendor of nature and centuries old cultural legacy enthrall you. 探寻杭州西溪悦榕庄的无限幽雅静谧之韵; 置身于秀美的自然环境与数百年的古建筑中。Banyan Tree Hangzhou exudes the essence of modern chinos chic, combining the hallmarks of oriental design and contemporary touches across the sprawling grounds. Interiors are replete with dark wood floors, delicately carved furnishings and accented by splashes of vivid silk brocades, embroidered fabrics and detailed tapestries.杭州西溪悦榕庄流溢着传统湿地村落的精髓,处处彰显江南风韵。别墅和套房巧置灰瓦屋顶,象牙色墙点缀,内室四季灵感设计,精妙构思,浑然天成。From its tiled roofs and ivory walls, to the elaborate decor of each suite and villa, Banyan Tree Hangzhou is an exemplary depiction of traditional Chinese architecture and modern comforts, set within tranquil natural surroundings.从各套房与别墅的灰瓦屋顶、象牙色墙到室内的精妙设计,杭州西溪悦榕庄处处彰显了传统的中式建筑与现代装饰的完美结合,与周围静谧幽雅的自然环境融为一体。公开招聘日时间:每周二和周四 10:00-16:00地点:杭州西溪悦榕庄酒店人力资源部如果您拥有高星级的酒店相关工作经验并拥有良好的英文听说能力,对生活充满热情,欢迎加入我们的团队!请应聘者携带一张一寸彩色照片及身份证原件及复印件。