1.To check daily function sheets and diary for correct listing and lastminutes changes.
2.To directly supervise onstorage handling and inventory of all equipment.
3.To directly supervise in physical set up and breakdown ofballroom and function rooms.
4.To co-ordinate functionswith BQ Service Officer and Banquet Manager.
5.To Check time cardsweekly and prepare staff attendance log book.
6.To develop andresponsible for on the job training for captains and Waiters.
7.To greet guests, go through all the functions in detail withthem, advising them on proper timing.
8.To issue maintenanceorder to Engineering Department.
9.To inspect all banquet area before off duty, ensuring allbanquet equipment and function set up are proper and clean.
10.To brief all staff on details of the function. Supervises their performance in a highstandard.
11.To prepare floor plan and equipment for thefunction.
12.To assign duties of all banquet staff before thefunction.
13.To accomplish any reasonable request ofthat are necessary for an efficient operation.
14.To carry out any other duties as andwhen required by supervisors.
华尔道夫酒店系列是希尔顿全球的奢华品牌。每家华尔道夫皆秉承华尔道夫酒店所独有的品牌传承,极具意义的历史地标建筑、原创艺术的内部装饰、享誉至尊的产品与无与伦比的服务,完美的融为一体。每一家华尔道夫酒店皆被视为“绝佳之精品”。上海外滩华尔道夫酒店是一座拥有传奇色彩、恒久建筑与深厚历史的奢华酒店。它结合了上海外滩闻名遐迩的历史与文化及二十一世纪的繁华。在两幢综合建筑里,设置了260间奢华配置的客房和套房,环境现代时尚的餐厅和酒吧,可俯瞰上海城市美景、璀璨闪耀的宴会厅,精致奢华的水疗中心,设施完备的健身房,无线网络服务等,各功能设置精致巧妙,构成一幅美丽的图画,展示出只属于上海外滩华尔道夫酒店的宏伟和精致。上海外滩华尔道夫酒店自2013年起连续8年荣获TripAdvisor全球旅行者之选,《Condé Nast Traveler康泰纳仕》2020年悦游读者之选中国区酒店排名第二,2019年度读者之选中国酒店前三名,2019年KOL公信力金榜城市经典酒店。 酒店地址上海市黄浦区中山东一路2号地下2层 酒店人力资源部微信公众号 Hotel HR Department QR Code