華邑,中华待客之道的艺术 華邑,上海大华长风華邑酒店是洲际酒店集团旗下根据中国消费者习惯所倾力打造的国际豪华酒店品牌。華邑®深刻洞悉国人餐饮及商务社交之需求,致力于提供成孰完善的社交空间,以全球知名的卓越管理体系为依托,热忱发扬以礼|尊|和|达|为核心理念的中华待客之道,今“社交达人”们在商务活动中、亲朋好友聚会间,宾主尽兴、万事顺心通达! 上海大华长风華邑酒店由大华集团投资建造,委托洲际酒店管理集团管理,座落于风景优美的长风生态区,毗邻上海长风公园,紧邻地铁15号线长风公园站。酒店将于2022年9月份开业,酒店共有豪华客房312间,设置大型宴会厅、多功能厅,配备中餐厅、全日餐厅、举茗邑、面家等餐饮设施,是您住宿选择、举办会议及婚宴的绝佳场所。“myWellbeing是IHG对所有同事的承诺。我们支持同事的健康,生活方式,和工作场所。 myWellbeing也体现了我们的文化和价值观,我们支持每一位同事,赋能他们成 为最好的自己!” HUALUXE Shanghai Changfeng Hotel is an international upscale hotel brand tailor made for Chinese consumers, retaining the essence of traditional Chinese culture. At HUALUXE®, we understand the needs of Chinese business elites for dining and socializing whilst exhibiting the art of Chinese hospitality that revolves around‘eat’and‘meet’. We provide custom services and unique spaces for social interactions. HUALUXE Shanghai Changfeng Hotel is invested and built by Dahua Group and managed by InterContinental Hotels Group. It is located in Shanghai Changfeng Park and next to Metro Line 15 Changfeng Park Station. The hotel will open in September,2022.