Position Summary 职位概述:
1. Creating a warm and welcomingarrival for guests, ensuring that they feel expected and immediately “at-home”when they arrive.
2. Checking-in guests in accordancewith their reservation details, ensuring that the registration card iscompleted, reservation information confirmed, Honours and Frequent FlyerNumber enquired about, and method of payment secured.
3. Ensuring that guests are escortedto their room that the hotel facilities and room features are explained, andthat luggage is delivered in a prompt manner
4. Handles complaints promptly andefficiently, taking the necessary action, and informing the Guest ServiceManager for follow up, where appropriate. Follow up with all guests to ensuresatisfaction with problem resolution.
5. 采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知宾客服务经理。回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。
6. Maintains awareness of guest’sprofile and specific preferences, ensuring that they are acted upon for eachreservation.
7. Acts as the first point ofcontact and liaison for Hilton HHonors guests and VIP guests, ensuring thatthey are treated personally and recognized as an individual.
8. Liaises with Sales, Reservationsand the Business Development team to handle corporate.
9. Promotes HHonours and itsassociated benefits to guests who are not already enrolled in the program.Ensures that existing HHonours members receive personal and professionalservice that recognizes them as important guests and that their benefits arereceived.
10. Allocates rooms in accordance tothe guests reservation, preference and remarks, maintaining a systemized andsales focused approach to room inventory management.
11. Ensures that guest profiles andinformation is input in to the Police Report system in a timely and accurateway.
12. Adheres to the company creditpolicy at all times when handling cash, credit card transactions, city ledger,providing currency exchange services, LPO and third party payments for rooms,meetings, F&B and any other charges that may be incurred by guests.
13. Follows up on outstandingaccounts to ensure no loss of revenue and secures method of payment for upcoming reservations.
14. Maintains the efficiency ofdeparture by checking all guest folios to ensure accuracy of charges.
15. To undertake any other reasonabletask or request as directed by the management.
Required Qualifications 任职要求:
1. Demonstrated excellent PeopleManagement, Communication skill, selection and counselling skill
2. Training skills certified byeducational or training organisation
3. Knowledgeable of Reception andCashiering
4. Good at English, especially oral andwritten English.
5. Demonstrated strong leadership andsupervisory skill.
6. More than 1 year of the same position experience.
南京希尔顿酒店是由江苏朗昇置业股份有限公司投资、由希尔顿全球集团管理经营的国际白金五星级酒店。酒店坐落于六朝古都,江苏省南京市河西CBD核心地段,毗邻万达广场和商业步行街,步行2分钟可到达2号线集庆门大街地铁站,10分钟车程可达南京奥体中心及南京国际博览中心,20分钟车程可达南京南站,40分钟车程可达南京禄口国际机场。酒店共有333间设计独具匠心的客房,4间风格迥异的特色餐厅及酒吧,占地1846平米的会议及宴会场地。1200平米无柱式宴会厅,高达9米,翘首城中,另有7间独立多功能厅、一间董事会议室,满足会议策划者的多样需求,整体设计处处体现南京“虎踞龙盘,山水形胜”的古都历史文化精髓。我们热情的欢迎您,加入希尔顿全球这个温暖的大家庭,积极践行我们的价值观,享受工作与生活的乐趣,并与我们蓬勃发展!我们是希尔顿,我们诠释待客之道!加入希尔顿全球,我们为您提供:具有市场竞争力的薪资水平优质的免费员工自助餐免费的公寓式员工宿舍及交通补贴每周双休、享受国家法定假日和带薪年假全面的社会保险及住房公积金福利丰厚的年终奖金计划免费的制服洗涤服务舒适的免费洗浴室及休息室丰富多彩的员工活动和出游计划为团队成员量身定制培训课程和发展计划免费的希尔顿网络大学课程培训免费的希尔顿全球英语培训希尔顿全球酒店的员工入住及餐饮优惠希尔顿全球姐妹酒店交叉培训希尔顿旗下酒店的内部调动及事业发展机会交通信息:公交路线:可乘坐57, 82,7, 166, 37,等公交路线于江东万达广场站下车,步行2分钟左右即可到达。可乘坐61, 129,路公交车于水西门大街江东门站下车步行5分钟左右即可到达。地铁路线:地铁2号线:集庆门大街站下车后5号出口步行约2分钟即可到达。 酒店人力资源部办公室地址:南京市建邺区江东中路100号负一楼(万达写字楼E座对面员工通道入口) 求职请携带近期彩色1寸照片,身份证复印件、相关学历或岗位资质证明原件及复印件。 联 系 人:李女士联系电话: 025-86658888 转 6909邮 箱: Eileen.Li@hilton.com酒店地址: 南京市建邺区江东中路100号