紫璋台项目位于宁波千年古镇“弥勒文化之乡“奉化区溪口镇,酒店坐落在有“浙东唐诗之路”的九曲剡溪畔。剡溪流域人文底蕴积淀深厚,2000多年来,以其景致优美、神秀造化引得历代文人墨客纷至沓来,游访吟咏不绝,特别是唐代李白、杜甫等众多诗人入剡揽胜,留下了大量传世佳作。有人说剡溪是含“唐”量奇高的一条溪流,全唐诗2000多位作者当中,有1/5到过这里。唐代以后到过剡溪的雅客士人也如过江之鲫,数不胜数。紫璋台东靠武岭门,北邻雪窦山,周边四明群山环绕,三面临水。整体建筑以徽派风格为底蕴,白墙黛瓦、错落有致;而布局设计则将苏式园林的精致典雅、曲径通幽的特点融入其中,亭台、花园,溪水和远山,完美诠释了紫璋台自然美和人工美的和谐统一。酒店共有别墅212栋,这里,311间全别墅套房星罗棋布,每一栋都精心设计,旨在为宾客带来极致的舒适与宁静。会议中心拥有最大宴会厅达到1600M²,总计3400M²的宴会和会议场地,可同时容纳1500个会务客人。酒店餐饮中心设有悦季全日制餐厅、紫云阁中餐厅和风格各异的包厢 15个。独立的康乐中心设有儿童乐园、室内泳池、健身房等功能。为了给光顾酒店的客人提供一站式的服务体验,酒店内还设有针对小车和大巴车的快慢充电桩。作为宁波新兴的休闲、康养度假酒店,紫璋台交通区位十分优越。距离雪窦山16分钟,弥勒圣坛8分钟,高速出入口4分钟,溪口站6分钟,宁波机场31分钟,距离上海虹桥也仅两个半小时车程,是长三角地区自驾出行和休闲旅游度假新的高端目的地选择。酒店建成后,我们将通过管理团队专业的运营和科学的管理,把紫璋台项目打造成奉化酒店业服务含“金”量最高的酒店。The Zizhangtai project is located in XikouTown, Fenghua District, a millennium old town in Ningbo known as the"hometown of Maitreya culture". The hotel is situated on the banks ofthe Jiuqu Shan River, known as the "East Zhejiang Tang Poetry Road".The cultural heritage of the Shanxi River Basin is profound. For over 2000years, its beautiful scenery and exquisite craftsmanship have attracted acontinuous stream of literati and poets from all dynasties, who have visitedand recited poems. Especially during the Tang Dynasty, many poets such as LiBai and Du Fu came to Shanxi to explore, leaving behind a large number oftimeless masterpieces. Some people say that Shanxi River is a stream with anextremely high amount of Tang poetry. Among the more than 2000 authors of Tangpoetry, one-fifth have visited here. After the Tang Dynasty, there werecountless literati and scholars who had visited Shanxi like crucian carpcrossing the river.To the east of Zizhang is the Wuling Gate,to the north is the Xuedou Mountain, surrounded by the Siming Mountains, andfacing the water on three sides. The overall architecture is based on theHuizhou style, with white walls and black tiles arranged in a staggered manner;The layout design incorporates the exquisite and elegant features of Su stylegardens, with winding paths leading to secluded surroundings. The pavilions,gardens, streams, and distant mountains perfectly interpret the harmonious unityof natural and artificial beauty of Zizhangtai.The hotel has a total of 212 villas, with311 all villa suites scattered throughout. Each building is carefully designedto bring ultimate comfort and tranquility to guests.The conference center has the largestbanquet hall of 1600M ², with a total of 3400M ² of banquet and conference venues, which can accommodate 1500conference guests at the same time. The hotel's catering center has a Yuejifull-time restaurant, a Ziyun Ge Chinese restaurant, and 15 private rooms withdifferent styles. The independent leisure center has functions such as achildren's playground, indoor swimming pool, and gym. In order to provide aone-stop service experience for hotel guests, the hotel also has fast and slowcharging stations for cars and buses.As an emerging leisure and wellness resorthotel in Ningbo, Zizhangtai has a very advantageous transportation location.Located 16 minutes from Xuedou Mountain, 8 minutes from Maitreya Shrine, 4minutes from highway entrance and exit, 6 minutes from Xikou Station, 31minutes from Ningbo Airport, and only a two-and-a-half-hour drive from ShanghaiHongqiao, it is a new high-end destination for self driving travel and leisuretourism vacation in the Yangtze River Delta region. After the hotel iscompleted, we will build the Zizhangtai project into the hotel with the highest"gold" content in Fenghua's hotel industry through professionaloperation and scientific management by our management team.