· In the absence of a Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known 当经理不在的时候,主持当日简短的会议确保饭店各项活动和运作要求传达下去
· Endeavour to resolve all complaints during shift and logs all complaints in log book for further follow up当班期间尽力解决好所有的投诉并记录以便以后跟进
· To assist and direct the service staff with direct service to the guest, enduring that the service standards are maintained and that guest satisfaction is kept at a high level.根据服务标准协助服务员为客人进行服务以确保客人具有较高的满意度。
· To check each room on a daily basis, to ensure that all set up are completed within the required time, and that all set ups are per the standards as laid down in the banquet service policy.检查所有厅房的配置,确保按时、按标准,准备好所有所需物品。
· To follow up with Engineering and Housekeeping on a weekly basis, to ensure that all areas of maintenance are completed与工程部和客房部每周进行检查,确保所有区域设施设备的正常。
· Deal with irregular payments处理非正常的结帐方式
· Supervise the maintenance of service equipment检查服务设备的保养
· Monitor standards of guest facilities and services监督客用设施和对客服务的标准
· Control stock and monitor security procedures控制库存和监督安全程序
· Report at all times to the Management of the Department any customer complaint or problem situation.随时向上级报告部门内所发生的客人投诉和特殊情况
· Supervise functions监督部门的活动
· Supervise outlet service监督服务
· To participate in the set up and breakdown f all functions, and assist at all times to the best ability.参与所有活动的细节安排,随时保证最好的工作表现。
昆山时代皇冠假日酒店位于前进东路333号,毗邻昆山时代大厦(昆山经开区管委会办公大楼), 美丽的夏驾河从中蜿蜒穿过。 酒店交通便利,步行至地铁11号线夏驾河公园站仅需5分钟, 开车至上海虹桥国际机场仅需30分钟。酒店配备532间设计新颖的客房及套房为您提供皇冠假日水准的舒适享受;酒店配备超过5500平米的宴会、会议场地,三层无柱“时代大宴会厅”面积超过3300平方米,可以承办各种类型的大型商务活动,也是高档鸡尾酒会、中西式婚宴、各种小型会议的理想选择。皇冠会议总监及其团队一站式的专业服务,将确保您每个会议及活动的圆满成功。酒店拥有3个风格迥异的餐厅,无论是本土客人还是国外来宾,无需远行,即可在这里享用世界各地品种繁多的美食佳酿。在繁忙的工作和商务活动之余,客人可以体验我们的酒吧、健身中心、室内恒温泳池等休闲娱乐设施。昆山时代皇冠假日酒店全新层次的殷勤招待和完善服务,为您呈现无数精彩视角。不管是工作、娱乐、休憩、放松,都为您的昆山行提供超凡体验。