· Responsible for the supervision and control of the Bell Services, Transportation Department this consists of the Bellboys, doormen and drivers
· Responsible for sorting and distributing guests and administrative mail and returning mail to the sender for forwarding mail
· Provide information pertaining to all hotel services, local places of interests, restaurants, doctors, sightseeing tours and any other information likely to be of the interest to guests
· Be prepared to recommend first and foremost the hotel’s own Food and Beverage outlets before any other, making himself totally familiar with the operating times and each outlets benefits
· Ensure that all arriving and departing guests receive prompt attention
· Ensure the lobby is always kept in an orderly fashion and that ashtrays are kept clean
· Coordinates the paging of guests in the lobby, Food & Beverage outlets, and where considered appropriate by the Management
· Receive calls from the guests requiring Bell Services, assign Bellboys without any delay
· Maintain records of services rendered by Bellboys, e.g. check in, check out, delivery of messages, mail, parcels etc.
· Responsible for the maintenance of the hotel information directory (function board) and ensures that the information shown in current and accurate at all times
· Prepares efficient work schedule for Bell Services, arranging holidays and vacation, taking into consideration project occupancy and forecasts and any large group movements, especially those with early or late arrivals or departures
· Ensures that all bell staff and drivers are neat, clean and punctual at all times and that they perform the task assigned to them promptly and efficiently
· Handle problems associated with guests and liaise with department heads or executive management in the absence of the Assistant Manager.
· Maintains and controls the use of the luggage room, ensuring that luggage is properly stored and labeled at all times
· Ensure that all equipment within the section is properly maintained and in good working order at all times.
· Maintain a logbook to record all import events and matters for follow-ups and forward it to the Front Office Manager every morning
· Ensure daily departing time of due-out guests and arranges for taxis, shuttle arrangements and limousine services to the airport if required
· Co-ordinates VIP arrivals and departures
· Monitors that the Concierge staff is engaged in their daily duties-greeting of guests at entrance, carrying baggage, rooming of guests, daily directory postings, transfer arrangements
· Co-ordinate with Tour Co-ordinator to facilitate the delivery of groups baggage.
· Ensure that the flags are raised and always in good condition per established procedure
· Look into the maintenance of luggage trolleys to ensure that they are in good working order
· Personally conduct training classes for Bellboys on rooming procedures as established by the Front Officer Manager
· Ensure that the Concierge counter and main door are manned at all times
· Ensure that Bell Service equipment is properly maintained
· Inspect the cleanliness of all hotel vehicles and ensure all procedures related are carried out consistently
Handles or resolves any guest complaints and establishes good relationships with guests and clients of the hotel.
昆山时代皇冠假日酒店位于前进东路333号,毗邻昆山时代大厦(昆山经开区管委会办公大楼), 美丽的夏驾河从中蜿蜒穿过。 酒店交通便利,步行至地铁11号线夏驾河公园站仅需5分钟, 开车至上海虹桥国际机场仅需30分钟。酒店配备532间设计新颖的客房及套房为您提供皇冠假日水准的舒适享受;酒店配备超过5500平米的宴会、会议场地,三层无柱“时代大宴会厅”面积超过3300平方米,可以承办各种类型的大型商务活动,也是高档鸡尾酒会、中西式婚宴、各种小型会议的理想选择。皇冠会议总监及其团队一站式的专业服务,将确保您每个会议及活动的圆满成功。酒店拥有3个风格迥异的餐厅,无论是本土客人还是国外来宾,无需远行,即可在这里享用世界各地品种繁多的美食佳酿。在繁忙的工作和商务活动之余,客人可以体验我们的酒吧、健身中心、室内恒温泳池等休闲娱乐设施。昆山时代皇冠假日酒店全新层次的殷勤招待和完善服务,为您呈现无数精彩视角。不管是工作、娱乐、休憩、放松,都为您的昆山行提供超凡体验。