· Supervise all aspects of kitchen cleanliness andco-ordinate the effective utilisation of all kitchen attendant within theeffective manning levels, ensuring that all kitchen areas are maintained in ahygienic condition at all times and ensuring adherence to hotel standards
· Control of food purchasing levels in liaison withthe Stores person
· Control the drafting of rosters, ensuring each areais effectively covered and within keeping of the hotel’s annual manning andpayroll budgets. These guidelines to be provided by the General Manager
· Maintain a sound knowledge of the hotel’sprocedures for purchasing of food stocks, the control of purchasing levels andensuring all necessary measures are in place to maintain budgeted food cost inall areas, while ensuring adequate food stocks and maintaining standards
喀纳斯禾木假日度假酒店,位于禾木(吉克普林)国际滑雪度假区,是度假区内第一家国际连锁高端品牌酒店,酒店临近景点喀纳斯景区、禾木景区。喀纳斯禾木假日度假酒店的215间客房均配有软硬双枕,让您享受舒适睡眠;高速网络让您时刻保持连线。 在酒店现代的健身中心健身,焕发身心活力,光顾TBC,尽情品味厨艺大师的创意杰作,或是享用全日营业的TBC的美味佳肴。何不在大堂以下午茶或是晚间鸡尾酒犒赏自己? 童趣满满的布迷亲子房和“儿童食宿欢乐尽享”礼遇,为家庭客人带来更多惊喜。假日酒店标识性品牌服务定能让宾客在酒店宾至如归,笑由心生。