1、Provide feedback to management on changing market conditions, including competition and market trends
2、Use both account interaction and publicly available tools to monitor competitors' activities as it relates to both the hotel and the portfolio of accounts and share relevant information with key stakeholders in line with hotel procedures
3、Network within one’s portfolio of accounts to build relationships with key decision makers and other relevant staff
4、Conduct client meetings as well as planning and coordinating site introduction tours and inspections
5、Where applicable, supervise, manage and train Business Development Executives and Business Development Coordinators in carrying out their responsibilities
6、Ensure accurate and timely updating of an accurate record of all relevant activities in the provided Sales System (i.e. Delphi; Opera; etc.) for future reference and control purposes
确保所提供的销售系统中所有相关活动的准确记录(i.e, Delphi, Opera; etc),以供日后参考及管制之用
七鲤古镇项目位于章贡区水东镇七里村,赣州古城的东侧、贡江江滨,东与赣县章贡村交界,南接贡江与沙河镇相望,距赣州城区约3.5公里,规划区总面积约100公顷。项目用地面积1571.93亩,投资25.23亿元,为投+建+营一体化经营模式。 中交七鲤古镇(赣州)文化旅游有限公司隶属于特大型建筑类央企“中国交建”三级项目公司,与“赣州市章贡区文旅集团”、“浙江中青旅”联合组建。负责该项目的投融资、设计、建设、运营维护等工作。 项目以“宋窑古埠,幸福七鲤”为主题,分为门户文创休闲区、瓷窑文化会展区和古镇风情度假区三大区域,依托“瓷窑、漕运、庙会、客家”四大文化精要,致力打造“红三角”绿色经济圈的首席文化型古镇目的地、赣南首席休憩度假综合体和赣州首个商务文创示范区。