1.建立年度完整的整合市场传讯计划,包括可测量的目标、策略和执行计划, 并每月检测其执行情况
Toestablish an annual and fully integrated communications programme withmeasurable objectives, strategies and action steps, and monitor progress on amonthly basis.
Toassist in the preparation, utilisation and update of an Annual Marketing Plan,broken down as necessary by division and/or department.
Tomeasure, interpret, prioritise and evaluate the effectiveness of marketingcommunications activities through an ROI analysis and adjust as necessary.
Todevelop and maintain active contacts with the press and key media people, andevaluate all media solicitations and exposures.
Tomonitor all current attitudes and public statements concerning thehotel/complex in foreign and local media.
Tomaximise targeted publicity and coverage of the hotel/complex’s positioning,promotional programmes, corporate image building and other relevant activities.
Toassess advertising needs and opportunities for the hotel and obtain initialapproval of local media campaign proposals from the Director of Marketing andChief Operating Officer.
Toensure all hotel/complex advertising and collateral (local Food and Beverage,Spa, recruitment, etc.) are of consistent high standards, and that they complywith Hyatt International’s brand standards.
9.推荐并与我们的合作伙伴, 例如:豪华品牌公司,信用卡公司,银行,航空公司及慈善机构,线上平台紧密合作,从而促进市场目标得实现。
Toidentify and work with targeted partners such as luxury brands, credit cardcompanies, banks, airlines, charitable organizations, digital channels etc. tosupport the marketing objectives.
Toclosely work with team members to maximise use of relevant data includingcustomer profile, behaviour, and yield for the planning and evaluation ofmarketing communications.
Topromote corporate programmes, Hyatt sub brands and sister hotels.
宁波柏悦酒店坐落于享有“西子风韵、太湖气魄”美誉的宁波东钱湖畔,是凯悦酒店集团旗下的最高品牌——柏悦在全球的第一家五星级度假酒店,同时也是继北京柏悦酒店(银泰中心)、上海柏悦酒店(环球金融中心)后,在大中华地区的第三家柏悦品牌酒店,已于2012年1月10日全面开业。 宁波柏悦酒店是一座拥有 218 间客房的豪华度假酒店,由低层建筑和私人别墅组成。宁波柏悦五星级酒店坐落于风景优美,环境清幽的东钱湖畔,距离上海仅有 2 个半小时的车程,是度假休闲,休憩身心的理想之地。 独具特色的酒店餐厅将引领潮流,而富有激情的员工将为客人提供细致入微的真诚服务。设有开放式厨房的悦轩餐厅、内设亭阁式私人包间的钱湖渔港餐厅以及提供各式中西茶点的茶苑,均呈现出了精致摩登的设计理念。此外,酒店宴会厅和七间多功能会议室是各式会议活动的理想场所,也是举办浪漫婚礼的梦想之地。 酒店设有先进完善的健身中心、室内恒温泳池以及拥有无限湖景的室外泳池。同时,酒店的悦湖水疗设有十间宽敞舒适的美容理疗室,将为客人创造难以忘怀的美好水疗体验。