房务部总监 Director of Rooms
发布于 10-16
房务部总监 Director of Rooms
宁波 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 招1人



§  确保房务部的各项活动符合集团相关的战略,以及酒店各项行动计划的适当执行。

Ensures that the Rooms activities are aligned with the respective Corporate Strategy, and that the Hotel Actions have been implemented where appropriate

§  在行政委员会中代表房务部的所有职能。

Represents the Rooms function on the hotel's Executive Committee

§  监督准备和更新各个部门运营手册。

Oversees the preparation and updates of individual Departmental Operations Manuals

§  定期召开整个部门的沟通会议并确保部门的例会和会议的有效性和必要性。

Conducts regular divisional communications meetings and ensure that departmental briefings and meetings are effective and conducted as necessary.

§  确保客史档案的维护和使用。

Ensures that guest history files are maintained and utilised



Customer Service

§  始终确保所有员工实现酒店品牌的承诺及提供超出客人预期的服务。

Ensures that all employees deliver the brand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times.

§  确保前厅部员工提供适当的优质服务给内部客人。

Ensures that employees also provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate

§  亲临公共区域观察对客服务情况,并与客人进行交谈,必要时,通过部门经理辅导员工的对客服务技能。

Spends time in public areas observing employee-guest interaction and talking with guests, working through Heads of Department to coach employees in guest service skills as necessary

§  礼貌且高效地处理所有内部及外部客人的投诉及要求,并跟进确保问题圆满解决。

Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.

§  借助良好的工作关系,维护与客人及同事间积极的交流及互动。

Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships




§  通过员工综合技能的运用,综合作业的分派及灵活的工作时间安排,以优化员工的生产力,从而达到酒店经营的财务目标并满足客人的期望。

Maximises employee productivity through the use of multi-skill, multi-tasking and flexible scheduling to meet the financial goals of the business as well as the expectations of the guests

§  确保每个收入部门(例如:客房、电话、客衣服务)的运作能通过升级销售,定价策略和合理的收益管理,做到收入和利润的最大化,同时确保实现酒店品牌的承诺。

Ensures that each revenues generating department (e.g. Rooms, Telephone, and Guest Laundry) is operated in line with maximising revenues and profit through up-selling, pricing activities and proper yield management, while delivering on the brand promise.

§  在确保实现酒店品牌承诺的同时,确保每个消费部门(比如:客房部)的运营成本最低化。

Ensures that each cost centre (e.g. Housekeeping) operates with the lowest possible cost structure while also delivering on the brand promise to the guest

§  协调准备年度商业计划。

Coordinates the preparation of the Annual Business Plan for Rooms

§  召集相关的部门经理对酒店经营业绩状况进行策略性分析和准确到位的预测。

Strategically analyses business performance to facilitate accurate and meaningful forecasting, involving the respective Heads of Department as appropriate

§  协同相关的部门经理,根据主要业绩指标主动对成本进行合理控制。

Proactively manages costs based on key performance indicators, working through the respective Heads of Department as appropriate

§  确保遵循与财务记账,帐务处理及营业执照相关的酒店、公司及当地的政策与法规等,及时准确的汇报财务信息。

Ensures that all hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to financial record keeping, money handling and licensing are adhered to, including the timely and accurate reporting of financial information




§  准备,使用并且更新年度市场营销计划,必要时按部门明细分析。

Prepare, utilises and updates an Annual Marketing Plan, broken down as necessary by division and/or department.

§  持续不断地对当地、国内或国际市场趋势,和其他酒店运营进行评估,从而确保酒店的运营处于领先竞争位置。

Constantly evaluates local, national and international market trends, vendors and other hotel operations to make sure that the hotel’s own operations remain competitive and cutting edge.

§  鼓励部门经理寻找市场营销和公关的机会,从而增加知名度及生意。

Encourages Heads of Department to look for Marketing and Public Relations opportunities to increase awareness and ultimately business.

§  积极的参加每周收益管理会议,监督定价结构的合理性,确保收益及整体利润的最大化。

Actively participates in weekly yield and revenue management meetings, oversees the appropriate pricing structures to maximise yield and overall profits.

§  与市场营销部保持联系,接待常客和潜在的客人。

Entertains frequent and potential customers, in liaison with the Marketing Department




§  关注所有入住及退房客人的入住体验, 协助部门经理,确保完美无缺的服务体验并在必要时进行调整。

Oversees the Rooms experience from check-in to check-out for all guests, working through each Head of Department to ensure a seamlessly perfect guest experience and make adjustments where necessary.

§  确保给客人提供最基本的品牌标准服务外,也要为客人适时提供多种选择的品牌服务。

Ensures that all company minimum brand standards have been implemented, and that optional brand standards have been implemented where appropriate.

§  适时会见并问候常住客及贵宾,确保恰当地处理他们的预定,房间分配及登记入住。

Meets and greets regular and VIP guests as appropriate, ensures the proper handling of all of their reservations, room assignments and check-in experience.

§  确保执行酒店客人奖赏计划。

Ensures the implementation of the hotel’s Guest Recognition Programme.

§  定期检查客房以及其他房务部管辖区域,确保维护既定的标准。

Regularly inspects rooms and other Rooms areas to ensure that the set standards are being maintained.

§  与工程部一起维护客房及公共区域达到最高标准。

Works with the Engineering Department to maintain guest rooms and the public areas to the highest standard

§  反馈消费者审计报告结果,以确保相关改进措施的跟进执行。

Feedback the results of the Consumer Audit and to ensure that the relevant changes are implement

§  以协助和灵活的态度与其他行政委员密切合作,关注酒店的整体成功和客人的满意度。

Works closely with other Executive Committee members in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests

§  坚持发扬“群策群力”的精神,确保全体房务部成员以协助和灵活的态度与其他部门合作。

Ensures that Rooms employees work in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”




§  监督并协助招聘筛选部门所有房务部员工。确保部门经理遵守酒店的招聘原则,依据素能来选择员工。

Oversees and assists in the recruitment and selection of all Rooms employees. Ensures that Heads of Department follow hotel guidelines when recruiting and use a competency-based approach to selecting their employees

§  监督房务部所有员工的按时出勤和仪容仪表,确保他们根据酒店和部门的仪容仪表规范,着装整齐并保持高标准的个人卫生及形象。

Oversees the punctuality and appearance of all Rooms employees, making sure that they wear the correct uniform and maintain a high standard of personal appearance and hygiene, according to the hotel and department’s grooming standards

§  通过适当的培训,指导和/或辅导发展每个部门经理的技能和能力,从而提升部门经理的效率。

Maximises the effectiveness of Heads of Department by developing each of their skills and abilities through the appropriate training, coaching, and/or mentoring

§  进行部门经理的年度职业发展面谈,协助他们完成职业发展目标。确保他们同样对他们的员工进行绩效评估。

Conducts annual Performance Development Discussions with Heads of Department and supports them in their professional development goals. Ensures that they in turn conduct annual Performance Development Discussions with their employees

§  确保在培训经理和部门培训员的协助下,部门经理为其员工设计有效的培训项目并执行。

Ensures that each Head of Department plans and implements effective training programmes for their employees in coordination with the Training Manager and their Departmental Trainers.

§  鼓励员工开拓创新的精神,并认可他们所作出的贡献。

Encourages employees to be creative and innovative, challenging and recognising them for their contribution to the success of the operation

§  支持并执行以人为本, 体现并发扬凯悦的价值观和文化特色。

Supports the implementation of The People Philosophy, demonstrating and reinforcing Hyatt’s Values and Culture Characteristics

§  确保员工对规章制度全面理解。

Ensures that all employees have a complete understanding of and adhere to employee rules and regulations

§  确保所有员工遵守酒店,公司及当地有关火灾和自然灾害的安全常识。

Ensures that employees follow all hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to fire and hazard safety, and security

§  反馈员工意见调查表的结果,并确保相关改进措施的执行。

Feedback the results of the Employee Opinion Survey and to ensure that the relevant changes are implemented



Other Duties

§  参加必要的所有会议,并积极参与讨论。

Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required.

§  熟知员工和行业的法律条文。

Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in employee and industrial relations

§  确保保持高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。

Ensures high standards of personal presentation and grooming

§  始终对管理和个人行为负责, 并且积极展现酒店管理层和凯悦国际的形象。

Exercises responsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representing the hotel management team and Hyatt International

§  与竞争酒店、其他公司,尤其是旅行社和当地的商业团体及航空公司的相关人员,建立长期稳定的关系。

Maintains strong, professional relationships with the relevant representatives from competitor hotels and other organisations, especially travel agencies, local business groups and airlines

§  随着行业、公司和酒店的变化,对房务部职能作出相应调整。

Responds to changes in the Rooms function as dictated by the industry, company and hotel

§  熟知酒店的员工手册并且理解酒店的规章制度,尤其是有关火灾,卫生,健康,与安全的政策和程序。

Reads the hotel's Employee Handbook and have an understanding of and adhere to the hotel's rules and regulations and in particular, the policies and procedures relating to fire, hygiene, health and safety

§  完成其他合理分配的职责和任务。

Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned

目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
对这个职位感兴趣? 最佳东方APP扫一扫 直接和HR聊一聊吧~
  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 中外合营(合资.合作)
宁波柏悦酒店坐落于享有“西子风韵、太湖气魄”美誉的宁波东钱湖畔,是凯悦酒店集团旗下的最高品牌——柏悦在全球的第一家五星级度假酒店,同时也是继北京柏悦酒店(银泰中心)、上海柏悦酒店(环球金融中心)后,在大中华地区的第三家柏悦品牌酒店,已于2012年1月10日全面开业。 宁波柏悦酒店是一座拥有 218 间客房的豪华度假酒店,由低层建筑和私人别墅组成。宁波柏悦五星级酒店坐落于风景优美,环境清幽的东钱湖畔,距离上海仅有 2 个半小时的车程,是度假休闲,休憩身心的理想之地。 独具特色的酒店餐厅将引领潮流,而富有激情的员工将为客人提供细致入微的真诚服务。设有开放式厨房的悦轩餐厅、内设亭阁式私人包间的钱湖渔港餐厅以及提供各式中西茶点的茶苑,均呈现出了精致摩登的设计理念。此外,酒店宴会厅和七间多功能会议室是各式会议活动的理想场所,也是举办浪漫婚礼的梦想之地。 酒店设有先进完善的健身中心、室内恒温泳池以及拥有无限湖景的室外泳池。同时,酒店的悦湖水疗设有十间宽敞舒适的美容理疗室,将为客人创造难以忘怀的美好水疗体验。 