具有国际品牌酒店2两年销售主任的工作经验Job Description
Assists in consolidating and preparing Sales report
Establishes and maintains strong relationship with the established clientele and constantly explores into new business opportunities
Handles guest and employee enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems. If no immediate solution can be found, to ensure that the necessary follow-up is conducted in a timely manner
Professionally conducts routine telemarketing activities to identify new accounts
Prepares compiles and distributes the weekly/ monthly reports in a timely manner
Assists in the compilation of Market Surveys and Competitor Researches reportEmployee Specification
Holds a diploma or suitable qualification in Hospitality or Tourism Management
Strong project management and organisational skills
Thorough understanding of selling techniques and marketing concepts
2 years work experience as Sales Executive in a hotel desirable通过点击以下发送申请键,您确认已阅读《环球凯悦员工隐私权政策》,并同意我们根据《环球凯悦员工隐私权政策》使用您提交给我们的个人信息。特别是,您同意我们能够将您的个人信息交由我们的人力资源部经理及员工在美国及世界其他辖区内审阅及参考。请浏览网址 employeeprivacy.hyatt.com查看《环球凯悦员工隐私权政策》。
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于2008年秋季开业的上海柏悦酒店,坐落于上海环球金融中心79至93楼。位于浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区中心区的上海环球金融中心, 楼高101层,492米,是世界上最高的大厦之一,造就上海柏悦酒店成为世界最高的酒店之一。这幢环保型的摩天大厦由兴建东京享负盛名的六本木新城的森大厦株式会社(Mori Building)负责兴建。 为保持一贯对产品质素和服务水平的严谨态度,酒店只设客房174间。所有客房都能眺望黄浦江和浦东的壮丽景致。标准客房面积由55至60平方米(592至646平方呎),成为全城最宽敞雅致的客房。所有客房的顶棚高度均设定为3.1米高,使客房更增加宽敞感。 酒店的14间套房面积由130至194平方米(1,400至2,088平方呎)。八间特别套房内的主人睡房均备有两张特大床,浴室内设有特大浴缸,带有开放式厨房的私人宴会厅可为客人私人款待之用。每间套房均配有私人管家,酒店拥有一支由20个经过层层选拔、严格培训而成的管家团队,为客人提供柏悦品牌享誉盛名无微不至的个性化服务。