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新加坡Spa Esprit集团创立于1996年,旗下拥有13个自创品牌,其中包括10个时尚品牌和3个餐饮品牌。新加坡当地有500多名员工,店铺面积总数达6万平方英尺,营业额达2千万美金。除新加坡,还在马来西亚,印度尼西亚,菲律宾,迪拜,英国伦敦,美国纽约,中国香港和上海等地开展业务活动。集团拥有强大的管理团队,领先的业务模式和品牌,于2009年进军上海,22010年进军中国香港和美国,目前在上海已开设8家店,并开始开拓全国市场和门店运营,为此总部将进行大规模招聘,为不同岗位的人才提供发挥的舞台,并提供具有竞争力的薪酬,工作优异者可获得海外培训或工作机会。目前运营海外两个专业美容服务品牌:Strip - 概念热蜡脱毛和Browhaus - 眉型屋Strip 品牌简介:自2002年第一家概念热蜡店诞生以来,Strip始终不渝地追求为每一位顾客带来前所未有的最佳蜜蜡脱毛和除毛体验。伴随着标志性的巴西式脱毛和HSQ原则(卫生-Hygiene, 速度-Speed, 品质-Quality),Strip的门店已遍布全世界10个城市,从伦敦到上海Strip的顾客总数已超过200万…并还在持续不断的增加…Browhaus 品牌简介:Browhaus—眉型屋,做为 Strip的姐妹创意美容沙龙,为眉毛修饰问题提供一系列的解决方案。不论男士、女士均可到Browhaus体验全面眉毛修饰服务:包括拔眉、镊子修眉、棉线挽眉和蜜蜡修眉。轮廓鲜明、整齐干净的眉毛定能让脸部增添动人光彩。Browhaus,眉部修饰和造型诉求的基地,已经席卷全球啦,从新加坡,到吉隆坡,、马来西亚、纽约、香港,上海!公司网址:http://www.spa-esprit.com公司网址:http://www.strip-shanghai.cn公司网址:http://www.browhaus.cnSpa Esprit Group Profile. Click to download: (http://www.spa-esprit.com/files/cp.pdf)- around 60,000 sq ft of retail space operated by us alone in Singapore with 350 employees, USD20MM turnover and not including overseas businesses and franchises.- 10 brands created by us including 7 Life Style and Beauty Services brands and 3 F&B brands.- In Business for 13 years and have fast internationalizing now. Presence in Singapore, Malaysia, The Philippines, Indonesia, Dubai, UK. Next up is Shanghai, Beijing, HK and US.- Strong management te110am and business model and branding.- Business plan for 20-30 outlets in Shanghai.- Aggressively hiring and there is overseas job opportunities for many staff across all levels.Owner and operator of two specialty beauty services business, Strip, Ministry of Waxing and Browhaus, the Brow SalonSTRIPThe first concept wax shop, Strip Ministry of Waxing was born in Singapore in 2002 with a mission to carry out the best waxing and hair removal anyone has ever experienced. With our signature Strip Brazilian and our HSQ mantra (Hygiene, Speed and Quality), Strip and now boasts more than 2 million bushes pruned...and counting...in 10 cities, from London to Shanghai!BROWHAUSBrowhaus, the Brow Salon, is Strip’s sister salon which provides the solution for all your brow-tidy problems. Browhaus is a place for ladies (and men) to go to be plucked, tweezed, threaded and waxed thoroughly so that your face can enjoy the virtues of a tide brow that has shape, volume and panache. Browhaus is the base for all your brow grooming and styling needs...from Singapore, to Kuala Lumpur, to Manila, New York, Hong Kong, and finally, Shanghai!