• 督导餐厅的日常工作和服务,以确保各项政策,程序和标准的正常运作以满足和超越客户的期望为目标;
• 协助和监督下属的工作,协助餐厅经理完成日常工作计划的准备,以确保有足够数量的服务人员为顾客提供服务;
• 协助和确定培训需求及计划,并确实执行已制定的培训活动;
• 确保对所有应急程序, 产品促销, 产品知识,重要客人,宴会和员工的了解,以便能答复他们的要求和问题;
• 完成设定的行政职务,如主持和参加会议,撰写报告,工作日志和工作职责相关的文件;
• 充分了解餐饮及酒店产品知识。
• 有同岗位工作经验1年以上;
• 录用条件需符合岗位需求,详见岗位职责。
1. 购买雇主责任险,购买五险一金;
2. 免费提供一日三餐(含休息日),菜式丰盛,有餐后果、糖水、凉茶等;
4 .每周五天工作制,每天八小时制,享受国家法定节假日,转正享有5天带薪年假、婚假、产假、陪产假、带薪病假等;
5. 完备的培训体系,包括入职培训、岗位培训、语言培训、兴趣培训、店外培训等;
6. 丰富的员工活动,年终晚会、拔河比赛、篮球比赛、羽毛球比赛、酒店知识竞赛、年度旅游等。
佛山恒安瑞士大酒店 Swissôtel Foshan is situated closely to the Foshan Highway, which connects to Shunde, Nanhai district and Guangzhou city. Short distance assessment to Huang Fei Hong Memorial Hall, ZuMiao Temple, Lingnantiandi Square, etc. 佛山恒安瑞士大酒店座落于汾江西路和城门头西路交汇处的祖庙商业中心和汾江金融区地段,交通便捷,紧临佛山到广州、顺德、南海的高速公路。邻近飞鸿纪念馆,祖庙和岭南天地等景点。 All 226 guest rooms & suites and serviced apartments provide an elegant atmosphere and feature state-of-the-art technology and exclusive amenities such as a free internet connection. Executive rooms and the Swiss Executive Club lounge offer a series of executive benefits. 226 间客房,套房及服务型公寓均具有典雅的氛围,并配备先进技术及尊享设施,例如免费的互联网连接,与外界轻松保持畅连。尊贵的行政房和瑞士行政俱乐部酒廊更为您提供一系列的行政礼遇。 Our nine exclusive meeting and function rooms ensure that each event is tailored for to make each event a successful one.九个特色宴会厅及多功能会议厅,全方位细心满足您会议的需求,确保所有宴会活动的独特规划得以顺利实现。 At Swissôtel, start the day in the right way with nutritious Vitality dishes from our breakfast buffet. We also help to maintain healthy choices at afternoon tea and drinks, where you can find balanced, low-fat Vitality options on our menus. 在瑞士酒店,享用活力营养的自助早餐开始崭新的一天是您的不二之选。下午茶和饮品我们也提供更多营养均衡、健康低脂的菜品选择。 It is a place where guests can enjoy their favorite beverages or a quick snack while lounging comfortably. “The Flow Lounge & Bar” is a lobby lounge, where guests would like to unwind, gather, see and be seen. 您可以舒适地坐在沙发上享用自己钟爱的饮料或小吃。“馥澜吧”是一个适合放松消闲、倾谈聚会的大堂吧。 The restaurant offers traditional Chinese dim sum breakfast as well as lunch and dinner in a elegant environment located on 5th floor. All dishes are cooked with fresh and natural ingredients. If you want to taste authentic Chinese cuisine and teas, then the Imperial Deluxe Restaurant is your dream place to be. 佛山闹市中的华丽新派粤菜食府,名厨们选用天然食材制作的星级菜肴,每道制作工序都一丝不苟。宾客既能品尝以传统技法烹制的中式美味,还能享受到宁静典雅的用餐环境。 Italian Classic Cuisine with corresponding wines, grappa and coffee specialties make your visit to a feast for your taste buds. 意大利经典菜式,配以红酒、格拉巴以及咖啡,为您的味蕾提供一次真正的饕餮盛宴。 A fully equipped fitness center featuring state-of-the-art exercise equipment for you to sweat our the day’s fatigues and anxieties. An outdoor swimming pool with stunning city views and a Spa with a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere that will reawaken your inner soul. 配备设施完善的健身中心为您带来畅快的健身体验,室外游泳池及水疗中心俯瞰城市景致,充分放松您的身心,悄然唤醒美好的记忆。福利待遇:- 薪资待遇优厚;- 购买雇主责任险,五险一金;- 免费提供一日三餐(含休息日),含有餐后果、酸奶、糖水等;- 安全舒适的住宿环境,提供阅览室、电视机、空调、WIFI、免费洗衣、24小时热水;- 每周五天工作制,每天八小时制,享受国家法定节假日,享有5天带薪年假、婚假、产假、陪产假、带薪病假等;- 完备的培训体系,包括入职培训、岗位培训、语言培训、兴趣培训、店外培训等;- 丰富多彩的员工活动,包括年度员工旅游、年终晚会、月度的主题活动等。