关于明宇商旅植根中国,放眼全球的明宇商旅股份有限公司是领先的全服务酒店集团,旨在为旅行者创造生命灵感体验,向酒店、度假村、康养目的地、服务式公寓等不动产项目提供规划设计、建设管理、运营管理、金融服务等一体化解决方案。明宇商旅是《HOTELS》全球酒店企业30强,连续十年位列中国饭店集团60强,是中国最大的高端酒店集团之一。明宇商旅及其子公司绿地酒店管理公司、明宇丽呈酒店管理公司共拥有20余个酒店及精致餐饮品牌,是凯悦集团、雅高集团、洲际集团等在华重要伙伴,截至2024年第一季度,已发展400余个酒店项目,管理资产规模超过1200亿元人民币。About Minyoun HospitalityRooted in China but focusing on the wholeworld, Minyoun Hospitality Corporation Ltd. is a leading full-service hotel managementgroup which creates inspiring experience for the new generation of travelersand provides integrated solutions including planning, design, constructionmanagement, operation management and financial services for real estateprojects such as hotels, resorts, rehabilitation centers and servicedapartments. As one of the largest high-end hotel group, MinyounHospitality listed in the top 30 of “HOTELS ” in the world and has been keptamong the “Top 60 Hotels in China” for 10 consecutive years. Over 20 hotel& restaurant brands are under Minyoun Hospitality and our holdingsubsidiary Shanghai Greenland Hotel Management Co., Ltd. and Minyoun RezenHotel Management Co., Ltd.. Furthermore, we are the first third partymanagement strategic partner of Hyatt Hotels Corporation in China, SofitelBeijing Central is also managed by us. As of the first quarter of 2024, MinyounHospitality and our holding subsidiaries have developed and operated more than400 hotel projects covering more than 60 destinations in 8 countries. the scaleof asset management is over CNY 120 billion. 职业发展在明宇商旅,员工是我们发展的基石。明宇商旅的用人之“道”是:我们选人的标准:诚信为先,聚焦翘楚,着眼于国际化思维。我们用人的标准:让专业的人做专业的事,我们需要英雄,更需要团队,在赛马中识马。我们育人的标准:人才是培养出来的,平等地成就每一个人。我们留人的标准:一起创造,共同分享,重视员工,共同打造非凡价值。作为亚洲新锐酒店集团,我们能够为每一位员工创造快速发展的职业发展平台和晋升渠道,加之从人才发展角度出发,通过不同人才发展阶段建立的三级培训体系,为员工的职业发展提供保障。我们的愿景是打造中国民族高端酒店品牌。为了实现这一愿景,我们将秉承含而不露、优雅内敛的东方气质, 以东方待客之道为各国客人提供体贴入微的热情服务,致力于成为中国民族高端酒店品牌的领跑者。欢迎加入明宇商旅, 与我们一同在快乐中创造价值。