- Responsible for theopening or closing of the Fitness Centre. All areas must be continually checked and any problems that occur dealtwith. 负责健身中心正常运营,并处理所有的问题
- Will be responsiblefor settling up and keeping the highest standards of service for all areas ofthe Gym, Pool and Locker Room. 在健身房、泳池和更衣室提供并保持高标准的服务
- Responsible for theadministration of associates schedules, the appointment system, billing systemsand the booking and administration of Programs and Private Membership. 负责排班、客人的预定系统和收银系统的正常运行和会员档案管理工作
- To prepare andpresent financial reports to the Director of Rooms to show the achievements ofthe Fitness Centre business. 每天填写健身中心财务报表并向健身中心经理汇报完成情况
- To organizescheduling to maximize use of time and profitability whilst ensuring that theclient needs are of first importance. 合理的安排工作时间以确保客人的需求永远是最重要的
- To communicate allmessages promptly and keep the Director of Rooms informed as to any complaints.及时与健身中心经理沟通汇报关于部门任何情况以及投诉事件
- Will be responsiblefor overseeing stock control of retail and stock items to include regular stocktakes and placing of orders. 负责控制库存产品和控制每日产品的消耗和订货
- Spearhead staffmeeting on a regular basis to keep the channels of communication open. 定期组织部门会议,确保沟通畅通
- Will be responsiblefor the efficient up keeping of client details and the compiling of anefficient database. 负责保存客户的详细信息和数据
- Will be responsiblemotivating the Fitness Centre associates on a day to day basis, encouragingretail sales and informing the Director of Rooms of any problems.每天激励健身中心的员工进行销售,并及时向健身中心经理报告问题
- Will be responsibleensuring that the cleanliness of the entire Fitness Centre is continuouslymaintained. It should be kept neat, tidyand in a sanitary manner in accordance with the Director of Rooms and theHealth and Safety Standards. 根据健身中心经理以及环境清洁和安全的要求,负责确保整个健身中心的干净、卫生、整洁。
- Will be expected toplan and execute various wellness/beauty/fitness demonstrations as and whenrequired. 根据客人的需要制定、健身指导
- Responsible foradvising the required staff schedule levels in accordance with businessdemands. 根据工作需要,制定员工的班次。
- Will perform as aprofessional, with a friendly business attitude and conduct all duties andresponsibilities as required by the position, or assigned by Director of Rooms.用专业、友好的职业态度和责任心,完成职位要求或是健身中心经理分配的工作
- To be adaptable andaccountable for all actions. 能适应不同的角色,并对自己的行为负责。
- To be completelyflexible in terms of availability to work, including weekends, late night,early mornings and additional hours when necessary. 完成不同工作需要,包括周末、夜晚、早上和加班工作
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