•Communicate effectively with employees, provide clear instructions, pay attention to their performance and give incentives. Interview, select, train, supervise, evaluate, and manage all employees of the front office according to the relevant procedures. Pay attention to the traffic situation in the lobby and adjust the staff according to the needs.
•Pay attention to VIP and bookings with special requirements, update the relevant information of the system in a timely manner, and ensure the good operation of VIP and group bookings. Supervise changes to in-house guest rates.
•Conduct daily management of the front desk, and solve customer problems with keen judgment and determination.对前台进
•Conduct a 1:1 interview according to the Hilton PDR standard to ensure fairness to each employee and provide a platform for employees to continue to grow.
•Train high-potential employees in the department to promote the improvement of work standards and further career planning.培训部
•Committed to hotel work, providing creative advice for hotel development, providing high quality service to customers and the entire team.
•Easy-to-understand training for new employees to meet the minimum standards of competence as soon as possible, understanding the company's expectations and requirements.
•Provide customers with warm and attentive service, feel at home.
• 为顾客提供热情周到的服务,有宾至如归感。
杭州西湖希尔顿嘉悦里酒店是在2020年12月31日中国区第三家开业的嘉悦里品牌。一个充满活力的新酒店我们“新”在:嘉悦里品牌是希尔顿集团为了迎合现在年轻人消费观念在2014年推出的属于生活方式类型的新酒店品牌。 恰如所需的客房160间恰如所需的客房和套房的设计灵感来自南宋都城的历史。每间客房配备的舒达床垫,其 ZoneActive™ 五区海绵层为身体提供恰到好处的灵活支撑,另有体温平衡® 技术实现床垫智能温度控制。步入式淋浴间、舒适浴袍和Acca Kappa洗浴用品、Nespresso® 胶囊咖啡机、宽敞工作区和优质的无线网络。 花蜜里餐厅&酒吧通过希尔顿嘉悦里灵活、开放的概念设计,餐厅和酒吧功能结合在一起,从清晨到深夜各尽其能。 杭州西湖希尔顿嘉悦里酒店位于杭州市上城区国货路2号。欲了解更多信息或预订,请登录https://www. canopybyhilton.com.cn或致电+86 571 8707 8111。