To ensure that assistance isbeing provided at all times to all customers and guests and their stays at hotelare comfortable and memorable.
1. Controls and directs theentire section within the frameworkas defined in the organization chart.
2. To ensure all employeesand sub-ordinates adhere to the Hotel rules and regulations.
3.To supervise and delegateduties to all staff within the section and to prepare their work schedules asrequired.
4. Provides courteous andprofessional services to both guests and customers of the Hotel.
5. Maintains and controlsthe use of the luggage room, ensuring that luggage is properly stored andlabeled at all times.
6. Arranges and preparesinformation on Special Events or Hotel Services to be bulletined.
7. Ensures that allequipment within the section is properly maintained and in good working orderat all times.
8. Assist in identifyingtraining needs, develops training plans and implements training sessions forall staff within the section on a regular basis.
9. Maintains appropriatestandards of conduct, dress, hygiene, uniform, appearance and posturethroughout the section.
10. Ensures daily departingtime of due out guests and arranges for taxis, shuttle arrangements andlimousine services to the airport if required.
11. Co-ordinates VIP arrivalsand departures.
12. Monitors, that theConcierge staffs are engaged in their daily duties – greeting of guests atentrance, carrying baggage, rooming of guests, daily directory postings,transfer arrangements.
13. Look into the maintenanceof all baggage/bell trolleys to ensure that they are in good working order.
14. Ensures that all workareas are neat and tidy at all time.
15. Provides generalinformation to guests in a good and helpful manner.
16. Handles or resolves anyguest complaints and establishes good relationships with guests and clients ofthe hotel.
17.Monitor discipline, groomingand performance of all staff within the section.
18.Identify and developleadership qualities among staff inorder to guide them towards a path of career enrichment with hotel.
北京兴基铂尔曼饭店坐落于北京经济技术开发区(BDA)核心区,是法国雅高酒店集团管理旗下的高端酒店。雅高酒店管理集团旗下含有索菲特,铂尔曼,诺富特等不同品牌3700多家酒店。北京兴基铂尔曼饭店是北京唯一的一家铂尔曼品牌酒店,也是开发区第一家国际高端商务酒店,于2008年10月开业,经过16年的发展与沉淀,在每位员工的不懈努力下,酒店获得了众多荣誉和认可。Pullman Beijing South located at Beijing BDA area and managed by Accor Group which owns lots of hotel brands such as Sofitel, Fairmont. Pullman Beijing South was the first international brand hotel targeted high level business clients in this area since 2008. After 15 year’s long-term development, hotel has been rewarded different kinds of recognition with all employee’s hard working.北京兴基铂尔曼饭店以其独特的外观设计,便捷的出行方式及优质的管理在北京这座国际化都市备受商务游客的青睐。酒店囊括格调奢华的7间会议场地,典雅悦动的434间客房和多个独具特色的美食餐厅以及惬意的休闲娱乐设施。Lots of Beijing business clients and guests choose Pullman Beijing South as their first choice not only consider its unique design, convenient transportation, but impressed by the friendly service and thoughtful care. Hotel is equipped with 7 meeting venues, 434 different types of rooms and several delicate restaurants. 我们为团队成员精心准备了公寓楼为宿舍以及营养可口的员餐(免费提供住宿及用餐)、上下班班车,不仅如此还为员工提供图书室、活动室等娱乐文化场所,确保员工在工作之余也可以会有丰富多彩的文化生活活动。In terms of benefits of all staff, we provide dormitory apartment and staff canteen (both free), shuttle bus with different shift, staff library and activity room, which are supposed to ensure them can enjoy the best lifestyle during spare time.每周一至周五8:30-11:00和13:00-16:00为公开面试时间,请应聘者携带个人简历、一寸彩色照片及其他相关证明到酒店人才与文化部参加面试,如有疑问亦可致电酒店人才与文化部(招聘热线18511515615),我们会为您解答。The interview time is 9-11am,1-4pm. All interviewees should take their personal resume, profile photo and other certificates.If you have any enquirers, please let our Talent & Culture department know(phone number is 18511515615).乘车路线:地铁5号线/10号线至宋家庄站换乘亦庄线至荣昌东街下(A口出),向北第二个红绿灯左转150米即到。Transportation: Subway Line 5/10 to SongJiaZhuang Station and transfer to YiZhuang line, get off at RongChangDongjie Station(Exit A), turn left at second crossroad heading to north.请相信品牌的力量,我们也相信北京兴基铂尔曼饭店因为您的加入会更加多姿多彩!期待您的到来~We sincerely welcome you to join us and work together as the best team at Pullman Beijing South!