2、做好美术资料搜集、处理、分析和存储工作,独立完成或协助专业广告人员完成重大美术制作;3、负责短视频(以抖音、视频号平台为主)的创意,含选题、策划、编剧、脚本撰写、拍摄及剪辑; 可独立完成短视频的创意策划、完成剧本及分镜头脚本的撰写;
3、 熟悉新媒体玩法,短视频及直播重度用户,对热点内容敏感42、具有高品质的设计并创作酒店所有宣传品;
成都海湾酒店隶属海湾酒店管理集团,是其继珠海海湾酒店和北京海湾半山酒店之后,倾力打造的国内第三家“海湾”系列高端奢华五星级酒店,以“空中四合院,都市桃花源”为设计理念;将温暖与简约刻于建筑肌理之上,将低调与奢华融于身、心、灵的感知之中,将深刻寓意以经典与创新的空间设计手法隐于细微之处,为宾客提供奢适并序的海湾旅居体验,开启“家+感知+空间”三位一体的沉浸式养生旅居新纪元。Under the management of the Grand Hotels Group, the Grand Bay Hotel Chengdu is the third luxury five-star hotel from this brand, following the successful operation of the Grand Bay Hotel Zhuhai and the Grand Bay Hotel Beijing. With the design concept of “Sky Courtyard,Urban Oasis”, the hotel delivers warm, simple-elegant, and luxury stay, with perfect sensation for body, mind and soul. The hotel impeccably integrates travel, lodge, and healing; unveiling a new era of healing hotel experience. 依天府大道主脉络,御城南CBD,成都海湾大酒店坐落于高新区天府大道与锦韵路交汇处的新地标建筑——远大购物广场,出类拔萃的地段,转身之间即可享城市的精彩和便利。The Grand Bay Hotel Chengdu is located at the Grand Shopping Center, a new landmark of the CBD of High-Tech Zone at the crossing of the Tianfu Avenue and the Jinyun Road. Its convenient location along the Tianfu Avenue Transportation Network brings the city’s incredible lifestyle at your doorstep here. 步履间,从繁华都市隐入名为“海湾”的静谧“胡同”,并跟随城市向上生长到达酒店19F,空中悬浮大堂即位于此。此间取“水上亭阁”之意,以城市天际云海为港湾,360度入怀成都高新区天际全景,入目“九天开出一成都,万户千门入画图”的华美天府画卷。From the fascinating metropolitan to the tranquil “Hutong”, the Grand Bay Hotel Chengdu is just steps away. The hotel advances upwards and welcomes its guests with a floating lobby at the 19th floor – “A Pavilion above the Water”. The Grand Bay Hotel Chengdu anchors up above the city, presenting the 360° amazing city view from top. The scenery here is like fine art, showing arrays of Chengdu’s scenario. 300间奢华典雅的海湾客房位于酒店20F-36F,静享优越的高空观景视角;同时,客房引入别具一格的入户天井概念,以“天圆地方”为设计理念,将民族哲学融入空间设计,缔造关于家的艺术之境。此外,49间行政客房及15间套房皆配备赏景私汤,还原“居家”生活舒适本质之余,塑造身、心、灵的栖息之所。所有房间设施齐全,所配置的多种人性化先进智能系统,更是令居者倍感舒适方便,尤胜归家般的温润细腻。300 exquisitely-designed guestrooms are located from the 20th to the 36th floor, offering peace and seclusion with great view. Inspired by ancient folk philosophy of “Round Sky and Square Earth”, a square patio is embedded in each room, creating an artistic ambiance. 49 Executive Rooms and 15 Suites are equipped with healing pool with magnificent view, enliven a comfortable home for body, mind, and soul. All rooms are coupled with state-of-the-art technology and intellectual system for guests’ outmost comfort and convenience, as well as a home away from home full of love and warmness. 秉承匠心独运的海湾美食哲学,为食客们诚意奉上地标饕鬄珍馐。结合奢适并序的用餐空间及温暖如家的贴心服务,直抵惬然生活的时时刻刻。Inherit the Grand Bay Hotels’ artisan gourmet concept, the hotel offers distinctive flavors and exclusive tastes. Immersed with idyllic dining environment and attentive care, each restaurant offers bespoken dining memories. 以诸葛孔明的“羽毛扇”寓意智慧,将琉璃灯层叠于四周,构建出面积超1000㎡的卓越奢华宴会空间;此外,更有6个以“端砚”为主题,功能齐全的多元化会议场地,满足宾客社交及商务等多种创意活动需求;200㎡的云端婚礼教堂及空中户外草坪,在纯洁神圣的“羽毛”意境下见证每一对新人的庄严誓言。The dramatic Grand Ballroom is inspired by the image of the “Feather Fan” held by a Chinese ancient idol of wisdom - Zhuge Kongming. Beautiful glass lights are cascading outwards, shining on this 1000-square-meter opulent banquet hall. Six multifunction conference rooms are featured with various Ink-stone theme. With state-of-art technology, the hotel’s meeting facilities are perfect venues for both social and business events. The 200-square-meter Chapel in the Cloud and the Sky Lawn are romantic places for weddings. With feathers to signify pure and sacred, this exceptional wedding site witnesses each vow by bride and bridegroom. 海湾独具匠心的养生文化将自然健康的理念融入酒店业态。旗下的珠海海湾酒店(1995年开业)及北京海湾半山酒店(2017年开业)分别为世界养生酒店联盟第七家及第十家成员,在国内养生酒店业处领先地位。成都海湾酒店将养生理念一脉相承,200㎡的健身中心,300㎡的云端无边际恒温泳池让宾客仿佛置身于“雨下的庭院”,以“庭院下的温暖夜光”为设计理念缔造600㎡的养生中心,将山之自然、水之静谧化作空间意境,宛如繁华城市中的世外桃源,为宾客提供私密、惬意、健康的奢享养生体验,悠享自然的精致呵护。 The Grand Hotel Group’s unique healing culture fuses healthy lifestyle into hotel lodging. The brand’s iconic hotels including the Grand Bay Hotel Zhuhai (opened in 1995) and the Grand Bay Hotel Beijing (opened in 2017) are the 7th and 10th member of the Healing Hotel of the World respectively. The Grand Hotels are the proud pioneer of healing hotels in China. The Grand Bay Hotel Chengdu inherits the brand’s healing tradition. A 200-square-meter fitness center and a 300-square-meter infinity thermal swimming pool in the cloud creates a drizzly courtyard for guests. With the concept of “Enlightenment in the Night”, a 600-square-meter healing center is an oasis in the city with natural hills and water theme. It provides private, relax, heathy, and luxurious healing experience, delivering dedicated care of the nature to every guest.