铜仁万山假日酒店,是全球知名酒店管理集团--洲际酒店集团(lHG)管理的领先入驻铜仁市的国际品牌酒店 (业主国企背景),毗邻铜大高速公路,交通便利,与铜仁站直线距离约12公里,与铜仁凤凰机场直线距离约40公里。The hotel is located in the Wanshan District of Tongren,adjacent to the national 5A scenic spot Fanjing Mount and the famous historical and cultural city Fenghuang Ancient Town, with superior geographical position and convenient transportation. And surrounded by hazy mountains and a meandering river, rich in negative oxygen ions. 200间客房及套房风格时尚简约,设施设各齐全。您可以漫步至餐厅露台,享受美味静观日落星辰;在大堂吧享受下午茶或晚间鸡尾酒,充盈旅程,收获欢乐。酒店内还配有270度星窒顶全景室内恒温游泳池,及健身中心,让您在运动中释放身心。6个规模不等的宴会厅及会议室,无论是浪漫的婚礼或是商务活动,酒店专业的会务及宴会团队将为提供定制及个性化服务。The hotel has 200 stylishly simple rooms and suites with well equipped. The rooms have comfortable soft and hard double pillows and high-speed internet support. You can stroll out to the restaurant terrace, enjoy the delicious meal and watch the sunset and make the journey a joyous one.The hotel is also equipped with a 270° panoramic starry roof swimming pool, and a fitness center to help you。由酒店步行可至万山彩虹海主题乐园,欢乐的假期,您可体验精彩刺激的娱乐项目。驱车可轻松抵达世界自然遗产之一国家5A级景区--梵净山、凤凰古城、朱砂古镆、大明边城、苗王城、石阡古温泉等旅游胜地。本地还有以“中国戏剧活化石”傩戏为代表的多种少数民族民间艺术。release stress from your workout. Whether it's a board meeting, a champagne reception or a romantic wedding,the hotel's professional catering and banqueting team will provide a bespoke and personalized service in 6banqueting and meeting rooms of varying sizes. 完善的洲际集团会员计划,带您畅游世界。无论是休闲度假,还是商旅出行,亦或是会议婚礼,让铜仁万山假日酒店成为您到访铜仁的理想之选。Whether for leisure or business travel, Holiday Inn Tongren Wanshan is the ideal choice for your visit to Tongren. 我们的福利Our Benefit 我们承诺努力成为您职业生涯的最佳起点和成长平台,我们将提供最具竞争力的薪酬和以下福利条件来满足您阶段性的职业生活需求:We will provide the benefits listed below to satisfy your current life and career needs:1. 每周双休,月休8天; Two days off every week, 8 days off every month;2. 入职即购买五险一金; Enjoy social insurance and housing fund upon entry;3. 免费食宿,提供优质的免费工作餐、拎包即可入住舒适的员工宿舍; Free accommodation, free working meals of high quality and comfortable dormitory;4. 完善的各类福利假期体系,7个工作日以上的带薪年假; Complete all kinds of holiday welfare policy, AL with pay of more than 7 working days;5. 全球领先的专业培训体系,为您梦想助力; The world 's leading professional training system, to help your dream;6. 明确的职业发展晋升机制和完善的人才职业发展规划; Clear career development and promotion mechanism and perfect talent career development plan;7. 定期的薪资评审和年终奖金计划; Regular salary review and year-end bonus plan;8. 员工及家人可享受全球IHG旗下酒店客房超低员工价; Employees can enjoy the ultra-low employee rates in IHG hotels;9. 丰富多彩的团队建设以及员工活动; Rich and colorful team building and staff activities;10、专业、团结、和谐、积极向上的工作氛围; Professional, united, harmonious and positive working atmosphere; 酒店日常招聘联系方式 Hotel Daily recruitment contact information招聘热线:座机0856-6358888 转6201(人力资源部) 面试时间:周一至周五上午10:00am-下午17:00pm酒店项目地址:贵州省铜仁市贵州省铜仁市万山区苏州路8号 (毗邻万山彩虹海主题乐园200米) (交通:离高铁“铜仁”站12公里,30分钟车程;离“铜仁南”站60公里,55分钟车程)