- Supervises the overall activities of Front Office, Housekeeping.监管前厅部、客房部。
- Provide a professional, advisory and executive support service to the General Manager to assist in meeting the strategic goals of the establishment.为总经理提供专业的经营服务概念的指导支持,建立战略目标。
- Monitors the personnel of these operations to ensure guests receive prompt, cordial attention and personal recognition.监督部门人员,以确保能够为客人提供能够得到快捷、热情的服务,以及识别重视客人。
- Ensures staff, particularly guest contact personnel, are familiar with known repeat guests and other VIPs and provide special attention and recognition.确保员工,尤其是一线员工要熟悉常住客人和其它VIP,并为他们提供特殊关照以及认知重视他们。
- Coordinates exchange of pertinent information between departments within the Rooms Division and directs exchange of information with other departments notably.协调房务部所有部门的沟通,以及直接与相关部门沟通。
- Consults with Department Heads and General Manager on an ongoing basis to improve business conduct.与部门总监以及总经理协商以增加生意额。
- Assumes overall responsibility for maintaining presentation standards to ensure facilities and equipment are clean, in good repair and well maintained.承担维护物品完好的责任,以确保设施设备干净和处于良好的使用状态。
- Schedules and regularly conducts routine inspections of areas under control.定期对所管理区域进行检查。
- Oversee the inspection of VIP rooms and selected rooms.对VIP房间和相关房间的监督和检查
- Maintains appropriate standards of conduct, dress, hygiene, uniforms, appearance and posture of Room Division employees.保证房务部员工的行为、衣着、制服、外表和姿势等符合所设定的标准。
- Conducts comprehensive monthly departmental meetings to include review of procedures and events which warrant special handling and detailed information.支持部门月度会议,回顾工作流程和需要特别处理的事件以及细节得信息。
- Monitors and controls the inventories for operating equipment and supplies.监督和控制设备盘点。
- Communicates to the General Manager or his/her delegate, and other Department heads, all information likely to be of interest to them.与总经理或其代表、其他部门总监交流他们感兴趣的信息。
- Monitors and controls the Room Division Operation in the areas of revenue expenditure, profitable and performance against budget.监督和控制房务部的营业收益支出、利润和绩效预算。
- Works within the company’s Human Resource Framework to ensure the departmental performance of staff is productive. 与人力资源部合作,确保部门有足够的人员工作。
- Oversee the selection and appointment of new associates within the department.监督选拔和任用部门内的新伙伴。
- basis, Rooms Division costs to ensure performance against budget.持续分析和控制房务部的成本,以保证不超过预算。
- Participate in the preparation of the hotel’s Strategic Plan, Marketing Plans and Goals Programme.参与酒店战略计划、市场营销计划和目标项目的制定。
- Demonstrate Awareness of OH&S policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely and within OH&S guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same.知晓职业、健康以及安全方面的政策和措施,确保这些政策和措施都被安全地执行,并要确保你的直接下属也做同样的事情。
- Be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and enforce these in your areas.熟知酒店安全、急救、防火和紧急事件措施,并让您做管辖的员工都熟知。
- Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers.主动采取措施去阻止和控制危险的场面,并主动将潜在的危险告知上级。
- Ensure security incidents and accidents are logged, investigated and rectified to prevent future catastrophes.确保安全事故记录、调查而且被改正,以防止将来重复发生。
- Perform other duties assigned by the management.履行管理层安排的其他工作职责。
日常招聘接待面试时间:周一至周五10:00-16:00招聘地址:温州经济技术开发区滨海一道2007号温州空港万豪酒店人力资源部招聘热线:0577-88675130招聘邮箱:wnzap.careers@marriott.com酒店简介温州空港万豪酒店位于东海之滨的温州经济技术开发区滨海园区。酒店交通便捷,毗邻中国汽车金融论坛永久会址,且距离机场和S1线机场站仅10分钟车程,距奥体中心及万达购物广场仅20分钟车程,百岛洞头风景名胜区驱车1小时即可到达。酒店与雅林农业园及未来即将落成的奥特莱斯购物广场隔街相望。无论是亲近自然观赏无边花海或是享受繁华都市购物体验,在这里都能找到适合的休闲方式。酒店拥有260间优雅舒适的客房及套房,面积均在42平方米及以上。每间客房均采用无钥感应科技,并采用独特的开放式洗手间设计,令人耳目一新。贡厨西餐厅和大堂酒廊全日提供各式西餐、自助餐及下午茶美食。酒店更设有一间特色餐厅,配套全国烹饪比赛冠军厨师长和法国侍酒师比赛冠军及全国侍酒师冠军团队,旨在为宾客提供珍馐美味及高雅别致的用餐体验。面积约1, 500平方米、层高约10米的无柱式万豪宴会厅以及7个无柱式多功能厅宽敞明亮,完善的设施满足各类会议活动的需求。