1. 餐饮:负责迎来送往,并保持热情的态度并周到的服务客人等;
5. 礼宾:欢迎客人并为入店及离店客人开门,需要时安排出租车及相关事宜等;
6. 楼层:按照酒店标准打扫客房及做好客房服务;7.其他部门工作任务。
——感悟自然,探索本真,山水相系,致敬真实——三亚泰康之家度假酒店,臻品之选是由国际知名酒店集团万豪国际集团和世界500强泰康集团强强联手,在中国三亚打造的高端酒店项目。也是万豪集团在大中华区的第四家臻品之选品牌酒店。其建筑设计和室内设计均由全球范围内斩获无数设计奖项的如恩设计研究室操刀打造。以沃土纯正情系为设计灵感,融合海南当地文化精髓与现代经典艺术,引领宾客探索回归自然的健康度假之旅。酒店总建筑面积近8万平方米,绿化率达50%。--Appreciate authentic, Discover authentic, Connect, A tribute to authenticity-- The Taikang Sanya, a Tribute Portfolio Resort is invested Taikang Group and managed by Marriott International which located in Sanya, Hainan. It is also the fourth Tribute Portfolio branded hotel to be unveiled in China. The architectural design and interior design of the hotel was designed by Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, which has won numerous design awards worldwide. The hotel is designed to blend the essence of Hainan's local culture with modern classic art, leading guests to explore a healthy and natural vacation. The hotel has a total construction area of nearly 80,000 square meters and a 50% greening rate.