值班经理 Duty Manager
发布于 10-16
值班经理 Duty Manager
上海 | 3年以上 | 大专 | 招1人




  • 与员工有效的沟通,提供明确指示,关注员工的表现并给予激励。依相关程序面试,挑选,培训,督导,评估,管理前厅部所有员工。留意大堂交通状况,根据需求进行人员调配。
  • 关注VIP及有特殊要求的预订,及时更新系统相关信息,确保VIP及团队预订的良好运作。监督住店客人房价变更情况。
  • 对前台进行日常管理,用敏锐的判断力和决断力解决客户的问题。
  • 通过训练及一致的管理,领导和激励团队员工。
  • 在前厅经理/前厅副经理不在的情况下,作为值班经理负起责任。
  • 在夜班经理不在的时候完成夜班经理职务。
  • 积极地参加职业培训,让员工保持水平一致。
  • 做队员的导师,提高员工水平,促进他们完成所设立的目标。
  • 培训部门高潜能员工,促进工作水平的提高及进一步的职业规划。
  • 致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供创造性的建议,为顾客和整个团队提供高品质服务。
  • 简单易懂的培训新员工,使其尽快达到胜任工作的最低标准,了解公司的期许与要求。
  • 为顾客提供热情周到的服务,有宾至如归感。
  • 依照预订为客人办理入住,核对预订信息,希尔顿荣誉客会号及航空公司会员号,确保入住登记表的完整性及付款方式安全有效。
  • 将客人送至客房,介绍客房布局,确保行李及时送达等。
  • 采取必要行动,及时有效的处理顾客的不满,适当的时候告知前厅部经理。回访客人,确保客人对解决方法满意。
  • 将客人送至客房,介绍客房布局,确保行李及时送达。
  • 作为VIP客人最先联系到的部门,要确保他们的个性化服务。
  • 按照客人的预定或喜好安排房间,并做详细目录管理。
  • 引入新的荣誉客会会员,确保会员应得利益,为会员提供优质专业的服务。
  • 协同销售,预订及业务发展团队共同为客人提供服务。.
  • 确保宾客档案信息及时录入公安申报系统。
  • 遵循希尔顿品牌服务标准并贯彻到实际的运作当中。
  • 掌握希尔顿酒店集团的基本概况。


  • 能有效的用英语沟通交流。
  • 擅长于处理宾客关系,能快速有效的应对各种问题。
  • 以较强的人际交往能力提高客人满意度。
  • 优越的数据理解性,能对日常营运的数据给予合理恰当的解释。
  • 组织管理与督导技能。
  • 能在强压下胜任工作。

Position Summary:

  • Communicateeffectively both verbally and in writing to provide clear direction to teammembers, observing performance and encouraging improvement.
  • Interview,select, train, supervise, evaluate, counsel, and administer disciplinaryprocedures for Front Office team members.
  • Monitorlobby traffic and assign team members as required.
  • ReviewVIP reservations and ensure the proper handling of VIPs and groups, administeringamenity orders, and managing incoming guests.
  • Updatethe system by inputting inventory and non-inventory groups, monitoring specialreservation handling requests and oversee rate changes for in-house guests.
  • Computedaily payroll, schedules and other reports, analyze data and make decisionsbased on prior experiences and knowledge of circumstances to prepare daily andweekly forecasts of expected arrivals and departures.
  • Managethe Front Office team, resolve guests’ concerns, and implement resolutions byusing discretion and judgment.
  • Leadand motivate team members by leading by example and employing competent andconsistent management practices.
  • Takeresponsibility of the hotel as the Duty Manager in the absence of the AssistantFront Office / Front Office Manager.
  • Completenight shift duties acting as the Night Manager when he / she is not on duty.
  • Activelytake part in training the team, facilitating formal training sessions and onthe job training to ensure that all team members are of the same standard.
  • Attendtraining where and when required.
  • Actas a coach and mentor to team members, reinforcing standards and expectationsand motivating team members to strive for established targets.
  • Maintaindiscipline amongst team members, ensuring consistency in accordance with theteam member handbook, Chinese Labor Law and HR guidelines, appropriately disciplinewhen and where required.
  • ConductsPDRs, one-to-one meetings throughout the year, ensuring that the feedback givento team members is fair, unbiased and provides a platform for continuedimprovement, according to the Hilton standards.
  • Be involvedwith succession planning and development of high potential team members toensure that all team members are trained to progress to the next level of theircareer.
  • Contributeto the hotel and team by sharing new ideas and suggestions for improvements,being innovative and creative to provide quality service and customer care toteam members and guests.
  • Responsiblefor the smooth induction and facilitation of training for new team members,ensuring that they are trained to the minimum level standard and that they cancompetently complete their jobs and know what is expected of them.
  • Createa warm and welcoming arrival for guests, ensuring that they feel expected andimmediately “at-home” when they arrive.
  • Check-inguests in accordance with their reservation details, ensuring that theregistration card is completed, reservation information confirmed, Hilton Honorsand Frequent Flyer numbers enquired about, and method of payment secured.
  • Ensurethat guests are escorted to their rooms, hotel facilities and room features areexplained, and luggage is delivered in a prompt manner.
  • Handlecomplaints promptly and efficiently, taking the necessary action, and informingthe Guest Relations Manager to follow-up, where appropriate.
  • Follow-upwith guests to ensure satisfaction with problem resolution.
  • Maintainawareness of guests’ profiles and specific preferences, ensuring that they areacted upon for each reservation.
  • Actas the first point of contact and liaison for VIP guests, ensuring that theyare treated personally and recognized as an individual.
  • Allocaterooms in accordance to guests’ reservations, preferences and remarks,maintaining a systemized and sales focused approach to room inventorymanagement.
  • PromoteHilton Honors and its associated benefits to guests who are not alreadyenrolled in the program, ensuring that existing Hilton Honors members receivepersonal and professional service that recognizes them as important guests andthat their benefits are received.
  • Liaisewith Sales, Reservations and Business Development teams to handle corporate guests.
  • Ensurethat guests’ profiles and information are input into the Police Report systemin a timely and accurate way.
  • ApplyHilton’s brand standards in every action, acting as a role model and example ofhow the standards should be carried out in a practical setting.
  • Knowledgeableof the hotel’s facilities and services as well as basic knowledge of HiltonInternational, MEAP and other properties in China.

Job requirements:

  • Able to read, write, speak andunderstand English to communicate effectively with guests and employees.
  • Able to effectively deal withinternal and external customers, some of whom will require high levels ofpatience, tact and diplomacy to defuse anger, collect and analyze accurateinformation and resolve conflicts.
  • Strong interpersonal skills toprovide overall guest satisfaction.
  • Excellent mathematical comprehension to understandand interpret numbers as they apply to operations in hotels.
  • Thorough organization and supervisory skills.
  • Proficient in accomplishing tasks.
  • Able to work under pressure and deal with stressfulsituations during busy periods.
目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
对这个职位感兴趣? 最佳东方APP扫一扫 直接和HR聊一聊吧~
  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 500-999人
  • 私营.民营企业
上海康莱德酒店坐落上海市中心的南京东路和人民广场地带,交通便捷,连接1/2/8地铁线。著名的南京路步行街,人民广场,上海博物馆,上海大剧院等亦在信步之间;步行亦可到达外滩、新天地、豫园、城隍庙等知名旅游景点;距外滩咫尺之遥,毗邻人民广场地铁站。酒店作为人民广场地标建筑,楼高66层,设计时尚典雅,餐厅和酒吧供应丰富的创意美食和特色饮品。728间客房及套房雅致舒适,均设有宽大的落地窗,人民广场和外滩的迷人景色尽收眼底。酒店40 层及以上为行政楼层,可居高临下俯瞰繁华城市及外滩景观,于此下榻尊享诸多希尔顿会员专属礼遇。