Starwood HotelsWe're a global team of purpose-driven, nature-inspired, service - obsessed individuals who thrive on nurturing the natural beauty of both people and the planet. Your mission as part of our community: to leave our guests with more than they arrived with - whether it’s a new wellness routine, a plan to live more sustainably, or simply a restored perspective. The luxury of our hotel experiences lies not only in next-level comforts and personalized services but also in our wealth of warmth, depth of knowledge, and collective drive to preserve and protect this extraordinary world. We're proud to be recognized in Newsweek's Most Loved Workplaces 2024 - a testament to how deeply we care about our people, our planet, and making a meaningful difference. Starwood Hotels, an affiliate of the global private investment firm Starwood Capital Group, is a hotel brand management company overseeing 1 Hotels, Baccarat Hotels, Treehouse Hotels, and SH Collection properties. Leveraging our expertise in marketing, design, operations, and technology, Starwood Hotels drives some of the most groundbreaking and dynamic hotel brands in the world. Come join us and grow together. You'll find a natural vibe here. Additional information can be found at shhotelssandresorts.com, 1hotels.com, baccarathotels.com and treehouse hotels.com.For more information, visit starwoodhotels.com, 1hotels.com, baccarathotels.com, and treehousehotels.comWebsitehttps://www.starwoodhotels.com/美国喜达屋酒店管理集团我们是一支全球化的团队,以使命为驱动,以自然为灵感,对服务充满热忱,致力于培育人与地球的天然之美。作为我们社区的一员,您的使命是:让宾客在离开时拥有比抵达时更丰厚的收获——这可能是一套全新的健康养生方案,一个更具可持续性的生活计划,或是焕然一新的生活视角。我们酒店的奢华体验不仅体现在无与伦比的舒适与个性化服务中,更在于我们充满温暖的人文关怀、深厚的专业知识,以及保护并守护这非凡世界的共同愿景。我们非常荣幸入选《新闻周刊》2024年度“最受热爱的职场”,这充分体现了我们对团队成员、对地球,以及对创造积极影响的坚定承诺。喜达屋酒店集团隶属于全球私人投资公司美国喜达屋资本集团,是一家酒店品牌管理公司,旗下运营1 Hotels、Baccarat Hotels、Treehouse Hotels以及SH Collection等品牌酒店。凭借我们在市场营销、设计、运营与科技领域的专业经验,喜达屋酒店集团推动着全球范围内极具创新性和活力的酒店品牌的发展。来加入我们吧,我们-起成长!在这里,您会找到一种自然的氛围。更多信息可在 shhotelssandresorts.com, 1hotels.com, baccarathotels.com及treehouse hotels.com.找到。官网链接:https://www.starwoodhotels.com/About 1 Hotel Haitang Bay, SanyaAs the brand’s first property in Asia, 1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya joins the fast-growing portfolio of award-winning properties in South Beach in Miami, Central Park and Brooklyn Bridge in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Nashville, Hanalei Bay and London Mayfair.304 spacious guestrooms, suites and villas feature a sophisticated, contemporary style created with unpolished and locally-sourced stones and woods, resulting in rich and diverse texture in harmonious color palette. Weddings mark new beginnings. 1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya offers the perfect setting to celebrate the start of a life with the one you love.At 1 Hotels, we believe that sustainable hotels are the future. 1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya is proud to be recognized by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system, the foremost program for the design, construction. Our four hotels in the US are all LEED certified at gold and silver levels.三亚海棠湾阳光壹酒店 简介三亚1Hotel海棠湾阳光壹酒店是壹酒店1 Hotels 品牌位于亚太区的首家酒店,品牌旗下的各家酒店分别位于美国迈阿密南海滩、纽约中央公园、纽约布鲁克林大桥、洛杉矶西好莱坞、加拿大多伦多、旧金山、纳什维尔、哈纳雷湾以及英国伦敦梅菲尔。酒店拥有304间设计独特的客房、套房及复式别墅,面积自62至1,300平方米,饱览园林、池畔或海景景观。经典雅致的宴会厅、绿意盎然的草坪及炫丽的水景舞台为婚宴提供浪漫场地,让您在海天一色的自然美景下见证爱情誓言。壹酒店拥有总面积3,800平方米的五个户外泳池。以“悬浮”姿态打卡1,400平方米、长达55米的透明亚克力天际恒温泳池。蓝天白云下纵享畅快淋漓,绿意庭院内尽享海岛休闲时光。天际恒温泳池还特设曼妙的美人鱼表演。在壹酒店1Hotels,我们坚信可持续发展将成为酒店业的未来趋势。三亚1 Hotel海棠湾阳光壹酒店获得能源与环境设计先锋(LEED)的银奖认证,该评级项目从酒店的设计、建筑以及运营各方面评估绿色建筑。此外,我们在美国其余四家酒店均获得LEED金、银奖级别认证。