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银基冰雪酒店坐落于国家4A级旅游景区 - 银基国际旅游度假区内。度假区内现有的银基冰雪世界、乐海水世界、银基黄帝宫温泉酒店及银基冰雪酒店、佳宝乐园,以及云岩湖等项目,是游客们远离尘嚣、共度美好时光的一站式旅游度假胜地。随着规划中的项目完工,每年将接待游客量达到2千万人次以上,银基国际旅游度假区将会引领主题乐园的步伐并成为中国北方旅游和休闲度假的新地标。Enjoy Snow Hotel is located in the national 4A level tourist attraction - Enjoy International Tourist Resort. The opended Enjoy Snow World, Happy Ocean Water Park, Enjoy Huangdi Palace Hot Spring Hotel and Enjoy Snow hotel, Jiabao Paradise and Yunyan Lake are one-stop tourist resorts where tourists can enjoy a good time away from the hustle and bustle. With the completion of the planned project, more than 20 million visitors will be received each year, and the Enjoy International Tourism Resort will lead the pace of the theme park and become a new landmark for tourism and leisure vacation in northern China. 以缤纷多彩的麋鹿为主题的银基冰雪酒店,拥有1314间豪华客房。其中,家庭主题客房875间,包括爱斯基摩主题客房、北极熊主题客房、火狐主题客房及猛犸象等主题客房,让您置身于动物的世界;趣味性强的儿童驾校、与企鹅及长颈鹿零距离接触等亲子项目,迷你高尔夫、室内及室外恒温泳池、酒店内集欢乐、狂欢节巡演等活动项目更是让您拥有乐园欢快度假新体验。4000多平方的宴会及会议场所,更能满足您会议、婚宴等需求。在度假区内体验全新酷爽的水上乐园及冰雪世界,畅游梦幻理想国的佳宝乐园后,还能享受种类繁多的饕餮盛宴。Enjoy Snow Hotel, featuring colorful moose, has 1314 luxurious rooms. Among them, there are 875 family-themed rooms, including Eskimo themed rooms, polar bear themed rooms, Firefox themed rooms and mammoth themed rooms. Fun driving school for children, close contact with penguins and giraffes, mini golf, indoor and outdoor heated pool, carnival tour in hotel, etc. Over 4000 square meters of banquets and meeting places can better meet your meeting and wedding needs. After experiencing the new cool water park and snow world and the fantastic ideal land of Jiabao, you can also enjoy a variety of gluttonous feast led. 加入我们,与我们一起畅享欢乐的工作与生活;环境舒适的员工宿舍,极具竞争力的薪酬及福利、更广阔的发展空间等着您!Join us and enjoy our work and life together; With a comfortable living environment , you can enjoy competitive salary and benefits and a wider development space.