1. To receive repairing task through maintenance request form or by telephone call then to send out specific technique individuals ASAP. If task cannot be accomplished during his/her shift schedule then he/she must be assured that it’s been properly handed over to next relevant person on duty.
2. Implement all instructions from your superior then supervise subordinate to accomplish tasks properly.
3. Fully understand of equipment operation, technical status, database and records. Be able to organize relevant individuals to deal with failures or defects if spotted. It’s strictly prohibited to leave equipment runs with failure.
4. To immediately send out relevant technical person to fix equipment failure if occurred then report back to Duty Engineer afterwards.
5. Supervise and inspect subordinate’s relevant plan of maintenance for all engineering aspects then offer assistance if needed.
6. Supervise and timely check each group’s details and record of equipment maintenance, fault handling and spare part changes then register and filing on monthly basis.
长城脚下的公社·凯悦臻选在第一家凯悦品牌酒店君悦入驻北京之后,相隔20年之际,北京的第七家凯悦品牌酒店,同时也是北京地区的第六个凯悦品牌-长城脚下的公社·凯悦臻选即将于2021年第二季度喜迎宾客。从北京王府井长安街到长城脚下,从经典永恒系列的君悦,柏悦,凯悦,嘉轩,到独立品牌系列的joie de vivre,凯悦臻选,凯悦在北京的版图一直在不断扩张,2019年亚太区第一家joie de vivre落户三里屯,2021年第一家由凯悦直接管理运营的凯悦臻选品牌也将于长城脚下与大家见面。长城脚下的公社,由12名亚洲杰出建筑师设计建造的私人收藏的当代建筑艺术作品,是中国第一个被威尼斯双年展邀请参展并荣获“建筑艺术推动大奖”的建筑作品。用木板和硬纸板制作的参展模型被法国巴黎的“蓬皮杜艺术中心”收藏的第一件来自中国的永久性收藏艺术作品。同时也是亚洲建筑艺术登上国际舞台的标志。