Provide efficient and courteous service of food and beverages to guests and ensure quality of food and beverage presentation per established standards.
上海张江海科雅乐轩酒店坐拥优越的地理位置。酒店位于浦东新区,毗邻张江高科技园区,距张江高科站(地铁2号线)仅5分钟车程,步行5分钟可抵达地铁13号线中科路站,距迪士尼乐园驱车10分钟便可抵达。 酒店拥有191间精致的客房,“聚聚乐”全日餐厅则提供美酒佳肴;时尚聚集地 WXYZ吧,交朋会友,悦享欢乐时光。同时,酒店还拥有面积达一千多平方米的会议空间,一间520平方米的宴会厅和4间时尚会议室,适合举办各类会议、聚会及庆祝活动。 在雅乐轩酒店我们期待着拥有开放空间、开放思维和开放表达的旅行者光临。雅乐轩提供独特的空间,在这里必要的格调突出社交场景充满活力的韵味(味道);这里唯一的方向是向前推进。我们正在寻找不惧打破常规的创意自我表达者。如果您是欣赏技术前沿专题和充满活力的社交场景的人,我们诚邀您与雅乐轩酒店携手谱写未来的职业生涯。 简历请发至lucy.ji@aloft.com Aloft Shanghai Zhangjiang Haike sits on an unparalleled geographical location. Conveniently located in the Pudong District nearby Zhanghjiang Hi-Tech Park, and is only an easy 5-minutes’drive from the Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Station (Shanghai Metro Line 2); and the 5-minutes’ walk from the Zhong Ke Road Station (Shanghai Metro Line 13). Disney land is 10-minutes’ driving range from the hotel. Check out our 191 bright and airy, high-tech yet comfy guest rooms. “Nook” all day dinning serves delicacy; meet and Mix at WXYZ bar. Total gross meeting space is over one thousand square metres host a stylish meeting or celebration in our 520 sqm grand ballroom or a gathering in one of our 4 sleek meeting space. At Aloft Hotels we’re wired for next generation travelers who love open spaces, open thinking, and open expression. Aloft provides a space where style is necessary, social scenes are vibrant, and where the only direction is forward. We understand what our guests need, so we provide an affordable option for the tech-savvy design guru. We’re looking for innovative self-expressers who aren’t afraid to draw outside the lines. If you are someone who appreciates tech-forward features and vibrant social scenes, then we invite you to explore a career with Aloft Hotels.