1. 按照雅高酒店集团和酒店的标准以及酒店内部规章制度来执行工作任务。
2. 定期更换酒店内和户外标识。
3. 设计所有餐饮促销宣传单和平面宣传品。
4. 保持友好和协助的态度面对所有其他部门同事的在美工方面的求助。
5. 在要求的时间范围内完成酒店平面广告设计。
7. 依照业务需求开展工作。
铂尔曼酒店及度假酒店,雅高酒店集团旗下新一代的时尚型高端酒店品牌,为寻求高度连接的旅行者提供高效和健康的完美平衡。铂尔曼酒店以其领先的商务、健身和餐饮设施及专注创新的设计,吸引着“环球游牧者”。铂尔曼在欧洲、非洲、中东、亚太和拉丁美洲33个国家拥有超过117家酒店和度假酒店。 Pullman Hotels & Resorts, AccorHotels’ new generation of upscale hotels, is a cosmopolitan brand that offers hyper-connected travelers an experience that combines both efficiency and wellness.Global nomads are captivated by the brand and appreciate its business, fitness and restaurant facilities as well as its focus on innovative design. Pullman has over 117 hotels and resorts in 33 countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle-East, Asia Pacific and Latin America.福州泰禾铂尔曼酒店是由法国雅高酒店集团管理的高端酒店。占地面积4,500平方米,酒店伫立于新锐时尚的晋安区中心CBD东二环泰禾广场,背倚连绵的鼓岭山脉,毗邻福州历史文化特色的5A级旅游景区三坊七巷,将历史文化特色与周边繁华的商圈完美衔接。福州泰禾铂尔曼酒店融合了商务与休闲旅行的特色,全新描绘城市精英生活。Pullman Fuzhou Tahoe is an international premium brand belonging to AccorHotels, an international hospitality company from France. It covers an area of 4,500 square meters, and is located at Dong Er Huan Tahoe Plaza, the new fashionable CBD of Jin’an District. Nearby is the famous Gu Mountain and the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, perfectly linking the historical, cultural, and bustling business districts. The Pullman Fuzhou Tahoe combines business and leisure travel, and represents a new portrayal of the finest city life.福州泰禾铂尔曼酒店已于于2018年6月21日正式开业,我们热忱欢迎您的加入。Pullman Fuzhou Tahoe grand opened on 21 Jun,2018; we warmly welcome you to join us.