§ 为健身中心的的销售做出贡献
To contribute to the Fitness Center sales
§ 根据顾客意见调查结果,确保所有改进措施贯彻执行
Responds to the results of the ConsumerAudit and ensures that the relevant changes are implemented
§ 负责酒店健身中心的设备维修并确保会员和客人的安全
Responsible for Fitness facility and wellness room formembers and guests
§ 积极报告工作情况并穿着制服佩戴个人名牌
Reports for duty punctually wearing thecorrect uniform and name tag at all times
§ 紧密协助配合健身中心副经理,确保部门的运营流畅
Works in close coordination with the FitnessAssistant Manager to ensure the smoothoperation of the Fitnessfacility and wellness room
§ 负责每日健身中心的运营,维修, 卫生清洁和安全
Responsible for the day-to-dayoperation, maintenance, cleanliness and safety in the Fitness facility and wellnessroom
§ 确保会员及客人在健身中心内穿着正确的健身衣着
Ensures that members and guests use the Fitness facility and wellnessroom wearing the correct attire
§ 负责并实施每日的器械检查并按照酒店的政策/程序进行必要的记录和报告
Conducts a daily check of all exerciseequipment in the Fitnessfacility and wellness room and records the repairs that arenecessary as required by policy and procedures
§ 确保任何时候都至少有一位健身教练在健身中心健身区
Ensures that there is always a minimumof one instructor on duty on the Fitnessfacility and wellness room floor at all times
§ 与会员和客人建立保持良好的关系,积极获取 会员和客人的反馈意见 并及时向健身中心副经理汇报
Maintains close contact withguests/members and communicates feedback from them regarding the operation of theFitness facility and wellnessroom and aerobic room to the FitnessAssistant Manager as required
§ 定时遵循酒店标准实施健身中心的为会员及客人提供的健身评估及再评估
Conducts fitnessevaluation/reassessments for members and guests on a regular basis with regardsto the standards required
§ 遵循酒店的政策和程序为会员及客人进行私人训练
Conducts personal training referencingguidelines under Policies and Procedures
§ 实施参与康体中心每月的各项活动
Conducts monthly fitness center activities
凯悦酒店集团的信念我们关爱每一个人,让他们尽善尽美显真我。关爱源于真诚的同理心和人际关系。我们通过真诚地看待他人并将其作为独特个体来加以了解从而做到关爱他人,正因如此,我们才可以量身定制并提供个性化的体验。我们时时秉持以人为本的宗旨对待员工、客人、业主、运营商和社区成员。“尽善尽美显真我”就是每时每刻都要忠于自我,做最真实的自己——专注心神、充实自我,随时准备直面外界的挑战。 酒店介绍西安君悦酒店是国内首座全钢结构的双子塔建筑,A塔是迈科中心的甲级办公区,君悦酒店位于B塔。整座建筑采用了英文字母H的造型,而位于106米高空的连廊,堪称点睛之笔,联结了AB双塔,象征古老的长安和今天活力四射的现代西安的联结纽带;也象征着丝绸之路从长安到罗马、从东方到西方的沟通;也是高效快速的工作到舒缓闲适的生活的无缝对接。 西安君悦酒店是凯悦酒店集团旗下奢华五星级品牌,位于西安市高新区锦业路CBD核心区,拥有380间客房、5个中西式特色鲜明的美味餐厅、985㎡大宴会厅和9个会议室。强大且专业的运营团队在古都西安谱写着一个又一个的优质服务故事。我们热诚地欢迎各界酒店精英加入西安君悦酒店,积极向上并充满热忱的君悦团队在西安等您。这会是一个全方位、高品质的学习成长平台,让我们迎接您的到来,见证您的成长! 欢迎登录凯悦酒店集团招聘网站http://hyatt.jobs,建立个人帐户以获悉更多职位信息。