酒店介绍 Hotel introduction Haman Resort Hotel is located in Dadong Sea national scenicspots which is adhere to the biggest shopping mall at Hedong District- NO.1 gangwancheng. It is a representative business & resort hotel.三亚哈曼度假酒店位于海南省三亚市大东海国家旅游景区,与河东区最大的购物综合体壹号港湾城相容一体,是一家典型的商务度假型酒店。 The hotel offers 490 rooms in which more than 70% of our rooms have the spectacular sea view of the DADONGHAI, while the remaining rooms are overlooking the landscaped garden or the lake and Laguna. 酒店拥有490间各类豪华客房,其中近70%的客房可将碧蓝辽阔的海景尽收眼底。中、西、自助餐厅提供各类美食供您品尝。 Rooftop infinity pool, the sea and the sky are connected, as if exposure to the sea in general.楼顶的无边际游泳池,海天相连,仿佛置身于大海中一般。 The hotel is just 30 minutes drive to Sanya Phoenix International Airport (30km) and to Sanya city center only 5 kilometers. 从酒店到三亚凤凰国际机场需30分钟车程(约30公里),到三亚市中心仅5公里。员工福利 Staff Benefits 保险 Insurance全面的社会保险 Fully covered Social Security 住房公积金 housing fund免费用餐Free Meals所有员工可在员工餐厅免费用餐。每位员工每日可享用三顿免费餐及工作餐夜宵Employees may take free meals in the Staff Canteen..Every employees is entitled to three meals per day and duty supper.免费员工宿舍Free Dormitory酒店为每位员工提供舒适的员工宿舍,每个房间配备空调及床上用品。We will dedicate provide every employee comfortable dormitory, each room is equipped with air-conditioner and provides beddings. 假期 Leave带薪年假、有薪病假、婚假、产假、晚育假等Paid Annual Leave, Medical Leave, Marriage Leave, Maternity Leave培训 Training入职培训、岗位技能培训、部门交叉培训 、拓展培训、管理培训课程 Orientation Training、 Job Skills Training、Cross Department Training、Development Training、Corporate Specialization Training员工活动Staff Activities酒店人力资源部会定期为员工举办各种丰富多彩的活动,包括员工生日聚会、新年聚会、各类兴趣活动俱乐部、各种体育运动项目比赛等。HR department will organize various staff activities, such as staff birthday party, New Year party, committee club, athletic contest.奖励 Rewards月度优秀员工奖 Employee of the Month年度优秀员工奖 Employee of the year微笑大使奖 Smiling Ambassador Award客人表扬奖 Guest Commendation Award拾金不昧奖 Returning Lost Money Award特殊贡献奖 Special Contribution Award合理化建议奖 Rationalization Proposal Award其他福利Others Benefit人才推荐奖励、高温补贴、夜班补贴、过节费、年终奖金等Reward of recommendation, high-temporature allowance, night shift allowance, holiday allowance, annual bonus我们期待您的加入!希望您成为我们这个强大而成功的团队的一部分!We expect you join in us and hope you will become part of a strong and successful team.