THEANANDI HOTEL AND SPA.SHANGHAIThere is such kind of hotels in the world: locating far away from scenic spots, setting in exquisite and nourishing natural surroundings, hiding among the hills and riversides, while having numerous loyalty travelers. The 110 hotels, particularly famous for their body-mind-spirit features share a name: Healing Hotels. As the leading wellness hotel brand: Healing hotels now come to Shanghai, and is creating the China's first urban healing hotel: The Anandi Hotel and SPA.Anandi literally means endless joy. It's co-created by Healing Hotels team and Germany luxury hospitality experts. The building was awarded the “2015 IEED (International Ecological Environment Design Association) Best Design of Ecological Architecture”; Interior design was conducted by the world's top design company----HBA Singapore team. The Anandi have been also acknowledged as the fifth members of LHW (Leading Hotels of the Word) in China.The Anandi, an urban retreat, is uniquely located in Great Hongqiao Region and adjacent to Suzhou River. It's only 15 minutes away from National Exhibition&Convention center and Hongqiao Airport, and close to commercial centers such Hongqiao SOHO and Linkong 5th Ave. It's 70,000 Sq.min total with 333 rooms and 3000 conference area. Healing Hotels Tailor made a Healing Center brining the most essential programs from 110 hotels worldwide, to let urban citizens become whole again in body, mind and soul, freeing them to enjoy the sacredness and abundance of life.The Anandi follows brand statements of “Natural Magnetic Field, Humanistic care, Body&Mind Rejuvenation, and Fully Indulgence”. It connects energy from the earth, using organic wood, energy stones, Himalayan Salt Light, and crystals to create a natural magnetic field; the crystal energy floor and Bed of Earth in each guestroom presented the design concept “Discovery Origins of Energy”. Fresh air, pure water, safe food and hearted smile promised the highest standard of service that redefines the joy of urban citizens.世界上有这样一种酒店:他们避开热闹的著名景点,客人需要跋山涉水才能遇见,他们在全球拥有众多名人粉丝,他们拥有身心灵唤活的氛围,将养生酒店的理念引领至全新境界,在在纷繁复杂的现代城市生活中,打造真正的城市养生酒店。这些酒店遍布全球110个地区,拥有一个共同的名称: Healing Hotels。The Anandi Hotel and SPA---上海阿纳迪酒店,是Healing Hotels在全球的第一家城市养生酒店。上海阿纳迪酒店由Healing Hotels的养生疗愈团队联合德国奢华酒店品牌原创团队共同打造,取城市桃源之境,地理位置独特,位于上海虹桥枢纽区域,毗邻苏州河而建,占地面积7万余方,客房333间。凭借奢华气质被列入LHW美国立鼎世酒店集团(对成员拥有严苛品质要求的立鼎世酒店集团是全球高端奢华酒店的代表)在中国的第五家成员酒店。Healing Hotels为上海阿纳迪酒店量身打造的“禾零悦集”城市唤活中心,挑选来自全球110家养生酒店的精华项目,让生活在城市中的人们,从忙碌和压力中回归自我,建立身心灵平衡的生活状态,充分享受生命的丰足和神圣。内看上海阿纳迪酒店——让你们的内在美发生碰撞 “Anandi”一词代表“无限喜悦的心境”。上海阿纳迪酒店除了硬件出众外,更注重历史文化和人文关怀的深度融合,期待通过酒店激活身心能量场的打造,真正实现“至纯至真”的工作氛围,让员工发自内心的呈现真诚和服务。 阿纳迪酒店坚持追求不断提高的生活品质,从酒店设施、个性化服务、优秀的酒店员工都是其高端品质的象征。上海阿纳迪酒店地址:上海市长宁区临虹路7号面试交通路线:1、2号线淞虹路站5号口出站直行80米至福泉路天山西路站,乘公交74路/74路区间(4站),至福泉北路临新路站下车,往临虹路方向步行约150米,十字路口左转至临虹路后步行400米即达;2、2号线淞虹路站5号口出站,往福泉路—福泉北路方向骑行至临虹路右转,沿临虹路骑行约400米即达(骑行约10分钟)。