To ensure timely and accurate billings are
sent to clients in accordance with company policies & procedures, accurate
aging of all accounts which is reconciled to the General ledger control
account, accurate computation and timely payment of Travel Agent commissions.确保及时准确发送账单给客户,严格遵照公司政策和程序,调解到总账管理账户的所有账户的准确时效,旅行社佣金的准确计算和及时发放。
Ensure that all payments by
Cash/Cheque/GIRO/TT are posted and reconciled in a timely and accurate manner确保所有现金/支票/GIRO/TT的付款及时准确过账和调解
Ensure credit card postings and payments
are reconciled确保信用卡过账和付款得到调解
Review all charge-backs from credit card
companies and alert Credit Department审查所有信用卡公司退单并提醒信用卡部门
Ensure all deposits and prepayments
received are posted timely and accurately确保所有已收订金和付款及时准确过账
Check all Banquet Event Orders to ensure
deposits mentioned are received and posted in Opera检查所有宴会活动订单以保证所提定金收到并过账到Opera系统软件中。
Process Travel Agent commissions in a
timely and accurate manner及时准确地处理旅行社佣金
Raise Invoices and/or Credit Notes as and
when necessary and ensure these are posted accordingly在需要时提高发票和/或贷项清单并确保相应过账
Check all Waivers and Late Charges requests
for accuracy before forwarding to Financial Controller for approval在转发给财务总监获取许可前检查所有弃权和延期付费申请。
Check all invoices/billings before Accounts
Supervisor/Assistant mail out在会计总管/助理发出邮件前检查所有发票/账单
Attend to guests’ enquiries on billings and
Ensure AR Aging tally with GL
Ensure TA commission and Credit Card outstanding
forwarded to GL for accruals确保旅行社佣金和未付信用卡转发至总帐做应计款
关于养云安缦 About Amanyangyun毗邻申城繁华腹地,有一片宁静祥和的香樟树林,在那里静静凝视大地的四时更迭。树林中间,有一棵巍峨苍翠的老樟树。这棵堪称养云安缦众树首领的老树,原本并非生长于此。大树长青,呼吸于天地之间,见证了一段不同寻常的过往。这片香樟树林里,坐落着中国的第四家安缦 – 养云安缦。养云安缦始于一个抢救水库淹没区树宅的保护项目,大树老宅跨越700多公里于此重获新生。过去十五年里,大树被悉心呵护,冠盖如茵;老宅得以精心重建,重拾被时光掩盖的岁月。养云安缦于2018年4月28日举办盛大开幕典礼 – 树宅相守、天地人和,故事从此得以延续……A short drive just beyond the city limits ofShanghai stands a camphor forest. At its heart is the Emperor Tree; standing at17 metres, it is one of the tallest of its kind in all of China. It has stoodfor many years – but not here, not in this spot. For in this woodlandsanctuary, all is not what it seems.Amanyangyun is the fourth Aman destination inChina, the first in Shanghai, and the only one with its dwellings to havetravelled more than 700km. Having celebrated its GrandOpening on 28th April, 2018, Amanyangyun is the result of astaggeringly ambitious 16-year conservation initiative, which saw nothing less thanthe relocation of a forest and the reconstruction of dozens of Ming andQing Dynasties antique villas.关于安缦集团 About Aman安缦集团成立于1988年,致力于打造亲切谦逊,温和好客的私人居所系列。第一处安缦度假村位于泰国普吉岛的Amanpuri成功地介绍了此概念,自此之后,安缦集团不断成长并在全球建立了35处度假村:包括不丹、柬埔寨、中国、多米尼加共和国、法国、希腊、印尼、印度、意大利、日本、老挝、墨西哥、黑山、摩洛哥、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、泰国、土耳其、特克斯和凯科斯群岛、美国、越南。Aman was founded in 1988 to build a collection of intimate retreats with the unassuming, warm hospitality of a gracious private home. The first, Amanpuri in Phuket, Thailand, introduced the concept. Since then, Aman has grown to encompass 35 hotels and resorts located in Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Dominican Republic, France, Greece, Indonesia, India, Italy, Japan, Laos, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, the Turks & Caicos Islands, the USA (New York 2020) and Vietnam.我们的荣誉 Our Honor2025 Best Hotel Art with Cultural Value - The Bund DesignHotel Awards 年度艺术人文酒店 - 外滩设计酒店大奖2024 China's Top 50 Hotels - Amanyangyun 2024中国50佳酒店 养云安缦 三钻2024 Best Classis Hotel - The Bund DesignHotel Awards 年度经典酒店 – 养云安缦 – 外滩设计酒店大奖2024 China’s Top 100 Hotels – Travel + Leisure 2024中国百佳酒店2024 Best Architectural Conservation &Design Awards - PUTIKE Hotel Awards 最佳建筑设计酒店奖 – 养云安缦 – 璞缇客精品酒店榜2024 Annual Destination Hotel – Zebra MagazineUrban Trendsetter 2024 Awards 年度臻选目的地酒店2024 READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS 2024 Best Hotels –Conde Nast Traveler 2024悦游读者之选中国酒店2024 The Most Effective Treatment of the Year SpaChinaWellness & Spa Awards 2024 2024年度显著功效疗程大奖 – SpaChina2024 Best Resort of the Year – The Best BANG!Award 年度奢华秘境度假酒店 – BANG!城市生活大赏2024 Italian Restaurant of the Year - ARVA - TheBest BANG! Award 年度意大利餐厅- ARVA – BANG!城市生活大赏2024 Tatler BEST Tatler BEST 亚洲百大榜单