3、具有较好的英语基础 。
Invested by Shimao Group and managed by Hilton Worldwide, the Hilton Wuhan Riverside opened in July , 2016. Ideally situated by the bund of the Yangtze River with convenient access to anyplace of the city through subway and public traffics. It is only 45 minutes’ drive from Wuhan Tianhe International Airport and 15 minutes from Wuchang Railway station. The hotel is ideally located in the city center, close to Wuhan Economic Development Zone and historic attractions. 由世茂集团投资、希尔顿酒店集团管理的武汉世茂希尔顿酒店于2016年月隆重启幕。酒店位于武汉市汉阳滨江大道,地处通达汉口、武昌的交通要塞,与汉阳江滩一步之隔,毗邻鹦鹉洲长江大桥和武汉经济技术开发区。距武汉天河国际机场仅45分钟车程,武昌火车站仅15分钟车程,绝佳的地理位置使宾客可以便捷地通达武汉三镇和各大旅游景点。The hotel offers 338 beautifully appointed guest rooms and suites, offers everything you need for a cozy and comfortable stay. Each guest room is equipped with the latest facilities including WIFI and 42-inch TV. Enhance your stay in a deluxe room or suite for spectacular Yangtze River views, or executive rooms and enjoy exclusive access to Executive Lounge, offering complimentary breakfast, refreshments and cocktail hour.酒店秉承希尔顿风格,按照5星级规格打造,拥有338间宽敞舒适的客房,置身落地窗前,万里长江大桥和黄鹤楼近在眼前。42寸大屏幕高清液晶电视、多媒体连接、高速无线网络等,让宾客尽享舒适与惬意。入住行政客房及套房的宾客还可尊享行政酒廊的专属服务,远眺长江,小酌一番,赏尽美景。With a range of flexible function space for up to 1000 people, and an expert events team, the Hilton Wuhan Riverside is the ideal venue for your events or meetings. Wind down after a busy day with a workout in the Fitness Center or a swim in the 25 meters heated indoor pool. Dine on an exciting range of fresh and innovative cuisine, with 4 inviting dining options, including all-day-dining restaurant, authentic Chinese and French restaurants. In the evening, enjoy popular music in our Lobby Lounge while sip signature cocktails and relax on the sofas.1,188平米的无柱式大宴会厅以及10个独立可拆分组合的多功能厅,先进的会议设施,一应俱全的硬件设备以及专业的会议策划团队都将协助宾客处理一切会议相关事务,是举办大型宴会,会议和婚宴的理想场所。酒店4间极具特色的餐厅为宾客带来精彩的美食体验,傍晚时分,宾客还可倚靠在大堂酒吧舒适的沙发上,品酌招牌鸡尾酒,尽享惬意慢时光。先进的品牌运动设施,25米长的室内恒温游泳池和SPA,为宾客提供舒活放松的伸展空间。员工福利 Benefits for Team Member1.免费用餐 Duty Meals所有团队成员可在员工餐厅免费用餐。Duty meals per working day will be provided to all team members. 2.免费员工宿舍Team Member Dormitory酒店为非本地成员提供舒适的团队成员宿舍,每个房间配备空调、床上用品及WIFI。Team Member dormitory will be provided to non-local team members with air condition, bed linens and WIFI.3.全面的社会保险 Social Benefits养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险、住房公积金、商业保险。Full social insurance, housing fund will be offered to all team members.4.团队成员入住优惠价 Team Member Travel Program希尔顿全球成员可在全球姐妹酒店享有非常优惠的员工入住优惠价。It is our policy that team members can benefit from team member rate (J1D) when rooms are available.5. 假期福利Leave Benefits法定节假日、年假、带薪病假、产假及陪产假、婚假、丧假等。We provides our team members with several types of leave including public holiday, annual leave, paid medical leave, maternity leave, marriage leave, compassionate leave and etc.6.团队成员嘉奖 Team Member Awards酒店将定期进行月度优秀成员、年度优秀成员等表彰。We will award whoever dedicates to work as Team Member of Month, Team Member of Year and etc.7.团队成员培训 Team Member Training System我们提供在职培训、课堂培训、全员免费希尔顿大学课程、国内外姐妹酒店交叉培训机会以及集团内部调动机会。In Hilton Worldwide, we provide online courses(in the Hilton Worldwide University), class training, cross training in sister hotels and internal transfer opportunities for all full-time team members.8.团队成员活动Variety of Activities酒店人力资源部会定期为团队成员举办各种丰富多彩的活动。Hotel will organize a variety of activities for team members regularly. 交通信息 Transportation Information公交路线 Bus Route可乘坐61, 524,554, 558, 559, 580, 598,720, 727, 728等公交路线于鹦鹉大道腰路堤站下车,步行10分钟左右即可到达。Please take No. 61, 524, 554, 558, 559, 580,598, 720, 727, 728 to Yaoludi Station on Yingwu Avenue, then about 10 minutes walking distance to hotel.可乘坐24, 30,26, 637, 248, 646路公交车于阳新路公交停车场下车步行10分钟左右即可到达。Please take No. 24, 30, 26, 637, 248, 646 to Yangxin Road Bus Station, then about 10 minutes walking distance to hotel.地铁路线 Railway Route地铁4号线:拦江路站点,下车后B站出口步行约10分钟即可到达。Line-4: Please get off at Lanjiang Road Station though Exit-B, then about 10 minutes walking distance to hotel.酒店人力资源部办公室地址 Hotel HR Department Office Address 湖北省武汉市汉阳区滨江大道190号负一楼 -1F, No. 190 Bingjiang Avenue, Han Yan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R.China.求职请携带近期彩色1寸照片,身份证、相关学历或岗位资质证明原件及复印件Please bring a photo (2.5X3.5cm) in color, ID card, a copy of your certificates and other qualifications.快来扫描下方二维码,关注微信公众号“武汉世茂希尔顿酒店HR”,随时了解酒店一手信息。