1. To maintain a high customer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always in mind and being proactive in a timely manner towards their needs and requests of customers.
2. To have a positive impact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, always clearly communicating with both customers and colleagues.
3. To be motivated and committed, approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and seizing opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge in order to improve your personal performance.
4. To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changing requirements including the performance of any tasks requested of you.
5. To maintain high team focus by showing co-operation and support to colleagues in the pursuit of team goals.
6. To contribute ideas and suggestions to enhance operational/environmental procedures in the Hotel.
7. To actively promote the services and facilities of the Hilton Hotels to guests and suppliers of the Hotel.
8. To perform all duties and responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that of others in your workplace.
9. To contribute positively to Equilibrium and Esprit by providing both guests and fellow team-members with courteous, hassle-free service and by seeking to always maintain a pleasant working environment.
10. Collect and count (with a witness from finance department) the contents of all cashiers’ envelopes on a daily basis.
11. Receive and acknowledge copy of cheque lists and record in the General Cashier’s Daily Report; include in the daily deposit all checks or money orders received by the mail.
12. Include all cheques/money orders in the daily deposits to the Bank.
13. Prepare the daily bank deposit.
14. Prepare General Cashier’s Daily Report.
15. Provide all cashiers with change as required.
16. To ensure that all change orders to the bank is approved by DOF.
17. Reimburse cashiers for any disbursements/due backs made by them.
18. Properly account for all disbursements made from the General Cashier’s float.
19. Count the General Cashier’s float daily, ensuring that it balances correctly – this is also to be counted monthly in conjunction with either the Assistant Financial Controller or Financial Controller/Director of Finance.
20. Safeguard hotel funds by ensuring proper controls are in place with regard to the issue, return and use of cash floats, including the carrying out of regular independent surprise counts.
21. To properly secure the General Cashier’s office at all times.
22. To ensure that no unauthorised personnel are allowed access to the General Cashier’s office.
23. To ensure that all cashiers and witness drop is properly noted in the drop log. Any deviation to be highlighted.
24. To ensure that adequate security measures are in place in the transferring of funds to or from the hotel.
25. Provide clear instructions to cashiers on how to handle their funds and secure them from loss.
26. To ensure that the physical house funds are in agreement with the House Funds general ledger account and is reconciled on a monthly basis.
27. To count all house funds to be counted at every day.
28. To bring any discrepancies or irregularities to the attention of the Financial Controller/Director of Finance.
29. To safeguard and secure access to the General Cashier’s float and safe at all times.
30. Not to disclose the combination numbers to the General Cashier’s safe or the Drop Safe/Remittance Depository Box. To change safe deposit box combination immediately after returning back to work from annual leaves.
不透露总出纳及前台投币保险箱的密码. 在休假结束后即刻更换保险箱密码。
31. Is flexible in relation to working hours.
32. Maintains good relations with other hotel departments.
33. Handles all requests and enquiries in a timely, efficient and friendly manner.
34. Minimises the risks of accidents and workers compensation costs by ensuring the correct work practises are used and that the area is safe from hazards.
35. To perform any additional tasks assigned to ensure that the hotel functions smoothly.
36. The management reserves the right to change / extend this job description if necessary at any point of time during her / his employment.
如有必要 ,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。
37. Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.
佛山南海和华希尔顿逸林酒店坐落于广州与佛山交界处的广佛新干线,距离广州地铁5号线滘口站3公里,距离广州白云机场45分钟车程,前往广州南站或琶洲国际会展中心仅需35分钟。酒店与凯德180综合商厦相连,位于和华盛世发展有限公司和华商贸广场1座,毗邻购物中心,步行5分钟可至盐步家具城及凯民茶博城。得天独厚的地理位置,为您的出行带来无尽便利。 酒店由世界知名的香港郑中设计事务所设计,极具现代感的流线运用带给您的时尚前卫的独特体验。酒店拥有275间时尚客房,其中包括11间奢华典雅的套房。所有客房均可透过180°全景落地玻璃欣赏佛山城市景观,高层客房更可俯瞰城市天际线,尽享云端之旅。客房设计融入了星空灯、赛车跑道等元素,宾客可以充分体验在赛道驰骋后枕着星河入梦的感觉。睡床更是以飞机头等舱为设计灵感,独特的弧形设计带给您强烈的视觉冲击以及前所未有的新颖体验。 每间客房均配备独立工作区、高速互联网接入、49英寸 LCD 电视、舒达睡眠寝具、独立花洒与浴缸和全新的Crabtree &Evelyn 马鞭草与熏衣草系列洗浴用品。 位于酒店50层和52层两间各具特色的餐厅和酒吧带给您从味觉到视觉的双重愉悦体验。位于酒店50层黑武吧,拥有360度落地玻璃景观,及一间独立VIP包房。提供香浓咖啡,精致下午茶点,特色饮品及进口葡萄酒,是您商务洽谈及好友聚会的的理想场所。晚间开始播放轻音乐,搭配现调特色鸡尾酒,伫立窗边目光所至即是广州“小蛮腰”,让您于此尽享舒心时刻。52层天厨全日餐厅提供早餐,东南亚特色午餐零点及各国美食自助晚餐,全落地玻璃景观设计,让您在享用美食的同时尽揽城市美景。入住行政楼层的宾客还可在39层行政酒廊免费享用早餐、下午茶或晚间欢乐时光,各式鸡尾酒小食放松身心。 酒店拥有超过2250平方米的会议活动场地,无论是大型会议活动或私人宴会的需求均可得到满足。面积1200平方米层高超过8米的无柱式宴会厅,可应需求被灵活分割成三个独立区域。大厅内海浪型水晶灯搭配赛车竞技元素的LED灯带,呈现出幻彩多变的灯光效果,可以根据宾客需求调整模式,满足您在不同场景的灯光需求。同时赛车竞速等元素融入了地毯设计,让宾客拥有脚踏赛道的会议视觉体验。拥有全景落地玻璃,自然采光的宴会前厅占地350平方米,宽敞开阔,让您创意的搭建方案无后顾之忧。酒店同时拥有8个配备先进设施、装修舒适的多功能厅,是您中小型会议或宴会的合适选择。与此同时,酒店客房、公共区域设有无线网络及宽带连接,为宾客打造更加畅通无阻的会议体验。酒店配备专业宴会销售团队及高效细致的服务,旨在为您打造高效会议及完美婚礼。 酒店38层设有24 小时健身中心,配备国际知名品牌运动器械,恒温无边天际泳池,让您充分感受挥臂畅游在城市上空的独特体验。360°落地玻璃景观让您在这里健身的同时可俯瞰整个城市景观,于美景之中更好的放松身心。