Direct food and beverage operations to ensure quality service and standards while delivering a guest experience that is unique. Ensure compliance with all governmental regulations concerning health, safety, or other requirements.
Participate in the preparation of the annual departmental operating budget and financial plans. Monitor budget and control expenses with a focus on food, beverage, and labour costs.
In partnership with other department heads, identify additional sales opportunities to enhance revenue. Drive promotions that deliver great dining experiences for our guests.
Ensure all credit and financial transactions are handled in a secure manner.
Direct day-to-day staffing requirements, plan and assign work, and establish performance and development goals for team members. Provide mentoring, coaching and regular feedback to help manage conflict and improve team member performance.
Educate and train all team members in compliance with governmental regulations. Ensure staff is properly trained in quality and service standards and has the tools and equipment to carry out job duties.
Promote teamwork and quality service through daily communication and coordination with other departments.
Recommend and/or initiate salary, disciplinary, or other staffing/human resources-related actions in accordance with company rules and policies.
Ensure that all food and beverage facilities and equipment are cleaned, vacuumed, and properly stocked according to anticipated business volume. Notify engineering immediately of any maintenance and repair needs.
Establish and achieve quality and guest satisfaction goals. Respond in a courteous and prompt manner to all guest questions, complaints and/or requests to ensure a high level of guest satisfaction.
Analyse guest insights to identify and meet customer expectations and build on guest loyalty.
Interact with guests to ensure expectations are being met.
千年以来,从岭南古邑到粤港澳大湾区的主要都市,广东东莞的每一次蜕变都留下了弥足珍贵的历史印记。广府、客家、疍家文化在此共生共荣,莞香、石排醒狮、可园、莞城骑楼.....诉说着古往今来,无不吸引着探索者的脚步。 东莞洲际酒店坐落于城市四大商圈之间,纵览新城天际,阅尽一城繁华。作为备受瞩目的新城力作和大型商业综合体民盈·国贸中心建筑群的重要组成部分之一,酒店融汇东莞传统文化和现代奢华,集商务、都市精英生活和会议等完善的功能于一体,带您体验新岭南奢雅风尚。 酒店外观采用水晶幕墙雕砌,炫彩夺目,曲径通幽的入口和雅致的屋顶露台,别有洞天。室内设计汲取岭南四大园林之一——可园精髓,呈现古雅精巧的岭南文化与现代奢华生活交织共鸣的气韵。285间客房及套房空间阔达,为您打造大隐隐于市的闲雅生活居所。 酒店拥有5,000平方米超大规模的会议场地,以及汇聚各色美味的特色餐厅、大堂吧和专业多能的康体、休闲娱乐设施,户外空间更达2000平方米,为您的会议活动、用餐和休闲社交提供多样化、高品位选择。 酒店毗邻民盈·国贸城、会展中心及鸿福路地铁2号线,与广州白云机场和深圳宝安机场直线距离分别约62.9公里和42.4公里,与虎门高铁站直线距离约19.3公里。优越的地理位置和便捷的交通,还可令您轻松前往酒店周边的景峰高尔夫球场尽兴挥杆,或游览闻名遐迩的可园、海战博物馆等胜地,体验知行东莞的精彩。 东莞洲际酒店是您在东莞新城商旅入住,举办高端会议、盛大婚宴及私人社交活动的非凡之选,我们期待为您带来尊崇备至的洲际人生体验。