ADD Restaurant Team Leader 全日餐厅主管
发布于 10-15
ADD Restaurant Team Leader 全日餐厅主管
东莞 | 3年以上 | 大专
·         In the absence of a Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known 
· 经理不在时,组织交接班例会,确保员工知晓酒店的活动和运作要求
· Endeavor to resolve all complaints during shift and logs all complaints in log book for further follow up
· 换班中尽量解决所有的抱怨,并记录在值班日记上以便进一步跟踪调查
· Supervise cash handling and banking procedures
· 监督现金操作和银行程序
· Establish and instruct staff in cash security procedures
· 建立和指导员工执行现金安全程序
· Supervise the maintenance of service equipment
· 监督服务设备的维护
· Monitor standards of guest facilities and services
· 监督客人服务和设施的标准
· Control stock and monitor security procedures
· 控制库存和监督安全程序
· Assist with menu and wine list creation
· 协助创造菜单和酒水列表
· Supervise functions
· 监督营运情况
· To be responsible for the daily supervision of the restaurant, concentrating on service procedure and quality of product.
· 负责餐厅的日常管理,主要是服务程序和产品质量方面的管理。
· To ensure that all restaurant mise en place is correctly prepared and ready for each service period.
· 确保所有餐厅的准备工作都做好,为各个服务时段做好准备。
· To maintain a breakage prevention program designed to minimize breakage of operating equipment, and to liaise directly with the Chief Steward and recommend changes to policies or procedures.
· 设计一个破损的计划,将经营用具的损失减少到最小;和管事部负责人保持联系;对经营方针和程序提出改进措施
· To maintain a close customer contact to ensure satisfaction and recognition of regular guests.
· 和客人保持密切接触,保证能得到客人的满意和称赞。
· To assist Manager in the planning, implementation and running of promotional events.
· 协助经理计划、组织和实施促销活动。
· To comply with any reasonable request made by the Manager or Food and Beverage Director.
· 完成经理和餐饮总监的合理要求。
· To supervise the service within the restaurant, to ensure that the service standards, quality of product, staff grooming are to the requirements as specified within the Operation Policy of the outlet. and the requirements of the Hotel.
· 监督餐厅的服务工作,保证服务标准、产品质量和员工的仪容仪表符合餐厅经营方针和酒点要求。
· where required any equipment or supplies that are necessary.
· 检查所有的调味品、餐厅供应品以及经营用具,保证有日常经营所需的足够的存货,领取需要的用具和供应品。
· To assist the restaurant manager in spot checks of the restaurant, to ensure cleanliness of the operation at all time
· 协助餐厅经理检查餐厅,保证经营过程的清洁、干净。
· To assist the restaurant manager in spot checks of the restaurant to ensure that all repairs and maintenance has been carried out, reporting any new areas that need attention. And ensuring follows up within a time frame of 14 days.
· 协助餐厅经理检查餐厅,保证所有的修补和维护都已经进行,汇报需要维修的地方,并保证在14天之内跟踪完成。
· To ensure that all menus are clean, neat and tidy, free from marks and dirt, stains or watermarks. Replacing any menu with a new one as is required.
· 保证所有菜单都干净、整洁、美观,没有痕迹、污渍和水印。更换所有应该更换的菜单。
· To ensure that all staff report for work as per the posted roster, and that all leave and sick leave requests are handed to the Restaurant manager.
· 保证所有员工都按照排好的排班表上班,所有事假和病假的要求都要通过餐厅经理。
· To assist during the service periods with actual service to the guest during periods of high business.
· 在营业高峰时间,协助为客人服务。
· To assist the restaurant manager at all times, ensuring a high level of co-operation at all times.
· 协助餐厅经理,保证餐厅随时都能很好的合作。
· Must always check personal hygiene and be well groomed in appearance, as per the grooming standards of the hotel and the department.
· 按照酒店和部门仪容仪表要求,经常检查个人卫生,注意仪表。
· Must always maintain a professional image at all times, be friendly and smiling at all times when in contact with guests and staff alike.
· 随时保持专业的形象,和客人及员工打交道时,态度友好,面带微笑。
· Ensure prompt and courteous service at all times, and ensure that all guest enquiringly are deal with at all times.
· 提供快速礼貌的服务,保证所有客人的要求都得到满足。
· Must be aware of the importance of beverage sales within the outlet, and sees to it that every effort is made by the waiters and waitresses to sell the maximum number of drinks possible. And to ensure that all beverages sold are as per the quality and presentation standards of the Hotel.
· 必须明白餐厅酒水销售的重要性,保证每个服务员都尽了最大努力扩大销售量,并保证所卖的酒水符合质量要求和酒店的标准。
· To ensure that all products and services ordered appear on all guest checks, and that all items are properly accounted for, correct prices charged. And that all Monies due are collected from the guest.
· 保证所有卖出的产品都正确纪录在账单上,确保所有项目都正确核算,向客人收取该收的费用。
· Greet and escort guests to their table during high business periods, to ensure guests are seated quickly and not waiting at the entrance.
· 在营业高峰时期,欢迎客人并为客人领座,保证客人快速入座,不要让客人在门口长时间等待。
· Ensure that all staff is at their assigned stations, and that works assignments have been issued and understood.
· 确保所有的员工都在指定的岗位,指定的岗位清楚明确。
· When presenting menus to guests or answering guest questions as to the menu content, the person must be fully aware of all menu items and services that are offered, and be able to explain them accordingly.
· 当递给客人菜单或回答跟菜单有关的问题时,必须完全明白菜单上的项目和提供的服务,并能够相应的解释它们。
· Be aware of duty of care and adhere to occupational, health and safety legislation, policies and procedures
· 注意安全的职责并符合职业、健康、安全等法律政策和法规
目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
对这个职位感兴趣? 最佳东方APP扫一扫 直接和HR聊一聊吧~
  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 股份制企业
千年以来,从岭南古邑到粤港澳大湾区的主要都市,广东东莞的每一次蜕变都留下了弥足珍贵的历史印记。广府、客家、疍家文化在此共生共荣,莞香、石排醒狮、可园、莞城骑楼.....诉说着古往今来,无不吸引着探索者的脚步。 东莞洲际酒店坐落于城市四大商圈之间,纵览新城天际,阅尽一城繁华。作为备受瞩目的新城力作和大型商业综合体民盈·国贸中心建筑群的重要组成部分之一,酒店融汇东莞传统文化和现代奢华,集商务、都市精英生活和会议等完善的功能于一体,带您体验新岭南奢雅风尚。 酒店外观采用水晶幕墙雕砌,炫彩夺目,曲径通幽的入口和雅致的屋顶露台,别有洞天。室内设计汲取岭南四大园林之一——可园精髓,呈现古雅精巧的岭南文化与现代奢华生活交织共鸣的气韵。285间客房及套房空间阔达,为您打造大隐隐于市的闲雅生活居所。 酒店拥有5,000平方米超大规模的会议场地,以及汇聚各色美味的特色餐厅、大堂吧和专业多能的康体、休闲娱乐设施,户外空间更达2000平方米,为您的会议活动、用餐和休闲社交提供多样化、高品位选择。 酒店毗邻民盈·国贸城、会展中心及鸿福路地铁2号线,与广州白云机场和深圳宝安机场直线距离分别约62.9公里和42.4公里,与虎门高铁站直线距离约19.3公里。优越的地理位置和便捷的交通,还可令您轻松前往酒店周边的景峰高尔夫球场尽兴挥杆,或游览闻名遐迩的可园、海战博物馆等胜地,体验知行东莞的精彩。 东莞洲际酒店是您在东莞新城商旅入住,举办高端会议、盛大婚宴及私人社交活动的非凡之选,我们期待为您带来尊崇备至的洲际人生体验。