1. 待客主动、热情、礼貌,工作讲究效率、责任心强。
2. 按摩技术熟练,职业道德良好,根据宾客的要求提供最佳服务。
3. 坚守工作岗位,多巡查,密切注意观察宾客动态,确保宾客的生命和财物安全。
4. 向宾客介绍各种服务设施的使用方法及注意事项,爱护设备,做好温度、水位的控制工作。
5. 协助服务员搞好按摩房的卫生工作,保持按摩房的整洁、优雅、宁静。
西双版纳稷泽万达文华度假酒店坐落于西双版纳景洪市西北部--融创西双版纳国际度假区,是万达集团首家超五星级自营山地度假酒店。距西双版纳嘎洒国际机场仅15分钟车程,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。酒店拥有151间华丽典雅的客房及套房,同时,酒店创建了一个中西合璧、令人回味的美食天堂,包括汇聚中华美食精髓的品珍中餐厅,囊括世界各地美味的美食汇全日餐厅,高端精致的时尚特色餐厅“湄宫”,呈现各式茶茗、环球珍藏佳酿的大堂酒廊,为美食美酒爱好者带来全新难忘的味蕾体验。 1,200平米无柱式大宴会厅配备全市独一无二的85平米LED幕墙,6个不同规模的多功能厅,结合顶级会议活动设施和专业体贴的一站式会议管家服务,西双版纳稷泽万达文华度假酒店是举办各种宴会及会议活动的理想场所。西双版纳稷泽万达文华度假酒店为您打造一个理想而美丽的国度。Wanda Vista Resort Xishuangbanna is locatedon the northwest of Jinghong City. WandaVista Resort Xishuangbanna is the first 5-star plus resort managed by Wanda Hotels& Resorts. Enjoying convenient transportation connections, the hotel isjust a 15 minute drive from XishuangbannaGasa International Airport. The151-rooms hotel is an exquisite paradise of warm hospitality and orientalculture in a cosmopolitan style. Ideally designed for tourists and businesstravelers, the hotel provides an elegant oasis of ultimate comfort withluxurious guestrooms, world-class dining options including Cafe Vista, ZHENChinese Restaurant, Mekong Specialty Restaurant and the stunning Lobby Lounge.Be it a meeting, a wedding or any social event; Wanda vista Resort Xishuangbanna is the place to go. The hotel offers a 1,200sqm pillar-free GrandBallroom with state-of-the-art technology including a 85sqm LED screen and 6different sized function rooms with Wanda Vista's unique Exclusive MeetingDirector services to make every occasion a great success.