发布于 02-21
广州 | 2年以上 | 学历不限 | 招1人



§  协助确保财务部运作符合其酒店策略,适当执行酒店规章。

Assists to ensure that the Financeactivities are aligned with the respective Corporate Strategy, and that theHotel Actions have been implemented where appropriate.

§ 监督部门营运手册的准备和更新的工作。

Oversees the preparation and update ofindividual Departmental Operations Manuals.

§  保持所有的永久性的关于成本运作设施和固定资产及经营设备方面的记录。

Maintains files for all pertinent costaudit Operating Equipment and FF&E records.


Customer Service

§  确保所有员工遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。

Ensures that all associates deliver thebrand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times.

§  确保员工同样在适当的时候为其他部门的内部客人提供优质服务。

Ensures that associates also provideexcellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate.

§ 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。

Handles all guest and internal customercomplaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following throughto make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.

§  友善、有效地解决顾客和员工的问题,对于他们的投诉和提出的问题如不能当时解决,应汇报给上级,并迅速跟进及时反馈结果。

Handles guest and associate enquiries ina courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if noimmediate solution can be found, whilst feeding back a prompt follow up.

§  与顾客和同事要有良好的合作关系。

Maintains positive guest and colleagueinteractions with good working relationships.



§  确保遵循与财务记账,资金处理及营业执照相关的酒店、公司及当地的政策与法规等,及时准确的汇报财务信息。

Ensures that all hotel, company andlocal rules, policies and regulations relating to financial record keeping,money handling and licensing are adhered to, including the timely and accuratereporting of financial information.

§  将员工的工作能力通过多项技能、多项任务和有弹性的日程安排运用而达到最大化,以完成经营上的财政目标和顾客期望。

Maximises associate productivity throughthe use of multi-skilling, multi-tasking and flexible scheduling to meet thefinancial goals of the business as well as the expectations of the guests.

§  协助进行盘点管理和酒店营运设备和其他设施持续的保存保养。

Assists in the inventory management andongoing maintenance of hotel operating equipment and other assets.

§ 以主要的业绩表现指数为基础对成本进行预先管理控制,适当的时候让各个部门经理参与其中。

Manages costs proactively based on keyperformance indicators, works with the respective Heads of Department asappropriate.

§  全面了解凯悦在成本审计方面的目标,对于物料部的工作建立有效的审计系统。

Understands thoroughly Hyatt objectivesin Cost Audit as to provide an effective auditing system for the activities ofthe Materials Management division.

§  为会计部门和其它控制部门准备日报和月报提供必要的成本汇总表。

Provides summary reports of the costsrequired by the Accounting and Control division to prepare daily and monthlyreports.

§  为部门主管提供必要的成本数字,有利于他们经营他们各自的利润中心。

Provides Heads of Departments with thecost figures necessary for them to operate their individual profit centreprofitably.

§  确保专业人员输入准确的数据。

Ensures accurate data input by operationlevel personnel.

§  审核后台的活动,即管理和中央厨房物资供应 。

Audits back-of-house functions; namely,materials management and the commissary kitchen.

§  审核餐饮部各营业点每天的运作。

Audits the day-to-day operation of allfood and beverage outlets.

§  全面熟悉物料部门的管理,包括收货,采购,发货,仓库和厨房的运作。

Fully conversant with operation of theMaterials Department, i.e. receiving, purchasing, issuing, storing andcommissary kitchen.

§  全面掌握内部控制程序。

Fully familiar with internal controlprocedures.

§  确保所有采购请求及其他存货的采购经过总经理和财务总监的批准。

Ensures that all purchase requests,other than inventory items, are approved by the General Manager and Director ofFinance.

§  聚焦关注在提高生产力的水平上,需要谨慎控制的工资和其他成本在可接受的限度内,确保所有的设备在分布和利用上都能发挥最大的能量。

Focuses attention on improvingproductivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/payroll costswithin acceptable guidelines ensuring optimum deployment and energy efficiencyof all equipment.

§  确保拥有新技术和设备,同时利用系统来提高生产力。

Ensures new technology and equipment areembraced, improving productivity whilst taking work out of the system.

§  确保所有酒店的规章制度被传达到员工,并遵照执行。

Ensures that all in-house rules andregulations are communicated to associates and implemented.



§  确保每个采购项目都有三家报价。

Ensures that three quotations have beenobtained for all items purchased.

§  确保了解SCALA系统(包括物料管理系统)。

Ensures thorough understanding of theSCALA system (Materials Management System).

§  监督和确保采购获得更新和准确的报价。

Monitors and ensures that Purchasingobtains up-to-date and accurate quotations.

§  确保建立准确的水平,订单应与事先设立的标准水平一致,除非得到批准,否则采购单的变更不可以操作。

Ensures that accurate par levels areestablished and ordering is done in accordance with the set par and noalterations are to be made to the purchase orders unless approved.

§  参与有关年度采购或有关存货项目的大型采购的正式谈判。

Participates in formal negotiations forannual or large contracts involving inventory items.

§  确保所有被供应的货物的第一通道是收货部。

Ensures that all goods delivered bysuppliers are channelled to the Receiving Department.

§  确保所有的工作按标准正常运行。

Ensures all scales are working properly.

§  确保所有的货物有人看管。

Ensures that all goods are not leftunattended.

§  确保所有发票盖章且有物料部文员签字,所有的直接采购的项目也应有需求部门经理签字。

Ensures that all invoices are stampedand signed by the Materials clerk.  Alldirect purchased items should also be signed by the outlet manager.

§  抽查货物是否符合规格。

Spot checks to ensure that goods arereceived as per specifications.

§  确保所有收到的货品和项目是按照送货的计划时间表,适时的检查在质量和相关的文件方面都是按照有关规定的政策和程序的要求。

Ensures all goods and items are receivedaccording to delivery schedule, properly checked on quality and are documented accordingto the related policies and procedures.

§  确保所有液体瓶子具有相应的控制标签和商标。

Ensures all liquor bottles are stuck andstamped with the appropriate control labels.

§  审核每月库存,并且准确盘点调节表。

Audits monthly stock take and preparesstock reconciliation for all stockrooms.

§  准备每日的食品和饮料的实际成本报告和预计的成本报告。

Prepares daily food and beverage actual/potential cost report.

§  确保每月采购单和可支付账目相平衡。

Ensures that all monthly inventoriespurchased are in balance with the accounts payable.

§  准备月底成本审核报告,包括所有仓库的调节表。

Prepares month-end cost audit report,which includes reconciliation of all storerooms.

§  确保所有方针及程序的执行。

Ensures that all policies and proceduresare being followed.



§  协助监督所有成本审计员工的出勤和仪容仪表,确保员工穿着合体的制服,并符合酒店和部门的仪表卫生标准。

Assists to oversee the punctuality andappearance of all Cost Audit associates, making sure that they wear the correctuniform and maintain a high standard of personal appearance and hygiene,according to the hotel and department’s grooming standards.

§  进行关于年度发展评估的讨论,帮助培训员工实现自己的职业目标。

Conducts annual Performance DevelopmentDiscussions with Cost Audit associates, supports them in their professionaldevelopment goals.

§  确保与酒店内部各级别的员工保持良好的工作关系,积极关心他们的安全与发展。

Ensures a strong professionalrelationship with all levels of associates within the hotel, taking an activeinterest in their safety and development.

§  鼓励员工创新和变革,以及接受挑战,并对他们的工作贡献表示认可。

Encourages associates to be creative andinnovative, challenging and recognising them for their contribution to thesuccess of the operation.

§  在部门内支持人本品牌理念的推行。

Supports the implementation of The PeopleBrand in every department in the hotel.

§  发展财务部员工根据营运、财务和行政理念的标准工作

Develops Accounting Clerk to workfollowing the operational, financial, administrative philosophies.

§  通过实践管理,严密监督以确保所有财务部员工的工作表现符合酒店规章制度与程序以及适用的法律法规。

Through hands-on management, supervisesclosely all Accounting Clerk in the performance of their duties in accordancewith policies and procedures and applicable laws.

§  合理指派工作与职责并配备相应设备与资源给员工,培养和发展他们的同时确保保持所有营运和安全标准。

Delegates appropriately, duties and responsibilitiesto equipped and resourced associates, nurturing and developing them whilstensuring standards of operation and safety are maintained.


Other Duties

§  熟知与员工和行业相关的法律法规。

Is knowledgeable in statutorylegislation in associate and industrial relations.

§  确保保持高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。

Ensures high standards of personalpresentation and grooming.

§  随着行业、公司和酒店的变化,对财务部的职能作出相应调整。

Responds to changes in the Financefunction as dictated by the industry, company and hotel.

§  熟知酒店的员工手册并且理解酒店的规章制度,尤其是有关火灾,卫生,健康,与安全的政策和程序。

Reads the hotel's Associate Handbook andhas an understanding of and adheres to the hotel's rules and regulations and inparticular, the policies and procedures relating to fire, hygiene, health andsafety.

§  始终对管理和个人行为负责, 并且积极展现酒店管理层和凯悦的形象。

Exercises responsible management andbehaviour at all times, positively representing the hotel management team andHyatt.

§  参加必要的培训和例会。

Attends training sessions and meetingsas and when required.

§  完成其他合理分配的职责和任务。

Carries out any other reasonable duties andresponsibilities as assigned.

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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 私营.民营企业