发布于 10-16
广州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 招1人



§  根据顺序,为客人点单并服务。

Take order and serve the guest according to the sequence.

§  销售产品。

Up-sell product.

§  维持客用品并控制成本。

Maintain guest supplies and control the cost.

§  下班时,确保饮料存货正确。

Ensure beverage stock in the bar is correct.

§  根据标准确保自助餐布置和服务。

Ensure buffet set up and service according to the standard.

§  根据部门工作安排,确保服务的顺畅。

Ensure smoothly service according to the task arranged.

§  处理客人关于食品和酒水方面的要求以及疑问。

Handle enquiries and require in food and beverage.

§  协助每月进行运营设备及营业用品盘点。

Assists in conducting monthly inventory checks on all operating equipment and supplies.

§  负责在服务之前对员工进行指导。

Provide guidance before serving.

§  具备充足的菜单知识,能够向客人推荐和促销餐饮产品。

Knowledgeable in food and beverage, Able to up-sell and recommend food and beverage.

§  能够对新员工和实习生进行培训。

Able to train the new coming staffs and trainees.

§  与餐务部、客房部和工程部保持良好的沟通,确保餐厅的整洁和保养。

Maintain communication with stewarding, housekeeping and engineering, Ensure restaurant clean and well maintained.

§  根据菜单为客人提供食品和饮料。

Provide food and beverage according to the menu.

§  适应餐饮部或酒店其他部门岗位的灵活调换。

Exchange the position flexible.

§  始终提供高效、优质的服务。

Provide efficient and high quality service all the time.

§  摆台并根据不同的用餐时间调整摆台。

Set up and tune over the table in the meal period.

§  根据布草房建立的安排表,把脏的布草送到洗衣房并把干净的拿回部门。

Change the linen according to the schedule.

§  根据部门营运手册的标准进行摆台。

Set up tables according to the Department Operation Manual.

§  收集所有食物和饮料的需求。

Collect the needs in food and beverage.

§  在不忙的时候,叠餐巾。

Fold napkin when not busy.

§  严格遵守餐厅的营业时间。

Strict in restaurant opening hours.

§  始终确保服务台、吧台和周围环境的干净整洁。

Maintain bar area tidy and clean.

§  严格控制客用品,减少损坏和浪费。

Strict in control guest supplies, Release breakage and waste.

§  以礼貌、高效的方式,处理客人要求。

Handle guest require in a professional and efficiency manner.

§  完全理解并严格执行部门营运手册。

Fully understand and strict in Department Operations Manual.

§  根据工作计划和部门培训工序表处理所有工作。

All the work process according to the work plan and training task list.

§  完全理解并应用餐饮部宝典20条。

Fully understand F&B Top 20.

§  完全理解并支持凯悦餐饮部愿景和使命。

Fully understand and support Hyatt F&B vision and mission.



Room Service

§  在结束与客人的通话前,为客人点单并重复所点的内容。

Repeat order before hang up the phone.

§  确保按客人的要求正确点单。

Ensure order are correct.

§  确保所有食物、酒水及时送到客人房间。

Ensure all the food and beverage delivering on time.

§  严格遵守酒店政策和程序,特别是进入客房。

Strict in hotel policy and procedure, especially enter the guest room.

§  确保不能进入有“请勿打扰”的客房。

Ensure never enter “DND” room.

§  当被告知收餐具时,确保收走在客人房间或走廊的所有餐具。

Take away all the cutleries and chinaware form the guest room and corridor when informed.

§  确保所有帐单的准确并在送餐时收回款项。

Ensure the check correct.




§  根据客人要求布置宴会、会议场地。

Set up function according to the guest request.

§  确保所有会议的视频设备都事先经过测试。

Ensure all the AV equipment had been tested before function.

§  确保将会议横幅摆放在正确的地点/位置。

Ensure banner hanged up at correct position.

§  将餐布和设备送入仓库前,确保餐布和设备的干净整洁。

Ensure equipment are cleaned before stored into store room.

§  与客房部紧密合作,确保会议场地始终干净整洁。

Work closely with housekeeping to ensure function tidy and clean.

§  与工程部紧密合作,确保会议设备的正常运作。

Work closely with engineering, ensure meeting equipment working smooth.



Cashier Management

§  执行凯悦宴会会议服务标准

Always follow “Great Events = Hyatt” standards

§  确保根据客人的消费项目打印帐单。

Ensure bill always according to the guest order.

§  在帐单上显示总金额。

Total amount always shows on the bill.

§  为客人找零,提供现金支票及发票。

Provide cash check and invoice.

§  确保记录所有收入并准备报告。

Ensure all the income was record.

§  读出并记录收银机上的总数,禁止留现金在手上。

Check the total amount, never keep cash on hand.

§  确保收入的准确并对这些款项做必要的描述。

Ensure income item all correct.

§  检查特殊支票。

Check the special check.

§  确保当班时填写每日记录。

Ensure fill in the daily record when on duty.

§  如客人取消预订,可通过现金或信用卡为客人退款。

When the guest cancel order, we can pay back by cash or credit card.

§  确保收到的现金为真钞。

Ensure cash are real.

§  确保客人的信用卡在有效期内。

Ensure guest credit card in period of validity.

§  严格遵守财务部关于收银、现金处理的政策和程序。

Strict in the policy and procedure of cashier and cash.




§  维护部门日志。

Maintains the Daily Log Book.

§  及时提交所有客人/员工的事故报告。

Report the guest/associate accident report.

§  根据酒店”失物招领”程序处理所有“失物招领”物品。

Handle lost and found items according to the policy and procedure.



Payroll & Productivity Management

§  通过在整个部门内建立灵活的员工编制,实施高效的薪资管理/资源分配。这将依据一个灵活的员工基数(全职员工及临时工)、多技能及多任务的原则。

Exercises efficient Payroll Management/ Resource allocation through the establishment of a flexible workforce throughout the Division. This will be based on the principles of a flexible associate base (Full Time & Part Time associates), multi-skilling and multi-tasking.

§  指导下属确保生产力水平满足凯悦酒店集团餐饮部运营手册的要求。

Directs subordinates to ensure productivity meets the Hyatt Hotels Corporation Food and Beverage Operations Manual requirements.

§  关注改进生产力水平及在可接受的指引下谨慎管理用品/薪资,确保所有设备的优化部署和高效能。

Focuses attention on improving productivity levels and the need to prudently manage utility/ payroll costs within acceptable guidelines ensuring optimum deployment and energy efficiency of all equipment.

§  确保使用新技术和新设备以提高生产力。

Ensures new technology & equipment are embraced as to improve productivity.

§  通过“灵活处理工作”(适当情况下)和简化工作流程,来回顾和不断探索所有员工的生产力水平改善。

Reviews and constantly seeks Productivity level improvements of all associates through the process of “taking work out of the system” (when appropriate) and through streamlining of work process.



People Management

§  给具备能力和资源的员工委派适当的工作和责任,在培养和发展员工的同时确保营运标准和安全。

Delegates appropriately duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourced associates, nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operation and safety are maintained.

§  通过参与管理,根据酒店制度和程序以及相关适用法律,对所有餐饮部员工进行紧密督导。

Through hands on management, supervises closely all Food and Beverage Service associates in the performance of their duties in accordance with policies & procedures and applicable laws.

§  拥护和支持酒店的培训精神和以人为本的管理哲学,并和进修及培训发展部经理、餐厅经理密切合作培养和发展员工。

Instils and supports the Training initiatives and philosophies of the company and works closely with the Learning and Development Manager and Outlet Manager to develop a team of multi-skill associates.

§  发展及协助针对提高技能和知识的培训活动。

Develops and assists with training activities focused on improving skills and knowledge.

§  确保员工完全理解酒店的规章制度并遵照执行。

Ensures associates have a complete understanding of rules and regulations, and that behaviour complies.

§  监督员工士气并提供工作表现及发展的反馈。

Monitors associate morale and provides mechanism for performance feedback and development.

§  进行员工年度表现发展评估,提供真实和准确的回馈。

Assists in conducting the annual Performance Appraisals providing honest and appropriate feedback.

§  将指导原则和核心价值有效地传达给所有层级的员工。

Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of associates.




§  按要求出席所有会议并作出贡献。

Attends and contributes to all meetings as required.

§  确保部门的服务一贯按照部门营运手册的标准,高效、一致和礼貌的完成。

Ensures services provided by the department are always available and are always carried out to define Standard with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy as detailed in the Department Operation Manual.

§  确保始终提供礼貌和专业的服务。

Ensures provide courteous and professional service at all times.

§  保持对酒店产品知识、当前推广、政策改变的最新了解及保持高效的内部沟通。

Maintain an up-to-date awareness of hotel product knowledge, current promotion, policy changes and appropriate internal communication.

§  按时参加酒店及部门的培训,以提高技能和知识。

Attend the training on time to improve skill and knowledge.

§  礼貌而高效的处理客人和员工询问,对不能立即解决的投诉和问题进行汇报

Handles guest and associate enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found.

§  确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。

Ensures high standards of personal presentation & grooming.

§  与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。

Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.

§  根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。

Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the hotel, industry and company.

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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 私营.民营企业