•Manages all functions of theFood Production and Stewarding operations to achieve the optimum departmentalprofit
•Manages all functions of theFood Production and Stewarding operations to achieve the optimum quality levelof food production and sanitation
•管理食品生产部和管事部所有工作 ,获得最佳的食品质量水平和实现最高的卫生标准。
•Oversees special events andspecial food promotions
•Makes recipes and maintainsup-dated and accurate costing of all dishes prepared and sold in the Food andBeverage operation
•Develops and writes standardrecipes
•Develops new dishes and products
•Takes steps to ensure thatoutstanding culinary technical skills are maintained
•Maintains comprehensive productknowledge including ingredients, equipment, suppliers, markets and currenttrends and make appropriate adjustments to kitchen operations accordingly
•Controls and analyzes, on anon-going basis
•Develops with the TrainingManager training plans, develops training material in accordance with IHGguidelines and implements training plans for the Food Production employees andother Food and Beverage employees
•Develops with the Director ofFood and Beverage popular menus offering guests value for money in accordancewith IHG guidelines
•Plans and organizes with theDirector of Food and Beverage successful Food and Beverage activities in thehotel and overseas
•Attends and participates to othermeetings as required by the administrative calendar
•Keeps an up-dated Hotel Policiesand Procedures file
•Sets Food Production andStewarding goals and develops strategies, procedures and policies
•Determines with the FinanceDirector the minimum and maximum stocks of all food, material and equipment
•Sets standards of all food andequipment purchases in accordance with IHG guidelines
•Monitors local competitors andcompare their operation with the hotel Food and Beverage operation
•Works with Human Resources onmanpower planning and management needs
•Works with Director of Financein the preparation and management of the Department’sbudget
•Perform other duties as assignedby superior.
天津融侨套房假日酒店是洲际酒店集团的又一新成员,是南开区首家国际品牌酒店也是津京冀地区首家套房假日酒店,酒店位于南开区科技、金融、商务汇聚区,毗邻海光寺商圈,金融中心近在咫尺,更有百年名校比肩而立,附近充足的出租车便于您前往城市的其它地区。 酒店秉承时尚简约的设计理念,将客房内每处区域的规划变得更加合理,步入式更衣柜设计,将起居室、卧室区域分开;超大洗手台使得卫浴区域更有空间感;独立的工作空间让您的商务旅途更为高效;V力健身中心配备各类专业健身器械、设定标准泳道的室内恒温泳池,为您缓解舟车劳顿的疲惫;融飨全日餐厅让您足不出户尽享全球美食;悦吧大堂吧将成为您享受悠闲时光的不二之选。 天津融侨套房假日酒店将为这一区域带来卓越的服务理念,及舒适的住宿环境。无论您与家人休闲度假还是差旅途中,优悦会忠诚客户奖励计划让您在全球所有洲际旗下酒店都能得到尊贵的会员专属礼遇以及独享的会员折扣价格。Boomi主题家庭房以及儿童食宿欢乐尽享项目都是假日品牌专为家庭出行设计,为您和您的可爱宝贝匠心打造的不可复制的回忆与体验。酒店专业的服务团队为您提供贴心服务,让您无论是度假还是差旅都能享受优质的睡眠及家一般的舒适入住体验。我们想客人所想,旨在营造惬意自在的入住氛围,令客人度过轻松难忘的时光。我们提供给您的福利:五险一金,给你更多保障具有市场竞争力的薪酬和福利薪资评审和年终奖金,认可你一年的辛勤付出诚意满满的员工价餐饮及客房免费员工公寓和工作餐,感受家的温暖和味道双休和带薪年假,世界那么大,带你去看看我的青春不迷茫,职业规划有方向全球领先的培训体系,助力梦想在这里,我们与你畅享同洲之谊,共赴成长无际,筑就非凡天地。在多元、平等与包容的文化氛围中,每一个“你”,都是如此重要。与你同“洲”,我们将共赴无际。日常面试安排面试时间:周一至周五10:00-17:00(请携带一张一寸照片)面试地点:天津融侨套房假日酒店人力资源部