Position Summary职位概述
Under the general guidance and supervision of the Commercial Director in keeping with the delegation of authority, oversees day to day Sales efforts of Senior Sales Managers, Sales Managers, Sales Executives, with specific responsibilities for directing sales, training, and implementing action plans set forth in the Marketing Plan.
1. Establish account data base and keep updating.
2. Marketing planning — participate in the development and execution of the hotel marketing plan.
行销计划 ——参与酒店销售计划的执行和发展。
3. Maintain accurate forecasting for all group/FIT segments and identify valley periods for sales emphasis. Analyses market trend, under the direction of the Commercial Director plans and implements proactive programs with Director of Sales to improve market share.
4. Market intelligence - Identify sources & accuracy of group business for the hotel and establish solicitation programs to maximize sales.
5. Closely monitors account revenue and business production. Adjusts strategies, procedures or account coverage as needed to achieve the planned goals.
6. Develop annual sales department budget and execute the sales programs and activities within it.
7. Help identify sources of individual business and allocate the resources to develop relationships with them.
8. To supervise and monitor the compilation of accurate account information and to ensure this information is kept up to date.
9. Establish programs and direct efforts to achieve group and FIT room night goals and to develop ongoing relationships with customers.
10. Monitor sales production and adjust sales activities, account coverage and sales priorities as necessary to achieve plan goals.
11. In conjunction with the CD and other department heads, maximize rooms’ inventory and catering space, identify opportunities for focused sales programs.
12. Coordinate group room forecasts and prospects with the Banquet Sales and Revenue department so as to help hotel achieve maximum capacity room use.
13. Assess margin contribution of group business to maximize contribution form available public space.
14. Communications — Development and maintain effective communication channels.
15. Selling —Manage Key Accounts.
16. Establish personal sales goals, and be responsible for a representative selection of key accounts.
17. Maintain close, frequent, open communication with the Commercial Director and other Marketing department heads.
18. Maintain supportive, timely communications with Regional Sales Offices and other Hilton Hotels.
19. Take full responsibility for representing and managing the Hilton account management system (cardex).
20. Recruit, select, train and motivate Sales Department personnel to realize their potential to develop individuals for advancement within Hilton Hotels and Resorts.
21. Sales Personnel Development —Lead and develop sales personnel.
22. Assure understanding of Position Description, goals, and Standards of Performance for Sales Department personnel; and conduct formal bi-annual evaluations and ongoing coaching and counseling.
23. Sales Administration — Director and administer the sales program of the hotel.
24. Establish travel schedules and monitor travel expenses to optimize sale productivity.
25. Develop active communication and close rapport with Convention & Incentive Bureau, National Tourist Offices, Airlines, Hilton Regional Sales Offices and other sources of sales information and support.
与会展公司,航空公司,旅行社 和希尔顿区域销售办公室建立良好的联系。
26. Plan, establish goals for, and administer outbound sales function to deliver qualified leads to other Hilton Hotels.
27. Coordinate communication between Sales Department and operating departments of the hotel. To update operating departments of the hotel to ensure awareness of bookings and sales programs.
28. Maintain timely and responsive communication with accounts and prospects.
29. Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.
正黄集团有限公司是一家集房地产开发、酒店管理、营销、物业服务为一体的多元化集团公司。公司于2003年在四川遂宁创立,集团总部位于四川成都,注册资本为5亿元。全资控股四川正黄置业发展有限公司、遂宁市正黄置业发展有限公司、广元市正黄置业有限公司、雅安市正黄置业发展有限公司、四川汇德物业服务有限公司、四川高德营销顾问有限公司、遂宁市信瑞建筑劳务有限公司。为配合公司的快速成长,寻求更新、更高的发展,集团设立了总裁办、行政中心、人力资源中心、财务中心、设计中心、营销策划中心、经营成本中心、工程管理中心、监察审计中心等部门以及直辖省内二级城市的分公司。 集团秉承“筑建未来生活”的核心经营理念,坚持“追求卓越、筑造精品”的企业宗旨,“致力成为中国房地产行业的先锋”的企业愿景,坚持“忠诚、敬业、严谨、专业”人才理念,坚持诚信经营和人性化管理,竭诚为消费者提供专业的产品与服务,致力于成为卓越的企业并持续为社会发展做出贡献。十余年的发展历程,离不开公司全体同仁的奋进拼搏以及社会各界人士的大力支持,公司先后荣获2007、2008、2009年度守合同重信用市级企业,2008、2009、2010、2011年度四川省诚信房地产开发企业,2010~2011年度A+资格等级证书,2009年---2011年被人民银行评为守信红名单企业,2012年底,正黄集团荣获“中国优秀开发商50强”等荣誉。公司董事长也先后荣获2006年遂宁市建筑企业优秀经理、2011年遂宁市地产十大风云人物等称号。 公司在发展前行的同时,始终不忘自觉承担社会责任,积极投入社会公益事业,以回报社会为己任。先后为遂宁城南小学捐建爱心桥、为船山区新桥乡捐建乡村公路,为“5·12”特大地震灾区捐款100多万元,2011年为遂宁市特殊学校捐献教学设施、设备达30万元;公司更是坚持历年捐资助学,每年遂宁市城区、射洪县等各中小学校受公司捐助的贫困学生多达300余人。2013年4月20日,雅安芦山县7.0级地震来袭,面对灾难,集团率先捐款200万元并无偿提供救援物资,成为第一个为灾区捐款的企业。