- MarketingPlanning — Participate in the development and execution ofthe hotel marketing plan.销售计划 ——参与酒店销售计划的执行和发展。
- Identifysources of group business for the hotel and establish solicitation programs tomaximize sales.确定消息的来源,使酒店的生意取得最好效益。
- Helpidentify sources of individual business and allocate the resources to developrelationships with them.发展酒店的客户和他们建立良好的关系。
- Tosupervise and monitor the compilation of accurate account information and toensure this information is kept up to date.监督和指导正确重要的信息,并保证这些信息的可施性。
- Maintain accurate forecasting for all group/FITsegments and identify valley periods for sales emphasis.维持团队和散客的正确预测,确定销售在特定时期的销售重点。
- SalesAdministration — Director and administer the sales program of thehotel.销售行政部——总监管理酒店的销售流程。
- Establishprograms and direct efforts to achieve group and FIT room night goals and todevelop ongoing relationships with customers.建立计划和指导,使团队和散客努力达到计划的目标,并发展和建立良好的客户群。
- Monitorsales production and adjust sales activities, account coverage and salespriorities as necessary to achieve plan goals.监管销售的产值并且调整销售的行动,争取完成计划的目标。
- Establishtravel schedules and monitor travel expenses to optimize sale productivity.组织出差的计划表并且管理出差的经费,优化市场销售力度。
- Developactive communication and close rapport with Convention & Incentive Bureau,National Tourist Offices, Airlines, Hilton Regional Sales Offices and othersources of sales information and support.与会展公司,航空公司,旅行社 和希尔顿区域销售办公室建立良好的联系。
- Plan,establish goals for, and administer outbound sales function to deliverqualified leads to other Hilton Hotels.计划,制定,实施异地销售功能以便传递生意到其他兄弟酒店。
- Developannual sales department budget and execute the sales programs and activitieswithin it.增进年销售额的预算和执行销售计划。
- Takefull responsibility for representing and managing the Hilton account managementsystem (cardex).管理希尔顿酒店所有客户体系。
- Sales Personnel Development —Leadand develop sales personnel.销售人员的个人发展——带领和发展销售人员。
- Recruit,select, train and motivate Sales Department personnel to realize theirpotential to develop individuals for advancement within Hilton Hotels andResorts.培训,挑选使销售人员意识到他们的发展前途,为希尔顿酒店作出贡献。
- Assureunderstanding of Position Description, goals, and Standards of Performance forSales Department personnel; and conduct formal bi-annual evaluations andongoing coaching and counseling. 使销售部的每一位员工了解自己的职责,目标,成绩,一年两次对员工进行评估。
- Selling—Manage Key Accounts.销售——管理重要的客户。
- Establishpersonal sales goals, and be responsible for a representative selection of keyaccounts.建立个人销售的目标,并且挑选重要的客户。
- Inconjunction with the DBD and other department heads, maximize rooms’ inventoryand catering space, identify opportunities for focused sales programs.与业务发展总监,其他部门的领导齐心协力争取更多的生意。
- Coordinategroup room forecasts and prospects with the Banquet Sales and Revenuedepartment so as to help hotel achieve maximum capacity room use.与宴会销售部和收益管理部共同调整团队定房,完成酒店内部最大生产力。
- Assessmargin contribution of group business to maximize contribution form availablepublic space.估定团队生意,利用酒店的公共空间做出最大化贡献。
- Communications— Development and maintain effective communicationchannels.联系——发展和主张有效的沟通渠道。
- Maintainclose, frequent, open communication with the Director of Business development andother Marketing department heads.与业务发展总监和其他部门的总监时常做好密切的联系。
- Maintainsupportive, timely communications with Regional Sales Offices and other HiltonHotels.主张与区域销售办公室及其他希尔顿酒店进行密切的联系。
- Coordinatecommunication between Sales Department and operating departments of thehotel. To update operating departmentsof the hotel to ensure awareness of bookings and sales programs.调整销售部和酒店内部的其他运营部门的沟通,及时更新酒店内部运营部门的信息和销售部门的流程。
- Maintaintimely and responsive communication with accounts and prospects.对公司的前景积极地做出相应的反应。