Responsibilities 工作职责:
1. Analyse and summarize customer feedback on each platform, and report toteam and management regularly. And according to customer feedback, adjust thedepartment operation procedure, and make action plans to improve service.
2. Responds to theresults of the Consumer Audit and ensures that the relevant changes areimplemented.
3. Keep the sensitivity of guest needs, and create service processes andproducts suitable for the hotel's customer, so as to ensure the hotel's leadingservice level in the market.
4. Ensures that allguest requests and requirements are attended to promptly and handled in thecorrect manner.
5. Ensures thatcommunication and co-ordination of all Departments, with particular emphasis onthe interactions between Concierge and Front Desk, Sales, housekeeping,Maintenance, Telephone, Security are smooth and efficient.
6. Works closely withother management personnel in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on theoverall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
7. Ensures that theFront Office associates work in a supportive and flexible manner with otherdepartments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”.
8. Ensures all Tracesare handled and distributed promptly.
9. Familiar with all emergency procedures and ensurecan follow the procedures once emergency case happened.
10. Based on the operational needs and management requirements, flexiblyadjust the responsibilities and priorities of the staff and team at any time toensure the hotel's high level of operation.
Job Specs 职位要求:
1. 3 years as a Guest Relations Manager in luxury hotels.
2. Good written and oral English proficiency, possess good interpersonal and guest contact skills, able to lead by example with leadership and motivating abilities, able to communicate well with all levels.
珠海凤凰湾悦榕庄大型招聘会即将举行招聘日期:2025年2月28日-3月1日招聘时间:9:30-12:00(上午)13:00-18:00(下午)招聘地址:广东省珠海市高新区泉星东路9号凤凰湾悦椿酒店联系方式电话:188 1865 1616邮箱:HRSupervisor-Zhuhai@angsana.com品牌介绍悦榕集团是一家全球领先的独立运营酒店集团,始终坚持以开拓创新精神打造设计为先的旅行体验,并践行负责任的旅行承诺。集团在全球20多个国家拥有90多家酒店和度假村,超过140个Spa中心和艺品阁,以及20个住宅等多元化产业版图。珠海凤凰湾悦榕庄,坐落于风光旖旎的凤凰湾畔,占地46,000平方米,建筑面积达42,161平方米,宛如一颗璀璨明珠镶嵌于山海之间。这里拥有83间独具匠心的客房,每一间都诠释着低调奢华的度假美学。两间特色餐厅与优雅的大堂吧,为您呈现舌尖上的艺术盛宴, 而1000平方米的宴会厅,则为您打造难忘的庆典时刻。作为华南地区首家海景悦榕庄酒店,珠海凤凰湾悦榕庄与2018年开业的珠海凤凰湾悦椿酒店携手,共同构筑双品牌奢华度假格局,成为华南地区最大的悦榕品牌复合体酒店。这里远离城市喧嚣,却又近在咫尺,海洋环绕,宁静舒适,宛如一处隐匿于世的桃源秘境,为您开启一段逃离喧嚣、回归本真的奢华度假之旅。**在这里,您可以:*** **沉醉于山海美景:** 推开窗,碧海蓝天尽收眼底,感受大自然的壮丽与宁静。* **体验奢华度假生活:** 在独具特色的客房中放松身心,在精致的餐厅中品味美食,在专业的SPA中心享受身心焕活。* **举办难忘的庆典活动:** 在恢弘的宴会厅中,与亲朋好友共度人生重要时刻。* **探索珠海独特魅力:** 酒店周边拥有丰富的旅游资源,您可以尽情探索珠海的海洋文化、历史古迹和美食风情。珠海凤凰湾悦榕庄,期待与您相遇,共同谱写一段难忘的奢华度假篇章。