Director of operations 运营总监
发布于 10-16
Director of operations 运营总监
海口-龙华区 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 招1人


Primary Responsibilities 主要职责

Responsible for overseeing and guiding the operation of the hotel, including the Front Office, Food and Beverage/Kitchen, Housekeeping, and Wellness Center Departments. Ensure the normal operation of these departments in the following aspects: maximizing revenue and profits, minimizing operational costs, implementing and supervising service standards, and training for team members. Ensure customer satisfaction is maintained at the highest level.


·Support the hotel's management strategy by establishing good working relationships with the management team.

·Fully responsible for the management of the Front Office, Housekeeping, Food and Beverage, and Wellness Center Departments, as well as aspects such as food safety.

·Actively participate in the hotel's core management projects.

·Ensure the training and implementation of the group's standards and the service of various departments in accordance with relevant regulations.

·Conduct routine inspections of all areas of the hotel to ensure the hotel's hardware and software are always in the best condition.

·Reasonably control the operating costs of various departments, maximizing operational profits without affecting group standards, safety specifications, and guest experience. Develop detailed cost control methods. Monthly cost analysis and action plans (cost per occupied room, food cost, beverage cost, wages including overtime, other expenses, hourly workers, and outsourced services)

·Manage the team within the direct management scope professionally and inspiringly, ensuring effective cooperation and efficient operation.

·Reasonably formulate or approve the annual/quarterly/monthly budget, goals, and work plans for the departments within the direct management scope.

·Organize regular operational meetings.










Knowledge and Experience知识和经验

·Working experience: At least 2 years of experience in the same position with F&B management experience.

·College degree or equivalent. Major in hotel, tourism, or business management.

·Familiar with the service and management processes of various hotel business departments, good at cost control.

·Possess good coordination and communication skills, management and team building abilities, and strong career ambition.

·工作年限: 具有餐饮管理经验,至少2年以上同岗位工作经验。




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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 私营.民营企业
About Accor 关于雅高酒店集团Accor is a world-leading augmented hospitality group offering unique experiences in 4,900 hotels and residences across 110 countries. The Group has been acquiring hospitality expertise for more than 50 years, resulting in an unrivaled portfolio of brands, from luxury to economy, supported by one of the most attractive loyalty programs in the world.Beyond accommodation, Accor enables new ways to live, work, and play, by blending food and beverage with nightlife, wellbeing, and co-working. It also offers digital solutions that maximize distribution, optimize hotel operations and enhance the customer experience.Accor is deeply committed to sustainable value creation and plays an active role in giving back to planet and community via its Planet 21 – Acting Here program and the Accor Solidarity endowment fund, which gives disadvantaged groups access to employment through professional training. 雅高是全球领先的全方位服务酒店集团,通过位于全球110个国家的4,900家酒店、度假酒店以及住宅,提供独特并充满意义的体验。凭借覆盖从奢华到经济型市场各具特色的品牌,50多年来雅高持续提供热情好客的服务以及酒店行业的专业知识。除酒店住宿之外,雅高通过旗下餐饮、夜生活娱乐、康体以及共享办公品牌提供生活、工作以及娱乐的新方式。雅高还通过数字化的解决方案,最大程度地提高分销效率,优化酒店运营并增强客户体验。雅高深入致力于创造可持续价值,并在回馈地球和社区方面发挥积极作用。Planet 21 – Acting Here(21世纪地球)项目倡导行动致力于“积极的待客之道”。Accor Solidarity(雅高团结基金会)是雅高的捐赠基金会,通过工作技能培训和经济能力培养帮助社会弱势群体。About Sofitel 关于索菲特品牌Sofitel Hotels & Resorts is an ambassador of modern French style, culture and art-de-vivre around the world. Established in 1964, Sofitel is the first international luxury hotel brand to originate from France with almost 120 chic and remarkable hotels in the world\'s most sought after destinations. Sofitel exudes a refined and understated sense of modern luxury, always blending a touch of French decadence with the very best of the locale. The Sofitel collection includes such notable hotels as Sofitel Paris Le Faubourg, Sofitel London St James, Sofitel Munich Bayerpost, Sofitel Rio de Janeiro Ipanema, Sofitel Washington DC Lafayette Square, Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour and Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Beach Resort. Sofitel is part of Accor, a world-leading augmented hospitality group offering unique experiences in 4,900 hotels and residences across 110 countries.索菲特酒店及度假酒店遍布全球,集中彰显了现代法式风格、法式文化和法式生活艺术的魅力。索菲特创立于1964年,是首个源于法国的国际奢华酒店品牌,目前在全球热门城市和景点拥有超过120家以法式优雅而闻名的非凡酒店。索菲特酒店推崇精致内敛的现代奢华理念,巧妙融合法式魅力和各地文化精髓。索菲特旗下酒店包括著名的巴黎法布格索菲特酒店、伦敦圣詹姆斯索菲特酒店、慕尼黑巴亚普斯特索菲特酒店、里约热内卢伊帕内玛索菲特酒店、华盛顿拉菲特广场索菲特酒店、悉尼达令港索菲特酒店和巴厘岛努沙杜亚索菲特海滩度假酒店。索菲特所属的雅高集团(Accor)为国际领先的全方位服务酒店集团,通过位于全球110个国家的4,900家酒店、度假酒店以及住宅,提供独特并充满意义的体验。About Sofitel Haikou 关于海口索菲特大酒店Perfectly located in Haikou\'s Central Business District (CBD), with easy access of minutes\' drive to Haikou Convention Center, 15 minutes\' drive to high-speed train station and 30 minutes\' drive to Hakiou Meilan International Airport,  Sofitel Haikou is due to open in 2020.即将于2020年盛大开业的海口索菲特大酒店位于海口地标CBD商业金融中心区,距离海口会展中心仅几分钟车程,距离海口高铁车站15分钟,距离美兰国际机场30分钟车程。Hotel boasts 209 beautifully designed  luxury rooms and suites, 5 restaurants and lounges, well-equipped Sofitel Spa and fitness center, and 1 ballroom & 5 function rooms of various size covering 666 square meters.酒店拥有209间独特宽敞的奢华客房及套房, 5处餐厅与酒廊,以及设施完善的索菲特水疗和健身中心,另有一个宴会厅及5个多功能厅。Thank you very much for your attentions to Sofitel Haikou. 感谢各位求职者对海口索菲特大酒店的关注!Talent Acquisition Day 酒店公开招聘日酒店公开招聘日为每周二、四上午9点到下午6点,欢迎广大候选人前来酒店应聘。酒店面试地点:海南省海口市滨海大道105号海口索菲特大酒店负一楼人才与文化部办公室前来面试的候选人敬请携带个人简历、一张1寸或2寸的证件照、身份证原件、职业资格证书(如有)。酒店指定招聘电话号码:0898-68520583(直线)招聘邮箱,欢迎广大应聘者来电或发邮件咨询,发送个人简历时请在邮件标题处注明应聘职位,谢谢!海口索菲特大酒店人才与文化部的微信公众号为“海口索菲特心艺家之旅”,欢迎广大应聘者搜索关注,时时掌握酒店最新招聘动态。海口索菲特大酒店公开招聘时,从未授权任何中介机构进行代招,所有职位均是酒店直接招聘,并且均是按照国家相关法律法规,并通过正规渠道进行招聘,不以任何形式向应聘者收取押金、体检费、证件等,请大家提高警惕。