Demi Chef/Chef De Partie 厨师领班/主管
发布于 08-07
Demi Chef/Chef De Partie 厨师领班/主管
广州 | 经验不限 | 学历不限

·         In absence of Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known

·         在经理缺席时进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的活动和运营要求。

·         Prepares, cooks, serves and stores the following dishes:

·         进行以下菜肴的制作、烹饪、上餐和存储工作:

o    Appetizers, Savories, Salads and Sandwiches

o    开胃菜、小菜、沙拉和三明治

o    Applies organization skills for mise en place

o    在开餐准备工作中发挥组织能力

o    Sauces

o    调味汁

o    Produces hot and cold sauces for menu items ensuring consistency

o    制作菜单上的冷、热调味汁并保证风格一致

o    Eggs, Vegetables, Fruit, Rice and Farinaceous Dishes

o    蛋、蔬菜、水果、米饭和谷粉制品

o    Poultry and Game dishes

o    禽类和野味

o    Meat dishes

o    荤菜

o    meat marinades

o    腌肉

o    carve meats

o    分割肉

o    Fish and shell fish

o    水产品

o    sauces for fish and shell fish

o    水产品用酱

o    garnishing  techniques and methods of service for fish

o    对鱼进行装饰的技巧和方法

o    Pastry, cakes and yeast goods

o    面点、蛋糕和发酵食品

o    petits fours

o    法式小点心

o    desserts

o    甜点

o    Hot and cold deserts

o    冷、热甜点

o    Decorate, portion and present

o    装饰、切片和装盘

o    Plates and Terrines

o    肝酱和肉酱

o    Prepares pastries for pate en croute

o    准备法式糕点

o    Chinese Regional Dishes

o    中国地方菜

·         Guangong and Chiu Chow dishes

·         粤菜及潮州菜

o    Prepares an extensive range of meat, vegetable, chicken and seafood dishes

o    制作多种多样的肉、蔬菜、鸡肉和海鲜等菜肴

o    Prepares sauces, condiments, seasonings and flavouring agents

o    制作调味汁、调味品、调料和调味剂

o    Prepares Chiu Chou braised dishes

o    制作潮州炖菜

o    Prepares Chiu Chou dehydrated products

o    制作潮州干菜

·         Sichuan dishes

·         川菜

o    Prepares a range of specialty chicken and duck dishes

o    制作多种特色鸡肉和鸭肉菜

o    Prepares a range of specialty seafood dishes

o    制作多种特色海鲜菜

o    Prepares a range of vegetable dishes

o    制作多种蔬菜菜肴

o    Prepares braised meat dishes

o    制作炖肉菜

o    Prepares hot and cold noodle dishes

o    制作冷、热面条

·         Beijing and North China dishes

·         北京菜和华北菜

o    Prepares specialty chicken and duck dishes

o    制作特色鸡肉和鸭肉菜

o    Prepares specialty seafood dishes

o    制作特色海鲜菜

o    Prepares a range of vegetable dishes using regional cooking principles and specialty food presentation

o    使用地方烹饪法和特色食品外形处理,制作多种蔬菜菜肴

o    Prepares braised dishes according to regional style

o    按照地方风味制作炖菜

o    Prepares noodle dishes

o    制作面条

·         Shanghai and East China dishes  

·         上海菜和华东菜

o    Prepares specialty menu items using specialized and preserved commodities

o    使用特别的腌制材料制作特色菜肴

o    Prepares specialty chicken and duck dishes

o    制作特色鸡肉和鸭肉菜

o    Prepares specialty seafood dishes

o    制作特色海鲜菜

o    Prepares a range of vegetable dishes

o    制作多种蔬菜菜肴

o    Prepares braised dishes according to regional style

o    按照地方风味制作炖菜

o    Prepares noodle dishes

o    制作面条 

·         Thai Regional Dishes

·         泰国菜

o    Prepares extensive range of regional food, including appetizers, soups, curries, sauces, dressings

o    制作多种多样的地方食品,包括开胃菜、汤、咖喱、酱汁、调味品

o    Prepares regional appetizers

o    制作地方口味的开胃菜

o    Prepares soups

o    做汤

o    Prepares regional curries

o    制作地方口味的咖喱食品

o    Prepares regional sauces, dips and dressings

o    制作地方口味的调味汁、调味酱和调味品

·         Indian Regional Dishes

·         印度地方菜

o    Prepares extensive range of regional food, including appetizers, soups, curries, sauces, chutneys and breads

o    制作多种多样的地方食品,包括开胃菜、汤、咖喱、调味汁、印度酸辣酱和面包

o    Prepares regional appetizers

o    制作地方风味的开胃菜

o    Prepares soups

o    做汤

o    Prepares regional curries

o    制作地方口味的咖喱食品

o    Prepares regional breads

o    制作地方口味的面包

·         Malay and Nonya Regional Dishes

·         马来和娘惹菜

o    Prepares extensive range of regional food, including appetizers, soups, curries, sauces, dressings,

o    制作多种多样的地方食品,包括开胃菜、汤、咖喱、酱汁、调味品

o    Prepares sambas, achar, and kerabu

o    制作咖喱饭调味品、开胃菜和葛拉布饭

o    Prepares soups and stocks

o    做汤

o    Prepares regional curries

o    制作地方口味的咖喱食品

o    Prepares regional rice dishes

o    制作地方口味的米饭

o    Prepares regional noodle dishes

o    制作地方口味的面条

·         Indonesian Dishes

·         印尼菜

o    Prepares extensive range of regional food, including sates

o    制作各种各样的地方食品,包括肉串

o    Prepares regional curries

o    制作地方口味的咖喱食品

o    Prepares regional rice dishes

o    制作地方口味的米饭

o    Prepares regional noodle dishes

o    制作地方口味的面条

·         Japanese Dishes

·         日本菜

o    Prepares and procedures a range of Japanese food including sunomono, tsukemono aemono, yakimono mushimono, gohanmono and kaiseki menu items

o    制作和处理各种日本菜,包括醋物、渍物、和物、烧物、蒸物、米饭和怀石菜单的菜目。

o    Prepares and procedures a range of aemono (dressed salads), sunomono (vinegared salads), and tsukemono (pickles)

o    制作和处理各种和物(装饰用沙拉)、醋物(醋拦沙拉)和渍物(泡菜)

o    Prepare and produce Sashimi

o    制作刺身

o    Prepare and produce a range of mushimono (steamed) dishes

o    制作各种蒸物(蒸制食品)

o    Prepare and produce a range of yakimono  (grilled dishes)

o    制作各种烧物(烤制食品)

·         Vietnamese Dishes

·         越南菜

o    Prepares extensive range of regional food, including banquet, festive, and specialty menu items

o    制作各种各样的地方风味食品,包括宴会、节日用餐和特色菜单菜目

o    Prepares and produces a range of salads

o    制作各种沙拉

o    Prepares soups and stocks

o    做汤

o    Prepares chicken, meat, seafood and vegetable dishes

o    制作鸡肉、内类、海鲜和蔬菜 

o    Prepares regional rice dishes

o    制作地方口味的米饭

o    Prepares regional noodle dishes

o    制作地方口味的面条

·         Asian Desserts

·         亚洲甜点

o    Produces a range of liquid and solid deserts

o    制作各种液体和固定甜点

o    Produces and presents a range of steamed sweet rice based desserts

o    制作各种蒸甜米饭和甜点并装盘

o    Produces baked desserts

o    制作烤制甜点

·         Dim Sum

·         点心

o    Produces sweet and savoury dim sum

o    制作甜咸点心

o    Produces deep fried dim sum

o    制作油炸点心

o    Produces baked dumpling

o    制作烤制的饺子

o    Produces a range of baked desserts

o    制作各种烘烤甜点

·         Buffet Food

·         自助餐

o    Prepares and presents food for buffets

o    制作和摆放自助餐

o    Prepares and presents desserts for buffets

o    制作和摆放自助餐甜品

o    Stores buffet items

o    储存自助餐食品

·         Communicates politely and display courtesy to guests and internal customers

·         与客人和内部客户礼貌、友好的交流 。

·         Provides direction to the Kitchen helpers, including Commis, Cooks and Kitchen Attendants

·         指导厨房帮手,包括厨师、厨房服务员的工作。

·         Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest or internal customer comment and other relevant information

·         与上级交流疑难问题,客人或内部客户的意见以及其它相关信息 。

·         Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships

·         与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系 。

·         Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled

·         按计划参加并参与每日例会及其它会议。

·         Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled

·         按计划参加培训活动 。

·         Prepares in advance food, beverage, material and equipment needed for the service

·         事先准备服务所需的食品、饮料、材料和设备。

·         Cleans and re-sets his/her working area

·         清洁并整理工作区域。

·         Implements the hotel and department regulations, policies and procedures including but not limited to:

·         实施酒店和部门的规定、政策和工作程序,包括但不限于: 

o    House Rules and Regulation

o    酒店的规则和规定

o    Health and Safety

o    健康和安全

o    Grooming

o    仪表仪容

o    Quality

o    质量

o    Hygiene and Cleanliness

o    卫生和清洁

·         Works with Supervisor in manpower planning and management needs


·         Works with Supervisor in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget


目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 中外合营(合资.合作)
InterContinental Guangzhou Exhibition Center is InterContinental’s first hotel in Guangzhou, adjacent to the landmark China Import and Export Fair Complex and faces the beautiful Pearl River. It is a top business hotel, featuring pillarless grand ballrooms with a 180-degree view over the river. It has a great number of multi-function rooms, with 350 spacious, elegantly-furnished guestrooms and suites, restaurants, bars, a Spa and Fitness Center. Inspired by the China Maritime Silk Road, the hotel\'s interior design provides insight into the local culture and history and makes the hotel an important part of its guests\' global travel experience.   广州保利洲际酒店坐拥得天独厚的地理优势,毗连中国进出口商品交易会展馆,黄埔古港、琶洲塔和琶醍等景点约10分钟车程。酒店距离广州白云国际机场约45分钟车程,宾客可乘地铁或有轨电车往返珠江新城和广州塔。 酒店的室内设计以中国海上丝绸之路为灵感,设计细节巧妙融合,优雅地呈现历史古港口风貌和羊城风土人情。 酒店拥有350间宽敞的江景或城景客房,4间餐厅和酒吧,其中包括出品上等牛排的恰餐厅、地道粤菜的御公馆中餐厅以及顶楼景观餐厅和酒吧。 酒店设有洲际水疗、健身中心、室内恒温泳池以及可览珠江风景的户外池畔平台。同时拥有多个活动面积不等的会议场地,无柱水晶宴会厅面积达1,800平方米,并配有高科技的全息投影设备,180度透明玻璃景观宴会长廊可览珠江美景。