5) 英语口语出色,有海外留学/工作/实习经验的优先考虑。
招聘热线:0888-5339999-7805Today, embracing 34 resorts, hotels, in 21 countries, Aman continues to seek out transformative experiences and awe-inspiring locations around the world.目前,安缦集团在21个国家拥有34个度假村、酒店,也继续在世界各地寻找绝佳的选址。Amanresorts offers a guest experiences that is intimate and discreet while providing the highest level of service. Each resort and setting is unique, but certain elements characterise all of them – a beautiful natural location, outstanding facilities, exceptional service and a small number of rooms to ensure exclusivity and privacy.Since 1988, when flagship Amanpuri opened in Phuket, Thailand, Amanresorts has established resorts in Bhutan, Cambodia, France, French Polynesia, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Philippines, Sir Lanka, Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States of America.Amanresorts continues to relish the exploration of new destinations.安缦度假村提供给客人高品质的个性化服务及独享私人空间的体验。每一间度假村都独具特色,但也不乏共同之处—选址自然清幽,设备先进,服务周到,规模小以远离喧嚣。自1988年旗舰店Amanpuri于泰国普吉岛诞生后,安曼度假村相继在不丹、柬埔寨、法国、波利尼西亚、印度、印度尼西亚、摩洛哥、菲律宾、斯里兰卡、凱科斯群岛及美国开设分店。安缦度假村仍在继续壮大阵容…Says founder Adrian Zecha, “I would like to express my admiration for and heartfelt thanks to our staff – our chambermaids, drivers, cooks, cleaners, gardeners and guides. Most have been with us since the beginning. In the end, performing their invaluable small roles, pleasing you, they are the true Amanresorts.”Come journey with us.安缦集团创建人Adrian Zecha说:“我向我的员工表示钦佩和衷心的感谢 —— 我们的客房服务员,司机,厨师,清洁工,园丁和导游。他们大多是从开业就同我们在一起,直到现在,在小小的岗位上体现着他们无法衡量的价值,给客人带来愉悦。他们才是真正的Amanresorts。”欢迎加入我们的旅程。We provide competitive package and significant opportunities to our team members to develop their skills, knowledge and career. We are looking for people who are hospitable, have the nature of looking after and entertaining friends and visitors. The following are the opening positions:我们提供有竞争力的薪资福利和良好的职业发展机会。我们需要热爱服务行业工作、个性开朗、对待朋友亲切热情的专业人才。 We will provide a generous package including free meals on duty, annual vacation and the chance to work with a great team. Most importantly, we will give you the room to be yourself. 我们会提供免费的工作餐,带薪年假以及与强大团队共事的机会。更重要的是,我们会为你们提供宿舍。If you are interested in the above positions, please send your CV together with cover letter to amandayan.hr@aman.com For more information about the company, please visit our corporate website www.aman.com. 如果你对发布职位有兴趣,请连同你的简历和附函以电子邮件的方式发送至amandayan.hr@aman.com 有关公司更详细的信息请访问官方网站 www.aman.com