Answer the incoming calls during Director of Rooms’ absence.
Handle daily correspondence, confidential documents as required.
Conduct the researches when required.
Liaising with team members, and other departments when required by Director of Rooms.
Schedule internal and external meetings.
Assist Director of Rooms for tracking and updating the task list.
Prepare meeting minutes and presentation materials.
Assist Director of Rooms for preparing the monthly operating report.
Deal efficiently with feedback and queries from guests and colleagues.
Demonstrate strong personal organization and time management skills.
Capella Tufu Bay, Hainan sets a new standard for luxury beachfront resorts in ChinaInspired by the ancient Maritime Silk Road, it offers luxury and privacyJean-michel Gathy and Bill Bensley's "Masterpiece of art"海南土福湾嘉佩乐度假酒店为中国奢华海滨度假酒店树立全新水准以古代海上丝绸之路为灵感呈献奢华私属谧境Jean-Michel Gathy和Bill Bensley两位设计大师联袂呈现的“艺术杰作”With the promise of "setting a new standard for China's luxury seaside resorts", Capella Tufu Bay,Hainan and Spa USES the ancient Maritime Silk Road as inspiration and unique creativity to create a private setting for its guests.秉承“为中国奢华海滨度假酒店树立全新水准”的承诺,海南土福湾嘉佩乐度假酒店以古代海上丝绸之路为灵感,以独特的创意巧思为宾客打造出一处私属谧境。Capella Tufu Bay,Hainan is the "masterpiece" of the world's top architect Jean-Michel Gathy and garden master Bill Bensley. Its architectural design from the ancient maritime silk road the legend of the past for inspiration, from packaging design to the dining experience, from the landscape layout to the menu design, from entertainment to the spa experience, the design of the hotel and the place of all the magnificent history of the ancient maritime silk road, lead the guests to open a "special maritime silk road tour".海南土福湾嘉佩乐度假酒店是由世界顶级建筑设计师Jean-Michel Gathy及园林造景大师Bill Bensley联袂呈现的“艺术杰作”。其建筑设计自古代海上丝绸之路的传奇往昔汲取灵感,从装潢设计到美食体验,从景观布局到菜单设计,从娱乐活动到水疗体验,酒店的设计所及之处无不将古代海上丝路的辉煌历史娓娓道来,带领宾客开启一场“非凡无比的海上丝路之旅”。地点:海南省陵水县英州镇土福湾度假区员工通道注意事项:请携带个人身份证原件。交通工具:可提前联系人力资源部乘坐酒店员工班车,班车停靠站在三亚市区内或林旺安置小区。