Director of Sales 销售总监
发布于 10-16
Director of Sales 销售总监
贵阳 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 招1人


  1. To make sales calls on major key accounts, locally and overseas.要对重大关键客户作电话销售,包括本地和海外。
  2. To interpret marketing policies, procedures and programs to sales personnel.要向销售人员解释营销政策,程序和方案。 To coordinate plans for sales coverage outside the country.          
  3. 与国家覆盖范围以外地区的销售计划相协调                   
  4. To review rate recommendation to ensure competitive position and maximizing revenue at accomplishment.复核估价建议,以确保竞争地位和实现收益最大化。
  5. To assist with the preparation of the annual budget for the marketing office advertising and sales promotion budgets, to monitor expenses / budgets comparison on a monthly basis.协助市场部的广告和促销预算工作所需的年度预算作准备,对每月的费用/成本对比进行监测。 
  6. To review the performance evaluation and objectives monthly, mid year and year end of sales staff positions.复核销售人员每月,年中和年终的业绩评估
  1. To assess training needs of sales personnel and establish appropriate training programs for sales personnel developments.评估需要培训的销售成员并为销售团队成员的发展建立适当的培训项目
  2. To keep informed of market and economic condition and keep DBD advised. 了解市场和经济条件 ,向商务发展总监建议.
  3. To accompany the Sales team on sales call to top accounts and potential target accounts and lead the team in achieving the goals. .伴随销售团队对高端客户进行电话拜访,发现潜在目标客户和带领团队成员达成目标
  1. To make recommendation on marketing programs/ campaigns that will impact the market place.建议对市场有极大影响的营销项目及活动
  1. To look after the orientation program and on the job training al all sales team members. 照顾新生训练和所有销售团队成员在职培训.
  2. To prepare monthly end report of activities and results and submit to DOBD.准备月末销售活动报告和销售结果,提交到商务发展总监
  3. To look at emerging markets and trends and see how the hotel can maximize revenue and put a strategy to this new trend.留意新兴市场及其扩张,要查看酒店如何能取得最大效益 ,面对新扩张要制定新的市场策略
  4. To coordinate and work with other revenue related companies like banquet & catering, reservation, front office, F&B and ensure that the hotels total revenue in maximized.  与相关部门进行协调和合作。如:宴会和婚宴,预订,前厅, 餐饮确保酒店总收益达到最大化
  • Draw up the hotel sales activity plan, in collaboration with the DBD and General Manager.协助酒店商务发展总监和总经理,规划酒店销售活动计划。
  • Co-ordinate the hotel’s sales activities with the aim of optimal room occupancy, F&B sales and other revenues.以扩大酒店房间销售,餐饮销售和其他销售为目的,协助酒店销售活动。
  • Implement all sales action plans related to the respective market as outlined in  hotel revenue plan and achieve the necessary goals and targets set. 根据酒店收益计划中定义的不同市场分别实施销售活动,并完成最基本的目标。
  • Closely monitor accounts revenue and business production for all accounts portfolio of sales team for rooms and catering business.对于房间销售和宴会销售的所有常客信息的文件包进行紧密的监控所有收益和商业活动。
  • Develop and design attractive offers for packages meant for individual travelers, travel agencies and companies, keeping in mind BAR restrictions.为个人游客,旅行社和公司专门设计具有吸引力的套餐组合,时刻将最低适用房价限制铭记于心。
  • Assist DBD in forecasting of related revenues and other KPIs.协助商务发展总监预测酒店相关收益和其他关键业绩指标。
  • Be responsible for ensuring a smooth and rational work flow amongst the hotel, within the sales department, in particular Reservations and Catering Sales department.确保酒店销售部门流畅合理的工作氛围,尤其是预订部和宴会销售部。
  • Organize comprehensive information to existing and potential customers as regards the product range offered by the hotel, with the aid of the relevant sales resources and sales channels.从所有销售资源处获取信息,针对酒店提供的产品面向酒店已有和潜在客户,组织酒店综合信息。
  • Prepare and draw up company contracts for the hotel in accordance with current business and price conditions.根据当前酒店业务和价格状况,准备和起草公司合约。
  • Keep updated with client relationships and overall business goals.保持更新客户关系和总体商业目标。
  • Maintain a high level of exposure for the hotel in major market areas through direct sales, telephone and other written communications.通过销售拜访,电话销售,传真,通信方式,为酒店在主要市场区域中保持高度的知名度。
  • Develop a plan to increase F&B Outlets and Banquet revenue for hotel.制定计划以增加酒店餐饮数量和宴会收入。
  • Visit regularly large and prestigious customers, identifying prospect accounts and create corresponding sales activities to create a productive account.定期拜访大客户,察觉潜在客户并且通过相应的销售活动来创造新客户。
  • Plan international and domestic sales trips in coordination with DBD.协助商务发展总监,安排国际和国内的差旅活动。
  • Manage site inspections and entertainment in hotel as well as his/her own inspection and entertainment.管理酒店参观和宴请活动,以及他/她个人的带客参观和宴请活动。
  • Update the DBD of the lead hotel on the negotiation / event progress of each group lead that is being worked on for the specificproperty.向商务发展总监更新汇报特定酒店进行的谈判/活动进展。
  • Be involved in all aspects of Familiarization Groups including enquiry, co-ordination and execution thereof including post FAM Group details including post FAM.  熟悉团队并了解活动的每一个环节,包括问询,协调和执行过程,以及团队了解活动的细节。
  • Encourage and practice Cross-sells all other Hilton Hotels in China and other region sister hotels amongst the team.鼓励团队对中国其他酒店和其他区域的希尔顿酒店的交叉销售,并亲身实践。
  • Be involved in drawing up the Business Revenue Plan and budget of the hotel.参与制定收益计划和酒店预算。
  • Prepare a weekly sales and expense report to include proper set-up in sales account management system.每周准备一份销售和花费报告,涵盖销售账户管理系统中合理的提案。
  • Maintain professional business confidentiality.表现职业素养,不泄露商业机密。
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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 股份制企业
贵阳东景希尔顿酒店坐落于贵州省贵阳市观山湖区(烈变国际广场对面),是该区首家希尔顿品牌酒店,已于2020年01月12日开业营业。酒店拥有299间客房,集全日餐厅、中餐厅、大堂吧、行政酒廊,以及泳池、健身中心于一体,并提供900平米大宴会厅和多功能厅等设施设备。      Benefits for Team Member员工福利1.    Free Duty Meals       免费工作餐2.    Free Team Member Dormitory       免费员工宿舍3.    Social Insurance and Housing Fund       社会保险和住房公积金4.    Team Member Travel Program       团队成员入住优惠价5.    Leave Benefits       假期福利       Public holiday, annual leave, paid medical leave, maternity leave, marriage leave, and etc.       法定节假日、年假、带薪病假、产假及陪产假、婚假等。6.    Team Member Awards       团队成员嘉奖7.    Team Member Training System       团队成员培训       In Hilton Worldwide, we provide online courses (in the Hilton Worldwide University),       class training, cross training in sister hotels and internal transfer opportunities for all       full-time team members.       我们提供在职培训、课堂培训、全员免费希尔顿大学课程、国内外姐妹酒店交叉培训机会       以及集团内部调动机会。8.    Variety of Activities       团队成员活动