Engineering Technician 工程技工
发布于 10-16
Engineering Technician 工程技工
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Yuki Wang
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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 国有企业
 济南鲁能希尔顿酒店及公寓是济南,乃至全中国首家希尔顿旗下的全服务公寓式酒店。拥有316间配置齐全的客房与套房,及104间设有不同功能区域的酒店式公寓,包括设施完备的厨房、独立起居室及工作区域。酒店地理位置优越,与大型国际购物中心­­­——领秀城贵和购物中心比邻而居,与二环南高架桥唇辅相连,仅20分钟车程便可抵达火车站和市中心。无论您是商务出行或休闲旅游,酒店贴心周到的服务都会为您带来家一般的舒适与温馨。The first full-service Hilton residential property in Jinan and overall China, Hilton Jinan South Hotel & Residences offers 316 well-appointed guest rooms and 104 apartments complete with full kitchen and separate living and working areas. With direct access to Guihe Shopping Centre-Elite City and less than 20 minutes’ drive from the railway station and city centre via Second Ring South Road, the hotel provides a truly convenient home away from both short and long term stays.快速一览AT A GLANCE坐落于济南南部商业生活区,与大型国际购物中心——领秀城贵和购物中心唇辅相连,与二环南高架桥比邻而居Located in Jinan South commercial area, providing easy access to Guihe Shopping Centre –Elite City and South Road of Second Ring Highway316间宽敞豪华的客房及104间奢华酒店公寓,并拥有泉城最高且唯一的空中大堂316 spacious guest rooms and 104 well-appointed apartments, as well as the tallest sky lobby in Jinan City3个餐厅及1个大堂吧提供各类美味佳肴和娱乐活动3 restaurants and 1 Lobby Bar offering various cuisines and entertainment2,679 平米可灵活运用的会议宴会空间1,000平方米露台花园2,679m2 state-of-the-art meeting and banquet space, plus a 1,000m2 terrace garden泉城最高的康体中心,包括带极可意按摩池的室内泳池,以及配备国际知名品牌运动设施必确®的健身房The tallest wellness centre in Jinan City, including an indoor swimming pool with Jacuzzi® and Hilton Fitness by PRECOR® equipment我们的客房OUR ROOMS济南鲁能希尔顿酒店及公寓的每一间客房、套房及公寓都配有落地大玻璃窗,加之城内唯一的空中大堂,令赏心悦目的城市美景放眼可及。房内装饰设计豪华而优雅,并配备便利设施与服务,如有线与无线网络、独立的起居区、希尔顿恬静之床、42-46寸高清电视等。酒店更有无烟房与连通房供您选择。Guests can enjoy beautiful views of the city in all guest rooms, suites and apartments that feature French windows. Indulge in complete comfort in our contemporary, stylish rooms and suites, which are fully equipped with convenient facilities including cable network, Wi-Fi, separate living room, comfortable beds and 42-46’’ LCD TV. Non-smoking rooms and connecting rooms are also available.行政客房EXECUTIVE ROOMS行政客房专为希望放松身心和使用专属商务设施的贵宾而设计,全方位的服务让您倍感愉悦,同时,您还可以在行政酒廊欢度时光,并可在入住与退房时尊享私人登记服务。Upgrade to spacious, contemporary Executive room with everything you need for work and relaxation. Enjoy access to the Executive Lounge with complimentary refreshments throughout the day.公寓套房APARTMENTS酒店拥有104间奢华公寓,并带独立的接待大厅。专享的咖啡厅提供各式软饮和简餐,以及独立的健身中心配备美国国际品牌运动设施必确®,消除您旅途的奔波劳累,为您打造家外之家的独特体验。The hotel has 104 full-service apartments, along with a separate reception hall. The exclusive café offers a variety of soft drinks and light meals. Keep fit in the complimentary Fitness Centre facilitated by PRECOR®.我们的设施OUR FACILITIES康体中心FITNESS CENTRE酒店的康体中心位于酒店的33层,为泉城最高,并且面积超过一千平方米。康体中心提供多方位的休闲娱乐设施,包括泉城最高的室内泳池、配备国际知名品牌运动设施必确®的健身房。室内泳池和健身房向客人免费开放。您可在放松身心的同时,尽享泉城南部城市美景。Located on Level 33, the Fitness Centre is over 1,000m2, which is the tallest one in Jinan City. Guests can enjoy a wide range of recreational facilities, including the tallest swimming pool in Jinan City and Hilton Fitness by PRECOR® equipment. Complimentary for hotel Guests, our Fitness Centre including indoor swimming pool is great for a relaxing dip which enjoying the beauty of South Jinan City.行政酒廊EXECUTIVE LOUNGE位于34层的行政酒廊为入住行政楼层的宾客提供免费早餐、茶点饮品、晚间欢乐时光以及按个人需要办理入住及退房手续等专属服务。宾客在此放松身心的同时,还可欣赏窗外美景。Relax or work peacefully in the Executive Lounge on Level 34, while enjoying exclusive access to privileges such as complimentary breakfast, snacks and drinks throughout the day, cocktail hour in the evening, stunning views, as well as personalized Check-in and Check-out service.会议与活动MEETING & EVENTS酒店坐拥总面积2,679平方米的灵动会议空间与专业宴会设施,以及1,000平方米的屋顶花园。无论是小型或是大型会议活动,济南鲁能希尔顿酒店及公寓都是您的绝佳之选。总面积1,050平方米的大宴会厅装饰风格豪华而现代,拥有12米的净空挑高,让您一览城市美景。宴会厅还安装了可以“一分为三”的场地隔断,更配备了直达场地大型运载电梯,一流的AV与灯光系统,以及大型LED屏,为打造现代与高科技的主题活动提供的有利的技术保障,让您心目中预期的效果完美展现。From small meetings to large conferences, the hotel is the perfect venue to host any even with 2,679m2 of flexible meeting and banquet facilities, as well as a 1,000m2 terrace garden on the roof of Level 2.The magnificent Grant Ballroom spans over 1,050m2, measuring 12m from floor to ceiling and adjacent to a long foyer with a sunning skyline view. It also can be divided into 3 sections with partition installations, ideal for different themed events. In addition, the facility is equipped with direct access via large freight elevators, state-of-the-art audiovisual and lighting system and LED screen, all in place to ensure your event is a success.餐饮EAT & DRINK玉玺中餐厅YUXI位于酒店39及40层,拥有176席位。玉玺中餐厅为全城最高的中餐厅,主理经典鲁菜及特色粤菜。餐厅装潢设计灵感源于宫廷文化与现代东方优雅的结合。就餐区设有宽敞舒适的美食大厅,更有11个云景包房,提供更多私密空间。我们对原材料的采购严格控制,确保食材健康、地道和鲜美,让您畅享美食臻馔。Level 39 and 40, 176 seats.YUXI, the tallest Chinese Restaurant in town, features local and Cantonese cuisine. The theme of the restaurant is inspired by a combination of traditional palace culture and modern Eastern elegance. YUXI offers a big dining hall as well as 11 private dining rooms. A strict selection of only the finest ingredients ensures that they are healthy, authentic and delicious to totally satisfy your taste buds.開全日餐厅OPEN位于酒店37层,拥有151席位。開全日餐厅全天供应新鲜的自助餐以及单点菜肴,囊括本地美食、东南亚特色精选、以及丰富的无国界佳肴。独此一家的龙虾任吃,让您体验味觉的极致鲜爽。尽享美食佳酿的同时,让窗外的醉人景色再为您献上一场视觉臻馔。Level 37, 151 seats.At OPEN, you can enjoy great food and spectacular views all at the same time. This restaurant offers buffet and à la carte menu of local cuisine, Southeast Asian food and many other international delights. Only here can you indulge in the fresh taste of your all-you-can-eat lobsters.济大堂吧JI LOUNGE位于酒店35层,拥有50席位。济大堂吧不仅泉城最高,更是城内唯一一个图书馆概念的大堂吧。在这里宾客可以徜徉在宁静优雅的书墨香中,细细品尝为您精挑细选的优质葡萄酒及甜美下午茶,让泉城美景陪伴您的惬意时光。Level 35, 50 seats.JI LOUNGE is not only the tallest bar, but also the only library-themed lounge bar in town. Take in the peace and quiet while taking a sip of our specially chosen fine wine and afternoon tea, with a stunning view.外出游览OUT & ABOUT千佛山Thousand Buddha Mountain灵岩寺Lingyan Temple趵突泉Baotu Spring大明湖Daming Lake南部风景区包括四门塔、红叶谷、金象山、药乡森林公园等The South Scenic Area including Four Gates Pagoda, Red Leaves Valley, Golden Elephant Mountain and Yaoxiang Forest Park酒店位置LOCATION距济南高铁西站及济南火车站仅20分钟车程20 minutes by car to Jinan High-Speed Rail Station and Jinan Railway Station距济南遥墙国际机场仅40分钟车程40 minutes by car to Jinan Yaoqiang international Airport距济南舜耕国际会展中心仅10分钟车程10 minutes by car to Shungeng International Exhibition Centre距高新区国际会展中心仅20分钟车程20 minutes by car to High-tech Zone International Exhibition Centre距泉城广场、趵突泉、大明湖、黑虎泉仅15分钟车程15 minutes by car to Spring City Square, Baotu Spring, Black Tiger Spring, and Daming Lake距南部风景区包括四门塔、红叶谷、金象山、药乡森林公园等仅20分钟车程20 minutes by car to The South Scenic Area including Four Gates Pagoda, Red Leaves Valley, Golden Elephant Mountain and Yaoxiang Forest Park Benefits for Team Member员工福利免费用餐Duty Meals所有员工可在员工餐厅免费用餐。Duty meals per working day will be provided to all team members.免费员工宿舍(酒店六楼)Team Member Dormitory(F6 of hotel)酒店为非本地员工提供舒适的员工宿舍,每个房间配备空调、床上用品及WIFI。Team Member dormitory will be provided to non-local team members with air condition, bed linens and WIFI.全面的社会保险Social Benefits养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险、住房公积金。Full social insurance, housing fund will be offered to all team members.员工入住优惠价 Team Member Travel Program希尔顿全球员工可在全球姐妹酒店享有非常优惠的员工入住优惠价。It is our policy that team members can benefit from team member rate (J1D) when rooms are available.假期福利Leave Benefits法定节假日、年假、带薪病假、产假及陪产假、婚假、丧假等。We provides our team members with several types of leave including public holiday, annual leave, paid medical leave,maternity leave, marriage leave, compassionate leave and etc.员工嘉奖Team Member Awards酒店将定期进行月度优秀员工、年度优秀员工等表彰。We will award whoever dedicates to work as Team Member of Month, Team Member of Year and etc.员工培训Team Member Training System我们提供在职培训、课堂培训、全员免费希尔顿大学课程、国内外姐妹酒店交叉培训机会以及集团内部调动机会。In Hilton Worldwide, we provide online courses(in the Hilton Worldwide University), class training, cross training insister hotels and internal transfer opportunities for all full-time team members.员工活动Variety of Activities酒店人力资源部会定期为员工举办各种丰富多彩的活动。Hotel will organize a variety of activities for team members regularly. 面试时间:周一至周五 上午 09:00-11:00  下午2:00-4:00面试地点:济南市市中区二环南路2888号济南鲁能希尔顿酒店及公寓B3层人力资源部人才热线:0531-8192 5758 or  176 8668 6557邮箱:Yuki.Wang3@hilton.com友情提示:面试者请携带:近期彩色1寸照片1张、身份证原件及复印件、个人简历、学历或岗位资质证明原件及复印件。