1.负责质量管理体系和食品安全管理体系的建立、完善、维护及推进工作; 2.负责产品质量标准和质量手册的制定、完善、实施、控制及全员质量意识的提高; 3负责食品数据分析的管理,汇总、搜集各种质量信息,采用技术分析食品品类的质量趋势; 4.分析研究同行业食品安全解决方案及技术,对各类食品检测有专业方式方法; 5.负责公司食品安全的日常运作,数据汇总、分析,向上级汇报公司产品质量状况,提出改进的建议; 6.负责食品安全有关的外联工作;
长沙顺天凯宾斯基酒店,是由顺天集团投资兴建,欧洲著名酒店管理品牌-凯宾斯基酒店及度假村集团管理,是湖南首家欧洲奢华国际五星级酒店。酒店共设有408间豪华客房和套房,配备世界一流设施:特色餐厅和酒吧精彩演绎各色中华及国际美食,无柱式宴会厅及多功能厅,是举办各种规模活动的理想场所。As the first European luxury hotel in Hunan province, Kempinski Changsha is owned by Skyer Group. and managed by Kempinski Hotels & Resorts. The hotel’s 408 guest rooms and suites offer world-class amenities in a fusion of timeless design and unexpected indulgences. Our restaurants and bars will enrich your guest experience and provide a perfect place to contemplate or share the day’s personal advantures.Modern and comprehensive conference center as well as the pillar-less grand ballroom provides ample space to spark ideas. 我们的福利待遇 Our benefit1.极具竞争力的工资,五种社会保险和住房公积金。2.年终薪资调整及基于个人表现及酒店营收的丰厚的年终奖。3.丰富多彩的员工活动,多种语言及技巧培训,凯宾斯基全球发展及提升机会。4.每周休息两天,免费工作餐及对非长沙市户口的免费住宿。1.Amarket competitive salary,5 social insurances and housing fund.2.year-end salary adjustment and generous bonus according to individual and hotel performance.3.Variety of associate activities,multiple language and skill training, global cross exposure and promotion opportunity Kempinski.4.Two days off in a week, daily working meals and free accommodation for non-citizen associate. 如面试请携带一寸照片一张,简历一份(附照片),身份证原件及复印件。面试时间:每周二、四 14:00-17:00乘车路线:乘坐2路, 15路, 102路, 103路, 116路, 120路,124路, 137路, 145路, 146路, 159路, 602路, 705路至安贞医院(雨花亭北)站下面试地址:长沙市雨花区韶山中路419号北塔6楼632人力资源部办公室